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UNESCO: National learning platforms and tools for emergencies coronavirus school closures



  • ONEFD (link is external) – The National Bureau for Distance Education and Training (Office national d’éducation et de formation à distance) of the Ministry of Education provides online learning platforms in different subjects for all academic levels.



  • BMBWF (link is external) – Website of the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research dedicated to assist students and teachers with links, resources and information in support of distance learning.
  • (link is external) – Resource portal of the Ministry with teaching materials for primary and secondary schools, sorted by subjects.



  • EduNET (link is external) – Provides various educational services for all school levels and enables communication between faculty members, students and parents. Functions include assignments, discussions, timetables, attendance tracking, school events and announcements.






  • Colombiaaprende (link is external) – An online platform created by the Ministry of Education to support teachers, families and students in the process of e-learning in the current context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Costa Rica

  • Aprendo en casa (link is external) – A new strategy and platform created by the Ministry of Education that provides different digital resources in education from early childhood up to secondary schools.
  • Caja de herramientas (link is external) – Digital ‘toolbox’ for teachers for conducting distance learning classes created by the Ministry of Education.


Czech Republic


El Salvador



  • (link is external) – The new site of the Finnish National Agency for Education to answer the needs of students, teachers and families during the coronavirus outbreak.


  • Ma classe à la maison (link is external) – The Centre national d’enseignement à distance provides a virtual classroom system accessible via smartphones and computers. Enables teachers to facilitate the organization of distance learning.


  • Educatrachos (link is external) –  Provides content, activities, tools and educational resources in different formats, designed to be used by teachers and students.


  • Oktatas (link is external) – A collection of resources published by the Ministry of Education for online teaching and learning.


  • Rumah Belajar (link is external) – A platform providing learning content, learning management system for digital classroom and other resources that enable its users to interact, communicate online and organize distance learning activities.
  • SPADA (link is external) – An e-learning platform provided for free at the moment for students of tertiary education.


  • Scoilnet (link is external) – The official portal for Irish education offering online resources to support schools, teachers, students and parents.
  • PDST (link is external) –  A distance learning platform and collection of resources for teachers in order to provide continuity to pupils/students during the health crisis.


  • Nuovo Coronavirus webpage (link is external) – The webpage of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education providing information and guidance for education practitioners and families on the education response to COVID-19.
  • INDIRE webinars (link is external) – National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research (INDIRE)  platform providing webinars for teachers to support them in the adoption of distance learning methodologies and tools.



Republic of Korea



  • MEHE (link is external) – Official learning application of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education with information for teachers and other education personnel.


  • Multi-Script (link is external)– Provides digital teaching/learning materials for all types of schools in order to actively promote curriculum development.



  • Aprende en casa por TV y en Línea (link is external) – A program launched by the Ministry of Public Education of Mexico that provides TV lessons and online resources to support learning a home. This programme will trans-mit preschool, primary, secondary and high school education content based on the Ministry of Public Education curricula.
  • Aprende 2.0 (link is external) – Resources of the Ministry of Public Education that seeks to promote the use of ICT to foster the development of digital skills.
  • TELEsecundaria (link is external) – Previously existing system of distance education programs for high school students in rural areas of the country.
  • Libros de texto (link is external) – Digital versions of all free textbooks to support learning at home.



  • Feide (link is external) – The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training and Uninett temporarily opened Feide for free, the national platform for a variety of digital services in education and research.


  • Educapanama (link is external)– Online courses by the Ministry of Education for pre-, primary and secondary school students to follow classes from a distance.


  • Tu escuela en casa (link is external) – Provides content, activities, tools and educational resources proposed by the Ministry of Education designed to be used by teachers and students.
  • Biblioteca Digital (link is external)– Provides a set of resources to support schools and teachers with educational
    materials and the possibility to design lessons directly in the platform.



  • Apoio à Escolas (link is external)– Set of resources to support schools in the use of distance learning methodologies to enable them to continue teaching and learning processes.


  • Proedus (link is external) – A site containing video courses for preschoolers and primary school students created by the Center for Educational and Sports Projects Bucharest.
  • Telescoala (link is external) – Dedicated site of the Romanian national tv to educational programs for 8th, 12th and 13th grades to prepare them for national exams.



  • (link is external) – a website created by the Ministry of Education, containing webinars, online les-sons, recommendations for teachers, professional staff and parents.
  • Viki (link is external) – a portal of educational contents divided by subject area launched by the Ministry of Education.


  • SIO (link is external) – National portal for up-to-date information services, a training catalogue, an e-material reposito-ry and technical content support for primary and secondary level students and teachers.


  • INTEF (link is external) –Ministry of Education pedagogical resources to support distance learning.
  • Procomún (link is external) – A collection of close to a 100,000 educational resources and learning objects in different formats created by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science with contributors of the educational community.
  • Educlan (link is external) – An online channel supported by the Ministry of Education that presents educational resources during the period of suspension of classes because of the coronavirus.


  • (link is external) – Joint website of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation and the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education with information, links and resources in support of distance learning.


  • Digital Learning Centre (link is external) – an online learning platform developed by the Office of Private Education Commission (OPEC) to provide education via internet connection to the general public and all elemen-tary and secondary students nationwide during the coronavirus outbreak.


  • Remote Educational System (link is external) – The Ministry of National Education will launch a “remote educational system” free of charge on March 23 2020 with a television and internet-based curriculum on a national scale. Some online resources and applications are already available on the Ministry’s website.


United Arab Emirates

  • MOE Library (link is external) – A platform established by The Ministry of Education allowing teachers and students to view and interact with the learning curriculum electronically and download electronic copies of books.


  • Plan Ceibal (link is external)– Resources for teachers and students that are accessible from any device, as well as remote programs, which help mitigate the effects of the suspension of educational activities due to temporary closure of educational centers.


  • UZEDU (link is external) – A collection of resources by the Ministry of Public Education to facilitate learning during school closures.


Resources collected by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency mainly for students in Jordan, Lebanon, Gaza, Syria and the West Bank.
Interactive Learning Programme (link is external) – an app designed for Grades 1-9.
UNRWA TV – provides educational lessons in Arabic, English, mathematics and science for Grades 4-9.
On how to use the resources:
–    Arabic (link is external) and English (link is external) Guidelines for parents
–    Arabic (link is external)and English (link is external) Guidelines for teachers



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How a top Chinese university is responding to coronavirus

By: .

  • Chinese universities have shut campuses in response to the coronavirus outbreak;
  • Zhejiang University (ZJU), spanning seven sites in east China’s Zhejiang province, has moved its teaching online;
  • Thanks to its smart campus, teacher training in online delivery and digital learning platforms, more than 5,000 courses were on offer just two weeks into the transition.

The deadly coronavirus outbreak presents a host of challenges for different sectors of society. University campuses with their congregate settings are considered particularly susceptible to contagion. As China continues to battle the epidemic, universities across the country have followed public health guidance to shut campuses.

Responding to such disruption, many are shifting to online instruction so that students can keep up their studies. Zhejiang University (ZJU), a comprehensive research university, spanning seven sites in east China’s Zhejiang province, has proactively joined what might be the world’s largest remote learning experiment.

Move tuition online but mind the pitfalls

To minimize the impact of the outbreak, ZJU officially started online teaching on 24 February in line with the original term calendar. Contingency teaching covers all ZJU students, including international students, and many courses are open to learners worldwide.

Two weeks into the “experiment”, the university was offering more than 5,000 courses to both undergraduate and graduate students. The course hub “Learning at ZJU” attracted 570,000 visits, and “DingTalk ZJU”, a live streaming app co-developed by Alibaba, recorded a total audience of 300,000. Meanwhile, around 2,500 graduate students at the university are expected to defend their theses in spring. Now they can apply for an online oral defence in order to graduate as planned.

Alongside extensive offerings, the quality of and equality in education are the other critical issues that warrant our attention. Although online teaching is no longer a novelty, we are aware that not all faculty members are equally adept at harnessing related technology and managing virtual classrooms. As part of the quality assurance process, ZJU organized a series of training sessions in mid-February for 3,670 faculty members. An instructor of one of our most popular MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) courses was invited to demonstrate how he adapted pedagogy to online tuition and forged a strong sense of community.

Student success is what online teaching efforts are all about. It is, therefore, crucial to ensure no one is left out. Seeking to bridge the digital divide, since January ZJU has funded access to online learning for more than 1,000 disadvantaged students. The university has also negotiated deals with several network providers to subsidize the data plans of its faculty and students. For students without access to live streaming or grappling with shaky internet connections, ZJU provides them with lecture playbacks and courseware packages.

Enhance preparedness by embracing technology

ZJU sees Covid-19 as an intensive test of its organizational agility. It would be impossible to pull off any alternative teaching plan without concerted action by faculty and support staff. Furthermore, given a limited window of time, the success rate is also contingent on whether there has been adequate openness to new technology and investment in infrastructure.

Drawing on its traditional strength in ICT, ZJU started early in creating a smart campus. In 2017, the “ZJU Online” project was launched which encompassed five components: administrative services, online education, academic resources, information bulletins and personal profiles. After two years, an upgraded “Learning at ZJU” platform, a significant development of the project, was put into use in November 2019.

Image: World Economic Forum

In 2018, the university began to build a wide spectrum of smart classrooms, equipped with new functions such as audio recognition and simultaneous interpreting. In recent weeks, a total of 200 smart classrooms have been quickly put in place for teachers to shoot video courses or live stream their classes.

The crisis represents an unprecedented occasion for us and our peers in China to evaluate the technical preparedness for new changes. It has also galvanized us into reflection and action, for instance, regarding how we can tap into disruptive technologies such as mixed reality, data science and artificial intelligence to better serve the needs of education and address latent disruptors like Covid-19.

Rising to future challenges with an innovation mindset

Research universities are known for their contributions to human welfare through education, research and services. While bracing for unpredictable challenges, it is becoming a strategic imperative for research universities to transform themselves into innovation-driven institutions with a greater level of excellence.

The innovation-driven university transcends the conventional model of a comprehensive research university on many fronts. For example, it places a greater emphasis on systematic development, internal/external interaction and governance capacity. In the context of the coronavirus outbreak, we are impelled to think forward and look at some of the important steps universities can take.

In an era of scientific and industrial revolutions, education is undergoing rapid changes. Information technology and cognitive science are driving the transition from education 1.0 to learning 2.0. Meanwhile, the concept of “whole-person education” is gaining momentum worldwide and globalization is turning campuses into international crossroads.

Universities need to adapt to this new environment by advocating for human-machine symbiosis, teacher-student interaction, life-long learning and ubiquitous learning. A mix of online and face-to-face teaching is one example of how universities can diversify their provision beyond bricks and mortar. The priorities may include general education, which aims at well-rounded development of students; and open-loop education, featuring co-creation and resource convergence.

In the same vein, the global innovation landscape is reshaped at a faster speed. Open innovation is taking place online through synergies regardless of time constraints or geographical boundaries. In early March, ZJU announced the one-stop “Research at ZJU” platform allowing scientists and students to collaborate online despite the disruption caused by the epidemic.

The platform is part of our ongoing efforts to create an innovation system, which is instrumental in sustaining the vitality of research universities. Internally, this system consists of disciplines, faculty, teaching and research; externally, it engages multiple stakeholders including talent, industry, alumni and public institutions on a global scale. Through an open-loop, open-source and open-system approach, the internal elements and external stakeholders can be strongly connected.

Last but not least, research universities should develop strategic thinking to achieve constant innovation and become more resilient. It comes down to the following aspects: holistic thinking, practical thinking and bottom-line thinking, as well as an excellence-oriented and open approach to work. In times of crisis, keeping the big picture in mind and maintaining smooth coordination among different units will enable a university to respond quickly and achieve shared goals. As much as we prepare for the worst, we will try our best to turn a crisis into an opportunity too.

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