Kenia: Laptops project right on course

África/Kenia/01 Octubre 2016/ /Autor: JOE MUCHERU

Resumen: La próxima década, 2016-2025, promete ser la década del desarrollo de África a través de una transformación  propulsadas por las TIC . El lanzamiento de la Iniciativa de África inteligente durante la Cumbre de África en Kigali, Ruanda, en octubre de 2013 marcó un ritmo renovado para la realización de las aspiraciones de desarrollo de África.En Kenia, el Programa de Alfabetización Digital es una de las medidas adoptadas por el gobierno en línea con los objetivos de África inteligente y, de hecho, las aspiraciones del continente.

The next decade, 2016-2025, promises to be the decade of Africa’s development through an ICT-propelled transformation. The launch of the Smart Africa Initiative during the Transform Africa Summit in Kigali, Rwanda, in October 2013 set a renewed pace for the realisation of Africa’s development aspirations.

It is envisaged that through Smart Africa, a single digital and knowledge-driven economy will emerge and push the continent’s global competitiveness to higher levels. However, for this to happen, African countries must take deliberate measures to create enabling platforms for large scale implementation of ICT in all areas of the society and economy.

In Kenya, the Digital Literacy Programme is one of the steps taken by the government in line with the Smart Africa objectives and, indeed, the continent’s aspirations. The government is fulfilling the promise of developing innovative skills for a globally competitive knowledge economy, promoting research and development, promoting locally assembled/manufactured goods and services and enhancing job creation.

Its immediate aim is to integrate ICT into teaching and learning for standard one pupils in public primary schools in order to create a critical mass of future ICT-grounded citizens capable of turning around Kenya’s development fortunes. To date, hundreds of schools have received tablets and, beginning October 30, CSs and their PSs will be out in the field overseeing and inspecting the distribution of digital tablets, laptops, projectors and communications hubs to public primary schools countrywide.

Some 3,000 schools will be installed by the end of October, and by December, the entire country will have been covered, setting Kenya on course towards tech-savvy future generations.

Although the programme was initiated with the main purpose of enhancing learning in public primary schools through the use of digital technologies, it has transferred secondary benefits ranging from lighting up far-flung areas that had no electricity to triggering subsidiary economies that complement the project.

Indeed, DLP manifests how a multi-sectoral approach to project implementation can help confer spin-off benefits on the country and spur economic growth. What started off as a project to provide laptops to standard one pupils, and was heavily criticised in some quarters, has spiralled to become a landmark project that has created opportunities for thousands of Kenyans, way beyond the target population of pupils.

Citizens in remote areas can now get electricity by virtue of their proximity to the targeted schools. There is increased internet access to citizens, increased access to online government services, increased global awareness and collaboration, and greater community participation in education matters through school websites, emails and blogs, among others.

Employment opportunities have been created in development of software, hardware and content. The plans being put in place to ensure the maintenance and sustainability of the programme will result in the development of local assembly and manufacturing capabilities. In the next few years, Kenyans will be able to use digital products designed and made by Kenyans for Kenyans.

Through this collaborative approach, several government agencies under the coordination of the ICT Authority in the Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology have worked together, demonstrating the power of synergy and collaboration among public entities to deliver a shared goal.

For example, the Education ministry has provided leadership in the development of curriculum content for use on the digital platform, capacity building and training for teachers and other relevant education stakeholders. Some 66,000 primary school teachers have been trained on digital literacy to manage the programme.

Eventually, all schools will be provided with internet connectivity so the devices are updated with the latest software, curriculum materials and other approved content. To protect the children from inappropriate content or harmful software, various levels of security will be applied as well as having an approved list of sites they can access.

Isn’t it amazing how what started out as a simple idea has now grown into a truly transformative programme, not just in the education sector, but for the entire country. This will cement Kenya’s position as a regional ICT hub and set our country on the journey to a globally competitive knowledge-based economy.


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Africa: How Smart Initiative Will Improve Student Performance in Schools

África/Septiembre de 2016/ Allafrica

Resumen:  Hicimos un estudio de mercado a través de entrevistas a maestros, las administraciones escolares y los padres. Todos ellos estaban muy emocionados de tener este software, una herramienta eficaz, ya que está mejorando la vida de los estudiantes, dice .

«We did a market survey and interviewed teachers, school administrations and parents. All of them were very excited to have such a tool being effective, as it was improving the student’s lives,» he says.

Resultado de imagen para Africa: How Smart Initiative Will Improve Student Performance in Schools

The software compiles all course reports and sends an SMS to the parents every day after school hours to keep the parents updated and helps schools to communicate with parents, even for those who cannot access internet.

He says parents will be able to focus on the ability of their children to study well if they receive daily reports on their performance and discipline.

«A child can’t succeed if he is absent or late, he can’t succeed if he is sick, absent minded or sleepy in class, and doesn’t have access to basic hygiene needs. Our main target is to have a smart kid as early as possible as well as have a future generation with values.»

«The teacher will simply use it to update his report after each class, where all his students will be evaluated on 5 indicators; attendance, performance, behavior, health, and hygiene. We provide a laptop in every classroom for the teachers and we train them on the use of the software,» he says.

The project pilot phase will start at Lycée Notre Dame de Citeaux with over 750 students through the last quarter of the 2016 academic year.

The pilot phase is intended to help adjust the software for better use by the teachers and enable them have better interaction with parents.

«Once we are through, we will implement the project from January 2017 in 20 schools per month, providing a solution to over 600 classrooms per month which means 18, 000 students added every month,» Kasasira explains.

«For parents without mobile phones, we link them with different operators in Rwanda so as to use this opportunity. We also encourage them to develop strategies so that they can reach those clients.»

«We can contribute by pointing the names of parents in need of cell phones. To receive the message, there is no need for internet, it’s a rural oriented project,» he says.

Rwanda’s school dropout rate

Statistics from the Ministry of Education indicate that the overall, school dropout rate decreased by more than a half as it went down from 10.5 per cent the previous year countrywide.

«School dropout is still an issue although we constantly have intervention of local leadership. After some research, we didn’t find any ICT oriented solution in Rwanda or abroad. This is how we decided to create our own platform,» Karasira says.

He (Karasira) and his partner Victor Nkindi, came up with the idea to brainstorm about a solution to improve school attendance by simply using a rural oriented desktop application for the teacher.

A vision to make Rwanda a database hub for Africa

Part of Smart Africa’s agenda, is to use ICT oriented solutions in the education system to improve social development and access to ICT. This is why ‘Smart initiative’ was endorsed by African leaders when it was presented to them during the recent African Union Summit in Kigali, a month after it was initiated.

 «All institutions in charge of education can have our support and use generated data to take decisions. It is our wish to have a Rwandan product being successful in Rwanda, Africa and all over the world,» Karasira says.

With Rwanda being at the centre stage of its development-with many projects underway to turn the country into an ICT hub in the region, the system provides real time data to be used by government institutions as data measurement for development in the Smart Africa agenda.

«We are using this system in Rwanda and very soon in Africa. We want to cover Africa within 3 years, this is our own vision 2020, if only entrepreneurs in Rwanda would think big, and share our vision with the rest of the world,» Karasira says.

In Europe, the initiative is already present in Greece and the software is already being adapted in the countries. It has also already gained solicitations from across Africa where the solution is being implemented in six countries namely; Zimbabwe, DR Congo, Gabon, Gambia and Uganda where Karasira is currently doing the project pilot phase.

«Once we are able to generate metrics on a district or province’s school evolution through a quarter or a semester, we can identify the need on time but most importantly, the data we generate, will allow Rwanda to become a real database hub in education for the entire Africa,» he says.

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Chromebooks, los portátiles que triunfan en las aulas de Estados Unidos

Europa /España/Abril 2016/Autor: Pablo Espeso / Fuente:

Los Chromebooks luchan por hacerse un hueco en las aulas de todo el mundo. En algunos países lo han conseguido, y en otros —como España— comienzan a conocerse como una alternativa enfocadas para educación. A su favor cuentan con su sencillez de uso; suficiente para las tareas que los chavales suelen realizar en el entorno escolar.

Hemos hablado con Jaume Pausas, Marketing Manager de Acer España, compañía que tiene en el mercado múltiples Chromebooks que atacan varios segmentos del mercado. ¿Te animas a descubrirlos?

Reportes publicados durante los últimos meses traen noticias muy positivas para los Chromebooks de Google: quitan cuota de mercado a Apple, son una alternativa económica a Windows, ya suponen la mitad de los equipos de educación en Estados Unidos… Y todo eso con un porcentaje del mercado que se quedó cerca del 3% del mercado global en 2015. Eso sí, hay que tener en cuenta que empezaron a comercializarse en 2011 de la mano de compañías como Acer. “En EEUU Chromebook ya acumula más de la mitad de las ventas para educación, en España hemos empezado más tarde pero llevamos similar camino”, asegura Jaume Pausas.

Pero, ¿qué es un Chromebook? Son los llamados ‘portátiles de Google’, que utilizan el sistema Chrome OS, el sistema operativo de Google para portátiles, un sistema caracterizado por basarse en la nube y en el que el navegador (Chrome) es el factor fundamental.

No es necesario instalar programas como en los equipos Windows, sino que se ejecutan desde el propio navegador Chrome. Un ejemplo es la suite de ofimática es Google Drive, sencilla pero suficiente para la mayoría de los casos, y no existe un reproductor multimedia ya que Chrome cumple sus funciones. En definitiva, en un Chromebook podrás hacer lo que haces en un navegador Chrome, y unas cuantas cosas más.

A su favor, la sencillez en su uso que evita complicarse con software, instalaciones, buscar programas, etc. Tampoco hay que utilizar antivirus ni actualizaciones manuales. Velocidad, seguridad, facilidad y escalabilidad son las cuatro grandes características que Pausas asegura que tiene esta creciente plataforma que, al sustentarse en la nube, permite almacenar copias de seguridad on line, permitiendo el acceso desde cualquier equipo, en cualquier momento y lugar. “La tecnología tiene que ser invisible, una ventana a Internet y a las herramientas que usamos”, asegura Pausas.

Los cuatro factores mencionados son, además, fundamentales en el entorno educativo, donde se prioriza el contenido y su creación sobre el sistema u otras características técnicas. “Asociaciones como la de Ikastolas en el País Vasco usan Google Apps for Education a través de todos sus centros y tienen miles de Acer Chromebooks distribuidos por secundaria o el caso de la escuela Jesuitak de Donostia donde han dotado a sus estudiantes del Acer Chromebooks 11”, confirma Jaume, desvelándo los primeros grandes núcleos escolares que utilizan la plataforma Chromebook de Acer en España. “Chromebook se está convirtiendo en la herramienta por defecto usada en primaria y secundaria. A medida que las instituciones van trabajando más en la nube veremos un incremento de uso de este tipo de soluciones en educación universitaria y vocacional como ya se está viendo en otro países como el Reino Unido”, continúa.

Baratos, ¿y también demasiado sencillos?
Los Chromebooks son baratos o, al menos, más económicos que lo habitual en los PC o Mac. Por ejemplo, en el mercado existen otras variedades de pantalla y características que van entre las 11 y las 15 pulgadas, con precios que comienzan en unos 300 euros.

Las limitaciones se encuentran en los usos que se le dan: están orientados a aplicaciones sencillas con pocos requerimientos, por lo que en muchas ocasiones no es posible instalar algunos juegos o softwares específicos, que ni siquiera están disponibles en la tienda de aplicaciones desde la que se adquieren las utilidades compatibles.

Además, al basarse en la nube, la mayoría de funcionalidades requerirán una conexión a Internet para funcionar correctamente… lo cual es, de nuevo, un inconveniente en muchos centros, donde la conectividad a Internet requiere una importante remodelación. El lado positivo es que el software está tendiendo a ejecutarse en el navegador sin necesidad de instalar nada, lo cual le da alas a los Chromebooks. ¿Quién querría un editor de imágenes tipo Gimp o Photoshop si Pixlr lo ofrece a través de un navegador?

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