Nigeria: Children’s Education, Everybody’s Responsibility- Educationist

África/Mayo de 2017/Fuente: NTA

Resumen: Un educador, Sr. Dare Owoyemi, ha dicho que la educación de los niños no debe quedar en manos solo de los maestros, afirmando que es responsabilidad de todos en la sociedad. Owoyemi, que es el Propietario de  Best Foundation Nursery y Primary School, Fate, Ilorin, hizo la observación en Ilorin el viernes mientras hablaba con la Agencia de Noticias de Nigeria (NAN). El propietario, sin embargo, identificó a los maestros, padres, gobierno, líderes religiosos y los medios de comunicación como actores con roles cruciales en la educación de los niños. «Los padres no deben dejar la educación de sus hijos solo a los maestros. Los niños necesitan una estrecha vigilancia para llegar a la cima, porque la caridad comienza en casa. «Los lectores son líderes, por lo tanto, los padres deben inculcar la cultura de la lectura en sus hijos y también enseñarles la moral de la vida», dijo.

An educationist, Mr Dare Owoyemi, has said Children education should not be left in the hands of teachers alone saying that it is the responsibility of everybody in the society.

Owoyemi, who is the Proprietor, Best Foundation Nursery and Primary School, Fate, Ilorin, made the remark in Ilorin on Friday while speaking with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).

The proprietor, however,  identified teachers, parents, government, religious leaders and the media as stakeholders with crucial roles to play in children’s education.

“Parents must not leave their children’s education to the teachers alone. Children need a close watch to get to the top, because charity begins at home.

“Readers are leaders, therefore, parents should inculcate reading culture in their children and as well teach them the morals of life,” he said.

Owoyemi also said that education was essential to the survival of a nation, adding that no child should be left behind.

He urged parents to keep an eagle eye on their children and inculcate in them discipline and hard work for a better future. (NAN)



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