Bangladesh : New policy for virtual education soon

Asia/Bangladesh/Star Online Report
Resumen: una propuesta para una nueva política para un sistema de educación en el marco digital, seran impulsada por el gobierno de Bangladesh, segun declaraciones del Ministro de Estado para las TIC Zunaid Ahmed Palak . Además del uso de las tecnologías en la educación, las mismas se preven utilizar en actividades del gobierno y de servicio al ciudadano, temas que serán discutidos  en un taller en Bangabandhu Internacional Conference Center (BICC) en Dhaka.

Proposal for a new policy will be placed before the government soon that will bring the education system under a digital framework, State Minister for ICT Zunaid Ahmed Palak said today.

Apart from education, government activities and citizen service will also be brought under the framework, he said at a workshop in Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC) in Dhaka.

It is necessary to establish a virtual education system and to promote innovation as traditional opportunities for jobs will be no more by 2030, Palak said at the workshop.

The workshop themed ‘Upgrading National Information and Communication Policy, 2015’ was attended by different stakeholders and government representatives.

One of the main targets of the digital policy will be to create a platform for virtual education as there is none in the country at the moment, Palak said.

To bring Bangladesh in a leadership position in digital world, the policy will be implemented with a short term goal by 2021 and long term goal by 2041, he added.


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