Jerusalem: Accessible higher education begins with a question mark

Jerusalem/ July 25, 17/By: Tova Hartman/Source:

Hard fought, this academic certification provided these exceptional women with life-altering opportunities.

On July 4, a day that has become almost universally synonymous with independence, I had the great honor of conferring bachelor’s degrees in education upon a sea of eager undergraduates at Ono Academic College. Among them were 100 female Arab students who had taken specialized courses that would allow them to develop inclusive educational programming and assist youth at risk across the country.

Hard fought, this academic certification provided these exceptional women with life-altering opportunities and empowered them to write new chapters in their lives and improve the lives of countless others.

Like many of our students, these Arab women had faced a long road before finding their way into our classrooms, a gauntlet of cultural, social and political challenges. Lucky for us (all of us), they never gave up hope and found the strength to overcome every obstacle. As they graced the stage, triumphantly accepting their diplomas one by one, many with children in tow, I reveled in the knowledge that our society and educational system was now so much richer.

One hundred new, dynamic educators. One hundred erudite and productive members of society. A stunning victory for diversity in the classroom and beyond.



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