Egipto/Enero de 2018/Fuente: Egypt Today
El ministro de Educación, Tarek Shawqi, y el ministro de Educación Superior e Investigación Científica, Khaled Abdel Ghafar, partieron el domingo a Londres para participar en el Foro Mundial de Educación (EWF), que se celebró en Londres del 21 al 24 de enero.
Shawqi tiene programado entregar una dirección en el foro.
El jefe del Comité de Educación del Parlamento, Khaled Sheha, y el subsecretario del Parlamento, Hani Abaza, están acompañando a los dos ministros.
El evento cuenta con el apoyo de Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), el Departamento de Educación (DfE), el Departamento de Comercio Internacional (DIT), el Departamento de Desarrollo Internacional (DfID), el British Council y los socios de la industria de EWF.
Minister of Education Tarek Shawqi and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Khaled Abdel Ghafar left on Sunday for London to take part in the Education World Forum (EWF), held in London on January 21-24.
Shawqi is scheduled to deliver an address at the forum.
Head of Parliament Education Committee Khaled Sheha and Parliament Undersecretary Hani Abaza are accompanying the two ministers.
The event is supported by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), the Department for Education (DfE), the Department for International Trade (DIT), the Department for International Development (DfID), the British Council and the EWF industry partners.
The Forum offers three days of insight and inspiration from leading education pioneers, policy makers and education experts, with many of the sessions given by some 100 education ministers themselves as part of an honest assessment of countries’ common issues and challenges.