Australia: School’s rising stars get out-of-this-world experience

Australia: School’s rising stars get out-of-this-world experience

Australia/Mayo de 2016/Bay of Plenty Times

Estudiantes de la Escuela Primaria Tauranga, están experimentando el cielo de la noche bajo una cúpula hinchable. El “Starlab portátil” está de visita en la escuela esta semana. La maestra Gloria Witheford enseña a los niños acerca de la astronomía. Cerca del centro de la cúpula, la Sra Witheford controla una lámpara que, dependiendo de la cubierta usada, ilumina las paredes de la cúpula con las constelaciones del cielo nocturno como se ve actualmente. La cúpula es plegable y cabe en una bolsa grande. Ms Witheford lo lleva a las escuelas de la Isla Norte y cubre la parte del programa de estudios sobre astronomía. «Dependiendo de la edad, podemos fijarnos en el sistema solar, Tengo películas y diapositivas sobre el sistema solar.»Nos fijamos en lo que está en el cielo en el momento en que los niños pueden llevar a sus padres fuera en casa y mostrarles lo que han aprendido, asi lo señalo Witheford.
Tauranga Primary pupils are experiencing the night sky under an inflatable dome in their school hall.
The portable Starlab is visiting the school this week with owner/operator Gloria Witheford teaching children about astronomy.
Near the centre of the dome, Ms Witheford controls a lamp which, depending on the cover used, lights up the walls of the dome with the constellations of the night sky as it currently looks.
«Depending on their age, we might look at the solar system, I’ve got movies and slides showing the solar system.
«We look at what’s in the sky at the moment so the kids can take their parents outside at home and show them what they’ve learned.
«I’ve had 10-year-olds that have never had a good look at the night sky because their parents think it’s not safe to be outside.
«My attitude is show your parents what you’ve learned, the kids think it’s marvellous knowing more than their parents.»
The children get to hold meteorites – something real from space they can actually touch.
The dome is collapsible and fits into a large bag.
Ms Witheford takes it to schools in the North Island and covers the part of the school curriculum about astronomy.
Por: Sonya Bateson
Tion Tite and Maddison Thomas show off meteorites they learned about in the portable Starlab. Photo / George Novak



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