Reseña de Libro: TNTP CORE TEACHING RUBRIC A Tool for Conducting Common Core-Aligned Classroom Observations

Publicado originalmente en TNTP Reimagine Teaching , el 18 de febrero del 2014

Classroom observations are failing to deliver on their promises of providing teachers with valuable feedback on their performance. Overly complex rubrics are part of the problem, asking observers to do too much in a short amount of time. And the implementation of new Common Core State Standards poses both a challenge and an opportunity, because observers must now assess what is being taught, not just how it’s being taught.

The TNTP Core Teaching Rubric streamlines today’s complicated rubrics to bring the same focus and coherence to classroom observations that the Common Core brings to academic standards. Developed by TNTP and field-tested by volunteers across the country, the rubric can help observers more usefully assess teacher performance, by focusing them on a few key factors most critical to performance.

The TNTP Core Teaching Rubric is available free of charge under a Creative Commons license.

We encourage users to share their experiences and modifications with us. For more information, contact us.

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