Kenya: Students shun Garissa University in september intake

África/Kenya/19 Junio 2016/Fuente:Nation /Autor:Ouma Wanzala

Resumen: Los estudiantes que ingresarán en septiembre a las universidades han evitado postularse en la Garissa University College, dando un golpe a los esfuerzos del gobierno para reactivar la institución de un año después de un ataque terrorista que mató a docenas de estudiantes, hasta la fecha sólo 23 estudiantes han seleccionado para unirse a ella.

Students set to join universities in September have shunned Garissa University College, dealing a blow to government efforts to revive the institution a year after a terrorist attack there killed dozens.

Out of a declared capacity of 710 at Garissa, a constituent college of Moi University, only 23 students have selected to join it.

Statistics from the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) — the body that processes admissions to public universities — indicate that there are 687 unfilled capacities.

Last year, the college did not admit any students following the April 2015 attack that left more than 142 students dead.

Bachelor of Education (Arts) has the highest number of unfilled slots at 149, followed by Bachelor of Education (Science) at 95 among others.

KUCCPS has since announced the second and final revision of course choices ahead of the September admission date.

This is after more than 19,209 candidates failed to get their first degree course choices.

Chief executive officer John Muraguri said the unplaced students have until June 18 to select new courses that they wish to undertake.

«This application is open for all candidates who, on competitive selection, have not been placed for any of their Degree or Diploma course choices after the first revision,» said Mr Muraguri.

He went on: «Successful candidates will be informed at the end of June after the selection process is completed.»

A total of 74,389, candidates will join the 32 public Universities in September.

The cut-off point for placement to degree programmes has been put at B of 60 points for male candidates and B- of 58 points for female candidates.

A total of 165,766 candidates attained the minimum university entry qualification of C+ and above in last year’s examination.

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