Zambia: Over 2,000 girls return to school after being mothers

África/Zambia/09 de Septiembre de 2016/Fuente: Lusaka Times

RESUMEN: El Ministerio de Educación general readmitio un número promedio de 2.047 de cada 3.136 niñas en todo el país a través de la política de reingreso en el año 2015. Portavoz del Ministerio de Educación General de Hillary Chipango dijo que la política de reingreso ha cosechado varios éxitos debido a que un número de niñas que han vuelto a la escuela y han completado con éxito su educación secundaria. El Sr. Chipango reiteró que el ministerio introdujo la política con el fin de ofrecer a las niñas que abandonan la escuela debido a los embarazos precoces una segunda oportunidad de tener acceso a la educación. Dijo que la política era una medida y el reconocimiento de la importancia de abordar las desigualdades de género en el desarrollo nacional y la necesidad de reducir la brecha de género en la educación.

The Ministry of General Education re-admitted an average number of 2,047 out of 3,136 girls under the re-entry policy countrywide in the year 2015.

Ministry of General Education spokesperson Hillary Chipango said the re-entry policy has scored a number of successes because a number of girls have gone back to school and successfully completed their secondary education.

Mr. Chipango restated that the ministry introduced the policy in order to offer girls who drop out of school due to early pregnancies a second chance to have access to education.

He said the policy was a measure and recognition of the importance of addressing gender inequalities in national development and the need to narrow the gender gap in education.

He stated that the girls are given leave and are re-admitted between six months and one year after delivery.

Mr. Chipango said apart from that, the Ministry of General Education also introduced bursaries to cater for orphans and the vulnerable pupils in the community especially the girl child.

He explained that the bursary allocation was 60 percent for girls while 40 percent was for the boys.

He said the allocation of more bursaries to girls was due to the fact that they are the most disadvantaged in the community.

And Mr. Chipango has said a total of 89,392 pupils across the country got bursaries in 2015.

He added that there were many other Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and community based organisations which have pledged financial and material support to pupils.

He encouraged the girls not to feel ashamed but to take advantage of the re-entry policy in order to get an education.

He said girls’ lack of education as a result of early pregnancies contributed to worsening the situation and promoted unemployment levels among women.

Mr. Chipango noted that women empowerment was vital because it enabled them to contribute positively to national development noting that the re-entry policy was the first step to achieving this.

He said the 2,047 girls that have been re-admitted have been saved from early marriages, unemployment and other negative vices which come as result of lack of education.

He has since appealed to members of the general public to support all girls in order for them to attain their right to education.


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