Papua Nueva Guinea: Obura-Wonenara district launches Flexible Open Distant Education centre

papua Nueva Guinea: Obura-Wonenara district launches Flexible Open Distant Education centre

Papua Nueva Guinea/ abril de 2016/ Papua Nueva Guinea Education News

Resumen: Los estudiantes en el distrito Obura-Wonenara, montañas del este, que abandonan el sistema escolar convencional todavía puede continuar después de que el distrito puso en marcha su centro flexible abierto de Distante Educación (FODE).

STUDENTS in Obura-Wonenara district, Eastern Highlands, who drop out of the conventional schooling system can still continue after the district launched its Flexible Open Distant Education (FODE) centre.
The centre, to be called Obura-Wonenara Flexible Open Distance Education, will have the normal component of formal learning and technical/vocational school practical subjects included.
Classes at the city is expected to start this week. Obura-Wonenara MP Merrah Minnie Kipefa said the Obura-Wonenara district development authority will run the FODE centre and finance it under the district’s recurrent budget.
“I can go out of office tomorrow but OWAN FODE learning centre will remain to continue to serve students who drop off the normal school system,” he said.
Deputy principal of FODE Bob Kiakari said FODE in the district is the first out of the 89 districts in Papua New Guinea to have a FODE centre through the initiative of MP Kipefa.
“Education is very important, the contents in the FODE materials are simplified for students to understand easily,” he said. The National
Foto de: Kastie télex

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