Cuba and Germany Strengthen Bilateral Bonds in Education

América Central /Cuba/Abril 2016/Autor: Editor/ Fuente:

ResumenLa Universidad José Martí de Sancti Spíritus y la Universidad de Kassel en Alemania reforzaron en esta ciudad un acuerdo que favorece la cooperación bilateral en el ámbito académico y el desarrollo de ambos países.

The Jose Marti Universitry of Sancti Spiritus, and the Kassel University of Germany strengthened on Tuesday in this city an agreement that favors bilateral cooperation in the academic field and for he development of both countries.

Dr. Hans-Jürgen Burchardt, professor of International Relations with the German institution, confirmed at the meeting that this agreement is an opportunity to share educational experiences, either between students or between professors of the two centers.

He also reaffirmed the high level of internationalization of Kassel, an educational facility that receives every year, according to its website, more than a hundred academics from around the world to cooperate in various research programs, essentially technological and environmental sciences, education and society.

Anna Beltran, a specialist in International Cooperation of the Jose Marti University, told ACN that for future student and professional improvement, this exchange will make it possible to expand knowledge and skills as well as the opportunity to participate in scientific meetings and internships in that European country.

Since 2014, representatives of the German university has met with colleagues of the Jose Marti University of Sancti Spiritus in an international workshop on the society-environment relationship in the context of decentralization and citizen participation, which brought about the materialization of this agreement.

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