Tonga: June celebration for Tupou College 150th Anniversary

Tonga: June celebration for Tupou College 150th Anniversary

Tonga/5 de mayo de 2016/ Matangi Tonga Online

Resumen: Tupou Colegio celebrará su 150 º aniversario del 17 al 24 junio, de hecho, se espera reunir a miles de niños de diferentes edades a lo largo de Tonga y en el extranjero. El jueves 23 de junio, el rey de Tonga, oficiará la apertura de un nuevo edificio de administración, que está siendo construido con más de 3 millones de dólares financiados por los ex-alumnos.

Tupou College will celebrate its 150th Anniversary on June 17-24 with events that are is expected to bring together thousands of old boys from throughout Tonga and abroad.
Principal Rev ‘Alifeleti ‘Atiola said a dedication service marking the anniversary will be held on Wednesday, 22 June at the Centennial Church in Nuku’alofa. HMKing Tupou VI will deliver the sermon.
On Thursday, 23 June the King will also officiate the opening of a new administration block, currently being constructed with more than $3 million pa’anga funded by the ex-students.
He said the one-storey building will accommodate a library, e-learning center, lecture theatre, staff room, finance and administration wings.
On Tuesday, 21 June a school march with the Old Boys will be held in the capital, followed by a roll call to recognize the achievements of the old boys.
Other works being carried out to mark the day include the renovation and extension of the school’s Moulton Chapel built in 1986 at Toloa, in remembrance of Rev Dr Moulton, the founder of the school in 1866.
In addition, new dormitories are also being constructed with renovation to the school gym and a health center.
The principal said a musical concert is being planned to be held with representatives from their brother school Newington College in Australia, during the celebrations.
The Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga secondary school, is an all-boys boarding school and currently has a roll of around 1000 students.


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