Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia discusses education and health issues

Europa/Bielorusia/Junio 2016/Autor: Editor  / Fuente:

Resumen:  Nuevos proyectos en el sistema de educación se han discutido hoy en día como parte del Foro de las Regiones de Bielorrusia y Rusia en una reunión a la que asistieron alrededor de 100 especialistas de los dos países. Cada lado presenta sus logros y se acerca al proceso educativo.

New projects in the education system have been discussed today as part of the Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia at a meeting attended by about 100 specialists from the two countries. Each side presented its achievements and approaches to educational process.

The meeting also discussed the main cooperation areas, among which are human resources development and, of course, experience exchange. One of the innovations is student volunteers to work in children’s health camps. Now Belarusian students will be able to teach English to Russian children. A number of agreements have been signed today.

Health care representatives discussed areas of cooperation between the regions. An agreement on recognising postgraduate education is planned to be signed. The experts also raised about ten issues, one of them being infant mortality. In Belarus, this rate is the lowest. Therefore, Russian colleagues had an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the experience of Belarusian specialists.

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