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Finland: An inspirational approach to education

Europa/Finlandia/Abril 2016/Fuente: Bill Cirone

Resumen: Un afamado autor estadounidense. William Doyle, ha escrito sobre lo que él denomina la «Escuela del Futuro», a partir de su experiencia lograda en una escuela pública en Finlandia, como padre y observador de aula de clases.

William Doyle, a Fulbright scholar, New York Times bestselling author, and award-winning TV producer, wrote a powerful essay about the “School of the Future.”

First, the context. As a Fulbright scholar, Doyle spent five months as a Finnish public school father and a classroom observer. In his own words, he was “completely amazed at how good Finnish comprehensive schools are,” and wanted to capture the quality, impact, and important lessons learned from what he saw.

Doyle wrote: “I have seen the School of Tomorrow.”

“It is a place where children and teachers are safe and happy.”

“It is a school where children are encouraged to be children, to play, to daydream, to laugh, to struggle and fail, to assess themselves and each other, to question and learn.”

“It is a school where teachers test their students every day, not with low-quality standardized tests or faceless screens, but with constant face-to-face observations and teacher-designed assessments.”

“It is a school where teachers are highly trained, treasured, and respected, and given the freedom to teach at their best.”

“It is a school where teachers collaborate and experiment with ways to help their students learn better.”

“It is a place where technology is the servant, not master.”

“It is a school where children are prepared for life, not only with the fundamentals of language, math and science, but with play, arts and crafts, drama, music, ethics, home skills, nature, physical activity, social and emotional support, warmth, and encouragement.”

“It is part of a school system that delivers world-class educational results and educational equity to hundreds of thousands of children.”

An inspiring account of schools at their best.

Doyle went on to attribute Finland’s historic achievements in delivering educational excellence to a national love of childhood, a profound respect for teachers as trusted professionals, and a deep understanding of how children learn best.

Some of Doyle’s favorite Finnish sayings on education are: “Let children be children,” and, “The work of a child is to play.”

Doyle concludes, “With a ‘whole child’ approach, by highly training and trusting teachers … Finland has flown to the stratosphere of global performance.”

Doyle also recognizes that Finland’s education system is hardly perfect. “Its schools and society are entering a period of huge budget and social pressures. Finnish students slipped in one recent round of global benchmark tests.”

Finland, he believes, will view times of struggle as opening doors of great opportunity. Quoting French philosopher Albert Camus, “In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger—something better, pushing right back.”

Finland’s schools have long been its bedrock strength, and their approach to education is an inspiration and a model to the world.

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Changing Demands, Emerging Providers: New Directions in Social Policy in China

China is experiencing dual demographic shifts—high levels of internal migration combined with a rapidly aging population—which are weakening traditional family-based social support systems. To meet the growing demand for social services, community-based approaches to service delivery led by social organizations have emerged. This case study, part of the UNRISD project New Directions in Social Policy: Alternatives from and for the Global South, investigates China’s new approach to social service delivery, with a focus on its governance and outcomes.

UNRISD Project Briefs
pose questions, flag ideas and contribute knowledge that can improve the quality of development debates, policy and practice. They provide a concise summary of an UNRISD research project, situating it within wider social development debates; outlining its focus, objectives and methodology; and highlighting interim findings.


Brief 14

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Ideas para el Desarrollo en las Américas (IDEA): El gran trabajo de educar a los más pequeños

Fuente: BID

Este número de IDEA examina algunas de las cuestiones relacionadas con el desarrollo de la primera infancia en América Latina y el Caribe, y pregunta por qué el gobierno debe involucrarse en un ámbito que, por definición, pareciera ser responsabilidad de los padres. Se basa en la edición 2015 de la serie de publicaciones insignia del BID, Desarrollo en las Américas, titulada Los primeros años: el bienestar infantil y el papel de las políticas públicas, por Samuel Berlinski y Norbert Schady.


Disponible en formato PDF en inglés y español.

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Mali: Next phase of quality education project launched

África/Mali/Abril 2016/Fuente y Autor: Internacional de la Educación

Resumen: La nueva fase de las exitosas educadores de calidad para todos Proyecto – «Cada niño necesita un buen maestro» – se ha puesto en marcha en Mali, con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de los maestros, la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en el país. La Internacional de la Educación (IE) Coordinador Superior Dennis Sinyolo reconoció el trabajo y compromiso con la mejora de la calidad de la educación en Mali a través de este proyecto.

Education InteMali-IErnational (EI) Senior Coordinator Dennis Sinyolo acknowledged the work of EI’s partner, Oxfam Novib, and the Quality Educators project partners in Mali – the Syndicat National de l’Education et de la Culture, the Association des Jeunes pour le Développement Endogène au Sahel and the Ministry of Education. At the launch in Bamako, Mali, from 2-4 March, under the patronage of t
he Education Minister Barthélémy Togo, Sinyolo praised these organisations for their commitment to improving the quality of education in Mali through this project.

Praise for Minister

Sinyolo also commended Togo “for fully embracing the project and providing the necessary policy direction, technical support, training and monitoring since the project’s inception”. He noted the Government’s considerable efforts to integrate more than 800 community teachers into the public service.

Togo underlined the Malian government’s continued commitment to support this project, which falls within the framework of the objectives of the government’s 10-year programme of development of education. He also said that the government is committed increasing teachers’ salaries by FCFA25,000 (equivalent to €38) per month and to accelerate the process of turning community schools into public schools, “to give children the same opportunities in the competition for life, enabling them to play a role in the development of their country”.

Education International: Collaboration towards quality education

Education International urges Mali’s Government to accept all the community teachers who have been trained into the public service, Sinyolo said.

“The success of this project proves that governments, teacher unions, and civil society can work together to improve the quality of teaching and learning,” he highlighted. “Let’s make the next three years better than the last five years! We can do it, and we must do it, for the sake of all Malian children and youth!”

Drawing on experiences and lessons learnt from this project, Sinyolo said that EI is developing global guidelines on minimum professional teaching standards, which will help to raise teaching standards across the globe.

Award-winning initiative

The Quality Educators for All Project has gained recognition internationally. In 2014, it won the UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Outstanding Practice and Performance in Enhancing the Effectiveness of Teachers in 2014. Sinyolo added that this project was recognised by UNESCO, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), the International Task Force on Teachers and other partners as a good model for improving teacher quality, teaching and learning.

He also underlined that the International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity, jointly headed by GPE Chair Julia Gillard (former Australian Prime Minister) and UN Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown (former British Prime Minister), is currently documenting examples of best practices in improving quality education, and Quality Educators is one of them.


Through the Quality Educators for All project, EI joined forces with Oxfam Novib, a worldwide development organisation working to find practical, innovative ways for people to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive, to engage teacher unions, governments and civil society in jointly developing consensus-based competence profiles for teachers, and improve the quality of the education system.

Initiated in 2010 in Mali, the first phase was launched in the Segou region, and saw 5,500 teachers trained, 800 of whom were included in the public service. That first phase also focused on professional competence and acceptance in the public system of teacher community primary schools.

Drawing on lessons learned from that phase, the second phase, supported by Comic Relief like the previous one, will focus on the training of teachers of community schools, as well as secondary schools, on improving student learning in lower secondary education, and will include an ICT component in education.

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CONFERENCIA Cuentas claras: Gobernabilidad para el crecimiento con equidad en América Latina y el Caribe

Fuente: Banco Mundial

Cuentas claras: Gobernabilidad para el crecimiento con equidad en América Latina y el Caribe

Abril 28-29, 2016Montevideo, Uruguay

La conferencia reunirá a líderes del gobierno, el sector educativo y la sociedad civil para discutir los retos de mejorar la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas en la administración pública en América Latina y el Caribe.

La conferencia «Cuentas Claras: Gobernabilidad para el crecimiento con equidad en América Latina y el Caribe» profundizará cómo las estructuras de gobernanza afectan el crecimiento y la equidad y su vinculación para alcanzar las metas de prosperidad compartida y reducción de la pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe. El evento tendrá lugar en Punta Cala, en la ciudad de Montevideo, Uruguay los días 28 y 29 de abril. Para registrarse ingresar aquí.

La conferencia «Cuentas Claras» buscará concientizar sobre la importancia y posibles implicaciones de la agenda de gobernanza a nivel regional. En particular, en identificar los retos para construir instituciones más efectivas y qué rol debería jugar la rendición de cuentas y la capacidad de respuesta del gobierno para equilibrar las esferas del poder y establecer las bases para un cambio.

Se examinarán ejemplos de reformas en materia de gobernanza que hayan resultado efectivas en la región. También, se explorará cómo:

  1. las herramientas de transparencia pueden ser usadas para mejorar la rendición de cuentas y la capacidad de respuesta ante las demandas ciudadanas, y
  2. las restricciones para implementar reformas pueden ser superadas a través de un liderazgo transformacional, la participación ciudadana y las intervenciones no tradicionales que permiten romper paradigmas.

Finalizará con una sesión en donde se debatirá el futuro de los retos de gobernanza que enfrenta la región.

El evento reunirá a funcionarios públicos de alto nivel, expertos e investigadores y representantes de la sociedad civil y medios de comunicación, quienes interactuarán en diálogos de estrategia  política y formación de alianzas para afrontar los retos descritos anteriormente.

Participantes de distintas disciplinas tendrán la oportunidad de explorar enfoques innovadores y mecanismos utilizados por los gobiernos y los ciudadanos, tanto a nivel local como global, para lograr un cambio positivo y sostenible.

La duración de un día y medio está diseñado para fortalecer el entendimiento de los participantes de por qué y cómo los retos vinculados a la gobernanza y la rendición de cuentas tienen un alto impacto en la agenda de crecimiento económico inclusivo y en el bienestar de la ciudadanía.


La región está experimentando una desaceleración económica que amenaza con revertir el progreso económico alcanzado en la década pasada. Mantener estos avances requerirá un enfoque centrado en la gobernanza. La forma en que las instituciones están formadas, legitimadas y equipadas para alcanzar las metas de desarrollo es un determinante fundamental del progreso social y económico.

Alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) para eliminar la pobreza, proteger al planeta y asegurar la prosperidad en los próximos 15 años, exigirá que los gobiernos de la región y sus ciudadanos se comprometan a mantener sociedades pacíficas e inclusivas que permitan el desarrollo sostenible, la provisión de justicia para todos e instituciones que rindan cuentas en todos los niveles de gobierno.

La rendición de cuentas y la capacidad de respuesta ante las demandas ciudadanas son pilares centrales que resaltan la efectividad de las instituciones públicas y su habilidad para alcanzar los resultados deseados.

Recientes casos de corrupción en la región han demostrado repercusiones negativas cuando se carece de dichos pilares. Negar su importancia puede incluso llevar a inestabilidad política, un desempeño macro-económico débil y desalentar las inversiones. Todo esto conlleva un impacto en el bienestar de los ciudadanos.

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China: Acuerdos y agentes interesados en materia de educación

Globalasia, Abril 2016/

Si te interesa conocer el listado de Acuerdos educativos y agentes interesados en materia de educación entre España y China, este es tu lugar de encuentro. Te ofrecemos un listado con los acuerdos educativos y agentes interesados en materia de educación, especialmente en el idioma chino y la Cultura china.

Chivast Education International

Chinese Service Center for Scholary Exchange

Room 907-911 North Building, Beijing New World Center,

No.3 Chongwenmenwai Street, Chongwen District, Beijing 100062 China

Página Web:

China Study Center for International Educational Exchange

No.160, Fuxingmennei Street, Beijing 100031 China

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China Education Association for International Exchange

28th Floor, Tower16, Jian wai SOHO, No.39 Mid.East-3Rd-Ring Road,

Beijing 100022 China

Página Web:


Beijing Talent Service Centre

Bldg Beijing Human Resource, No 187 Andingmenwai Street, Dongcheng District,

Beijing 100011 China

Página Web:


Beijing Global Advance Students Service Center

Floor 3, Beijing Rencai Building, No.187 Andingmenwai Street,

Dongcheng District, Beijing 100011 China

Página Web:

Beijing Kentrexs Enterprise Ltd

Floor 7, Plaza B, Zhongqi Building, Huanghua Road,

Chaoyang District, Beijing 100016 China

Página Web:

Beijing OZ Enrolment Center of International Education Co. Ltd

Floor 2&3, Guozhong Tower, No.33 Dengshikou Street, Beijing 100006 China

Página Web:

Página Web en inglés:

China Scholarship Council

F13, Bldg A3, No 9 Chegongzhuang Dajie Beijing 100044 China

Página Web:


Donfang International Center for Educational Exchange

Room 0801, Jinyu Mansion, N0.129A, Xuanwumen Xidajie, Beijing, 100031, China

Página web:


Foreign Affairs Office, Shandong Provincial Education Dept

No.29, Wenhua Westroad, Lixia District, Jinan 250011 China

Página Web:


Shandong Provincial Service Centre for Scholarly Exchange

No. 129 Fuzhou North Road, Shibei District, Qingdao City,

Shandong Province, China

Página Web:


Zhengzhou Da Hua Education Consultancy

Room 2811 Yuda Guomao Yingzuo, No.220 Zhongyuan Middle Road,

Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, 450000 China

Página Web:



Acuerdo en Materia de Reconocimiento de Títulos y Diplomas entre el Gobierno del Reino de España y el Gobierno de la R.P. China (descrito en el Punto 3 del capítulo V

Condiciones de entrada al mercado).

Para más información detallada, pueden visitar la página Web:

Diversos acuerdos entre universidades españolas y chinas, aprobados por la Oficina de Regulaciones y Políticas del Departamento Internacional del Ministerio de Educación de China

Para más información detallada, pueden visitar la página Web:



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