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Teachers and pupils ‘molested’ in Cameroon attack

Africa/Cameroon/08-11-2020/Author and Source:

Gunmen have attacked a school in the coastal city of Limbe in south-west Cameroon.

A senior official at the school, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the attackers forced students and teachers to undress before beating them up and molesting some of them.

They then set parts of the school building on fire.

The attackers, numbering about 20, stormed the school at about 8:00 local time on Wednesday.

Eyewitnesses said the security force’s Rapid Intervention Battalion arrived at the scene after the attackers had fled.

Schools in Cameroon’s restive Anglophone regions have come under attack recently by unidentified gunmen. The government accuses separatist fighters of carrying out the attacks.

The latest attack comes barely 24 hours after gunmen kidnapped 11 teachers in a Presbyterian school in Kumbo city in the north-west.

The burial of the seven students killed in a secondary school in Kumba city in the south-west on 24 October is due to be held on Thursday.

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FAO emprenderá nuevo proyecto de colaboración con Angola

La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) ratificó hoy en esta capital su apoyo a Angola para impulsar la agroindustria mediante alianzas entre la academia y los productores.


El compromiso quedó suscrito este miércoles en un convenio de colaboración por el ministro de Economía y Planificación, Sérgio dos Santos, y la representante aquí de la FAO, Gherda Barreto, de cara a la implementación del proyecto Prodesi en el sector agropecuario.

Prodesi es el acrónimo de Programa de Apoyo a la Producción, Diversificación de Exportaciones y Sustitución de Importaciones, puesto en marcha por el Ejecutivo para acelerar el rendimiento de esferas que pueden ayudar a diversificar la economía nacional y reducir su elevada dependencia de la rama petrolera, sujeta a los vaivenes del mercado internacional.

El convenio con la FAO deberá contribuir a la mayor participación de la academia en el fomento de la agroindustria y la innovación tecnológica en las cadenas de valor, indicaron las partes.

También prevé facilitar el seguimiento por los centros de educación superior de los procesos relacionados con el desarrollo de capacidades y la formulación de planes de negocios para la agricultura, con el empleo de herramientas creadas por la FAO, entre ellas Rural Invest y My Coop.

Según el documento, es un interés común promover la capacitación sobre la llamada agricultura de contrato, tomando como base los cinco tipos de variantes propuestas por esa agencia de Naciones Unidas.

Coordinado por la cartera de Economía y Planificación, el proyecto AgroProdesi contará, además, con la intervención de los ministerios de Educación Superior, Agricultura y Pesca e Industria y Comercio, así como con entidades de FAO y universidades angoleñas.

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54 centros educativos participan en un proyecto para mirar África en positivo

Un total de 54 centros educativos se ha inscrito para el presente curso en el proyecto “Enseñar África, una mirada en positivo”, siete centros más con respecto al periodo lectivo 2019-20, en el que participaron 47 centros, informa la Consejería de Educación.

La iniciativa pedagógica es fruto de la colaboración entre la Consejería de Educación,Universidades, Cultura y Deportes del Gobierno de Canarias, Casa África, la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) y el Cabildo de Gran Canaria y tiene como fin la generación de propuestas realizadas a través de la investigación y el trabajo colectivo que difundan el conocimiento de un continente plural y diverso, ajena a los estereotipos vigentes.

Los trabajos finales serán presentados por el alumnado en un encuentro final en formato virtual que se celebrará en cada isla. Posteriormente, Casa África expondrá las mejores producciones, se indica en un comunicado.

Aunque las acciones emprendidas por cada centro participante serán de temática libre, el Servicio de Innovación educativa de la Dirección General de Ordenación, Innovación y Calidad educativa recomienda orientar los contenidos a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la Agenda 2030, y, de manera transversal, a la Educación Ambiental y Sostenibilidad, Igualdad y Educación Afectivo-Sexual y de Género, Cooperación para el Desarrollo y la Solidaridad.

“Enseñar África. Una mirada en positivo” está dirigido al alumnado y profesorado de toda la enseñanza obligatoria.

Para Educación Primaria se entregará a los CEIP participantes que lo soliciten una Situación de Aprendizaje guía, lista para su implementación en el aula.

También dispondrán de una versión digital del material que recibieron los centros de Secundaria de Canarias durante el curso 2013-2014.

El proyecto promueve también la participación activa de las familias.

En este sentido, desde el Servicio de Innovación Educativa se ha invitado al profesorado a contar con familiares del alumnado que por su disposición, formación o profesión puedan enriquecer el proceso de producción y su exposición en el encuentro final, siempre con las precauciones que exige la pandemia.


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Más de un millón de alumnos sudafricanos a exámenes finales

África/Sudáfrica/Noviembre 2020/

Más de un millón de estudiantes sudafricanos se presentan hoy a los exámenes finales, lo que constituye la asistencia a esos test más grande en la historia del país.
El Ministerio de Educación Básica impone hoy a nivel nacional, de manera simultánea, un examen combinado con alumnos a tiempo completo y parcial.

Más de 616 mil de los candidatos lo son a tiempo completo, quienes se someten a su examen final por primera vez.

El resto debió realizar sus pruebas en junio, pero éstas se pospusieron debido a la pandemia de Covid-19, recuerdan medios locales.

En esta ocasión, incluso los estudiantes que den positivo en los test médicos de Covid-19 pueden evaluarse, afirmó el Ministerio.

Ellos podrán hacer su examen de forma aislada y bajo estrictos protocolos sanitarios lo dictado por el ministerio de Salud.

El pasado día 2 de noviembre el ministerio de Educación Básica instó a familiares y alumnos a apoyar la realización de los exámenes finales de grado 12 del actual curso 2020 esta semana en todo el país.

En un comunicado al efecto, el Ministerio revela que en esta ocasión al examen combinado al Certificado Senior y al Certificado Nacional Senior asistirán un millón 58 mil 699 alumnos, que se espera se presenten a su evaluación final entre el 5 de noviembre y el 15 de diciembre de 2020.

En el texto, el departamento apunta que, a pesar del contexto anormal generado por el Covid-19, la promoción 2020 estará sujeta a exámenes con la misma alta calidad y rigor de años anteriores, dado que no se realizó ningún cambio en los tópicos a evaluar, establecidos desde en 2019.

Dadas las regulaciones sanitarias en vigor, añade en el documento, se identificaron nuevas instalaciones para dar cabida al mayor número de candidatos.

Además, tanto los centros públicos como los independientes se auditaron para garantizar que se cumpla el protocolo sanitario de prevención de la Covid-19.

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Desconocidos incendian escuela en región anglófona de Camerún

África/Camerún/Noviembre 2020/

Desconocidos armados incendiaron hoy una escuela en la ciudad de Limbe (suroeste) tras ocupar la instalación y golpear a varios profesores y alumnos, reportaron medios de prensa.
La acción no causó muertos ni heridos, precisaron las fuentes.

Este el segundo ataque del mismo tipo contra instalaciones educacionales desde la víspera cuando un grupo armado ocupó y secuestro a una decena de profesores y a un grupo de alumnos en el noroeste del país; los primeros siguen cautivos y los segundos fueron liberados horas después.

En las regiones noroeste y suroeste reside la minoría angloparlante cuyos líderes políticos exigen la secesión del resto del país y en 2017 proclamaron la República de Ambazonia, la cual carece de reconocimiento regional o internacional.

La organización de una milicia armada por los angloparlantes elevó el diferendo a guerra abierta con el gobierno central, de mayoría francoparlante, el cual envió fuerzas del Ejército y la Policía a la zona para controlar la situación.

Ambas partes se acusan de desmanes contra la población civil.

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Govt: Students already in schools to continue learning. Kenya

Africa/Kenya/01-11-2020/Author and Source:

The Ministry of Education will not close schools for students who have already resumed learning, the Principal Secretary for Basic Education Dr. Belio Kipsang has said.

Dr. Kipsang said the children are far safer in schools because the school environment is regulated unlike the environments outside educational institutions.

He made the remarks after assessing the teaching and learning environments at Naivasha Girls High School and Naivasha High School, its boys’ counterpart in Naivasha town Friday.

The Principal Secretary had earlier inspected the production of Desks for schools in workshops in the town.

Dr. Kipsang asked adult Kenyans to give learners an opportunity to invest in their future by creating safe environments for the children to learn.

 He said adults should avoid going to social places or other environments that exposed them to Covid-19, saying this behavior put their children and everybody else at risk.

He said the Ministry, in conjunction with the Ministry of Health was monitoring the behavior Covid-19 was taking in the community,

He said the government would, based on the assessment of the situation, decide how to handle learners who still remained at home following the phased reopening of schools.

Dr. Kipsang, however, ruled out the closing of schools for grade 4, class 8 and form four students.

He said the government had put in place appropriate measures to ensure the safety of children in school.

He said safety of the workplaces, schools and social places were very important in ensuring the safety of everybody including children.

Dr. Kipsang said artisans had already started delivering desks as contracted by the government.

He however asked suppliers of raw materials not to inflate the prices of blackboards and steel metals used in the production of the desks.

 Present during the PS assessment tour included Naivasha Deputy County Commissioner, Kisilu Mutua, and area Deputy Director for education, Mr. Bernard Chirchir.

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Celebrating its Tenth Year, the Anzisha Prize Awards its Top Honour to 21-Year-Old Egyptian Entrepreneur

Alaa Moatamed, Co-Founder of Presto , a leading delivery management service, takes home the $25,000 Grand Prize  

With a pool of talented finalists from more than 15 African countries, the 2020 Anzisha Prize – the premier award for Africa’s youngest entrepreneurs – goes to Alaa Moatamed, a   young female entrepreneur whose venture provides business owners with an affordable and convenient delivery service for customers. EdTech entrepreneur Matina Razafimahefa, 22, from Madagascar emerged as the first runner up ($15,000), while 22-year-old infrastructure entrepreneur, Mohamed Bah from Sierra Leone, was the second runner up ($12,500).

The 20 finalists were selected from an impressive initial pool of more than 1,000 young entrepreneurs, up from 600 in 2019. The Anzisha Prize is proud to have attracted applicants from more than 30 African countries, across multiple sectors.   Each of the 20 finalists, who made it through the rigorous selection process, will receive $2,500 and will have the opportunity to join a fellowship of 122 entrepreneurs who receive venture building support and mentorship. Since 2011, Anzisha Fellows have created over 2,000 jobs – 56 percent of which have been for young Africans under 25.

At an early age, Alaa had a passion for business. In 2016, she participated in EYouth  where she co-founded and headed her first initiative «Fettrah», a project aimed at teaching people with mental disabilities. After Fettrah, Alaa went on to co-found CFI «Camps for Intelligent,» an organisation targeting youth aged 12 to 17 that provided them with skills not offered in traditional schools like art and design, Android and web design, and languages. Through CFI, Alaa and her team reached more than 70 young people. Post 2017, Alaa worked as a community manager for a Cloud co-working space, one of the leading business hubs in Al Minya, Egypt. With the sum of her experiences, Alaa co-founded Presto.

Presto is an automated delivery system that connects vendors with customers and suppliers. The platform provides a crowd-sourced network of delivery agents for small businesses.Presto has been successful since it launched in 2019 and serves 300 stores and merchants in two cities.

Matina Razafimahefa, 22, from Madagascar. 2020 Anzisha Prize, First Runner Up. The 2020 Anzisha Prize winners were announced during a virtual gala event hosted on October 27. The Anzisha Prize, a partnership between the African Leadership Academy (ALA) and the Mastercard Foundation, is the premier award for Africa’s youngest entrepreneurs.

«Across upper Egypt, I saw people suffering from the problem we are solving and I wanted to try my best to help them, especially small businesses owned by women. I want to expand my service across Africa to help women who are suffering from operational hassles.» says Alaa.

The first runner up, Matina Razafimahefa, is the Founder of Sayna , an innovative EdTech venture. Her business sources, trains, and produces highly equipped young Africans in industry-specific digital skills. Since its inception, the venture has expanded its training to Comoros, Ivory Coast, Benin, and Senegal. To date, Sayna has placed 80 percent of its students in the global IT marketplace.

Second runner up, Mohamed Bah, is the Founder of Information for  All (IFA) –   a venture that constructs drills and repairs water wells and toilets, which ensures water sustainability and hygiene for water deprived communities. To date, the IFA team has drilled over 20 wells and provided clean water to thousands of people.

«The young people who have participated in the Anzisha Prize over the last decade remind us that betting on Africa’s young people is a recipe for success,» said keynote speaker, Reeta Roy, President and CEO, Mastercard Foundation. «Now more than ever, we need their entrepreneurial spirit

The Anzisha Prize is a partnership between African Leadership Academy and the Mastercard Foundation . The 2020 Anzisha Prize Finalists were celebrated on Tuesday, 27 October, during the programme’s 10 th year virtual awards ceremony. Thousands of viewers tuned in to commemorate young innovative African entrepreneurs who are creating jobs in their communities.

Applications for the next cycle of the Anzisha Prize will open on 15 February 2021. If you would like to nominate young entrepreneurs, visit For those who would like to re-live the moment when Alaa was announced as this year’s winner, visit

Media Contacts

Didi Onwu
African Leadership Academy
+27 11 699 3011 or

Mohamed Bah, 22, from Sierra Leone is the 2020 Anzisha Prize Second Runner Up. The 2020 Anzisha Prize winners were announced during a virtual gala event hosted on October 27. The Anzisha Prize, a partnership between the African Leadership Academy (ALA) and the Mastercard Foundation, is the premier award for Africa’s youngest entrepreneurs.

Tonya Reid
Mastercard Foundation

About the Anzisha Prize

The Anzisha Prize is delivered by African Leadership Academy in partnership with Mastercard Foundation. Through the Anzisha Prize, the organisers seek to fundamentally and significantly increase the number of job generative entrepreneurs in Africa. They believe that a key to doing so is to test, implement and then share models for identifying, training and connecting high potential, very young entrepreneurs (15 to 22 year olds) so that many more organisations have better collective success in creating a pipeline of entrepreneurs with the capabilities for scale.

About African Leadership Academy  

African Leadership Academy (ALA) seeks to transform Africa by developing a powerful network of entrepreneurial leaders who will work together to achieve extraordinary social impact. Each year, ALA brings together the most promising young leaders from all 54 African nations for a pre-university program in South Africa with a focus on leadership, entrepreneurship and African studies. ALA continues to cultivate these leaders throughout their lives, in university and beyond, by providing on-going leadership and entrepreneurial training and connecting them to high-impact networks of people and capital that can catalyse large-scale change. For more information, visit .

About the Mastercard Foundation

The Mastercard Foundation works with visionary organizations to enable young people in Africa and Indigenous communities in Canada to access dignified and fulfilling work.   It is one of the largest, private foundations in the world with a mission to advance learning and promote financial inclusion to create an inclusive and equitable world. The Foundation was created by Mastercard in 2006 as an independent organization with its own Board of Directors and management. For more information on the Foundation.


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