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Implementarán nuevo programa de enseñanza gratuito en Haití

Redacción: Prensa Latina/10-10-2018

El Ministerio de Educación Nacional anunció hoy que implementará un nuevo proyecto para reemplazar el Programa de Educación Universal Gratuita y Obligatoria (Psugo), puesto en marcha por el gobierno de Michel Martelly (2011-2016).

Como parte de Programa Especial de Educación Gratuita se construirán unas 30 escuelas básicas en todo el país, tres por departamento, y estará financiado por el Fondo Nacional de Educación (FNE).

También el titular del sector, Pierre Josué Argenor Cadet, señaló que entre 2011 y 2017 mientras se implementaba el Psugo, el Fondo Nacional gastó unos 13 mil millones de gourdes (194 millones 29 mil 851 dólares), que se invirtieron en la rehabilitación y construcción de centros docentes, el pago de las cuotas escolares de 750 mil estudiantes, y los salarios de unos siete mil profesores.

De igual manera, garantizó que la gestión de los fondos se llevó a cabo con la mayor transparencia.

Sin embargo, a propósito del reinicio del año académico, el extitular de Educación Victor Benoit, denunció el dinero malgastado en la puesta en práctica del Psugo, que según afirma integró a un número indefinido de escuelas fantasmas.

A través de este programa, subrayó, se desviaron 10 millones de gourdes (unos 149 mil 253 dólares) y se recuperaron 120 millones de gourdes (cerca de un millón 791 mil dólares) en cuentas inactivas.

Para este curso, el Programa de Escolarización Gratuita que aún está en vigor, cuenta con un monto de cerca de 900 millones de gourdes (unos 13 millones 390 mil 650 dólares) y los niños inscritos reciben del Estado unos 400 gourdes (seis dólares).

Asimismo, el gobierno subsidia a cerca de dos mil 508 escuelas por un monto de 151 millones de gourdes (dos millones 246 mil 653 dólares), con el propósito de ampliar el acceso a la enseñanza de personas de bajos recursos.

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México: Lanzan campaña por los derechos territoriales de las comunidades mayas

Por: Desinformémonos. 10-10-2018

El Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolome de Las Casas (Frayba) inició una campaña para proteger los derechos territoriales de las comunidades mayas del sur de México, las cuales defienden sus tierras, recursos naturales y cultura de la “violenta imposición de los proyectos extractivos”.

La meta de la campaña es recaudar 5 mil dólares hasta el 2 de octubre, día final para recibir los donativos que servirán para el desarrollo de acciones encaminadas a posicionar las demandas y perspectivas de las 17 comunidades mayas y asegurar sus territorios.

Los donativos se deben realizar en la siguiente liga:, donde además se encuentra toda la información de la propuesta del Frayba para las comunidades mayas en México.




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Iberoamérica une esfuerzos para una educación inclusiva, equitativa y de calidad

Redacción: Virtual Educa/10-10-2018

El compromiso fue alcanzado durante la XXVI Conferencia Iberoamericana de Ministros y Ministras de Educación que tuvo lugar en La Antigua, Guatemala, una reunión preparatoria para la Cumbre Iberoamericana del 15 y 16 de noviembre

Los gobiernos de los 22 países de Iberoamérica acordaron coordinar, fortalecer y renovar sus políticas educativas para alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible establecidos por las Naciones Unidas en 2015.

Lo hicieron durante la XXVI Conferencia Iberoamericana de Ministros y Ministras de Educación que tuvo lugar el jueves 27 de septiembre en La Antigua, Guatemala.

Los gobiernos iberoamericanos también se comprometieron a promover el incremento de la cobertura y la calidad educativa en las edades más tempranas y los años de escolaridad para alcanzar un desarrollo integral y pleno de los niños y niñas.

Asimismo, acordaron incorporar nuevas modalidades educativas que garanticen las competencias necesarias para el siglo XXI y facilitar el uso de tecnologías innovadoras en el aula con el fin de reducir la brecha digital en el sistema educativo.

Durante el encuentro, la secretaria general iberoamericana, Rebeca Grynspan, dijo que “una educación de calidad, incluyente y equitativa no solo nos ayudará a tener sociedades más educadas, sino también a tener menos pobreza, desigualdad y criminalidad” en Iberoamérica.

Las conclusiones de la conferencia se traducirán en mandatos puntuales escalables a la XXVI Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno, que tendrá lugar en La Antigua, Guatemala, el 15 y 16 de noviembre y cuyo lema será “Una Iberoamérica próspera, inclusiva y sostenible”.


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This Holocaust survivor is pushing schools to teach students about genocide

By Spencer Parlier and Christina Zdanowicz, CNN

He was the only one in his family to survive the Holocaust. Now Alter Wiener is committed to sharing his story with as many young people as he can.

The 92-year-old sat in front of the Oregon State Senate Education Committee this week to share his deep desire to educate, inspire and spread love throughout America.
«Be better, rather than bitter,» Wiener said.
His first big step is to convince Oregon state legislators to create and pass a bill that would mandate educators to teach students about the Holocaust and genocide.
Holocaust remembrance has fallen, especially in younger generations. A 2018 survey from The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany found that 22% of millennials «haven’t heard» or «are not sure if they have heard of the Holocaust.»
The survey also found that 31% of all Americans believe that 2 million Jews or less were killed during the Holocaust, when the actual numbers state that approximately 6 million Jews were put to death during the Holocaust.
Wiener was one of the few who survived. His tumultuous life included spending three years in concentration camps, including the infamous Auschwitz camp in Poland.
He has received approximately 88,000 letters in response to his life story, whether it was from people who heard him speak or read his autobiography.
Wiener isn’t the only one hoping to change things within the Oregon education system. Claire Sarnowski, a Lakeridge High School freshman pleaded her case as well. She met Wiener at one his speaking engagements.
«Each time I hear (Alter Wiener’s) story, walking away, I learn a different lesson — gratitude, love, appreciation, respect, compassion and most importantly, live life to the absolute fullest,» Sarnowski told the state Senate committee, holding back tears.
Along with the Holocaust, women’s suffrage and civil rights aren’t listed as a specific teaching requirements for high school educators, according to CNN affiliate KATU.
Wiener has made strides to change the law, and has met with nearly 1,000 groups to share his story.
«It’s alarming the amount that (teens) don’t know about the Holocaust or genocide. For me as a student, it is crazy to me that this is not common knowledge,» Sarnowski told KATU.
State Sen. Rob Wagner told CNN he is currently working on draft legislation regarding Wiener’s request. He hopes to introduce it in late January.
Not only was Wagner motivated by Wiener, who he describes as a «bright light» and «sharp as a tack,» he was also struck by some of the things his daughters saw in school.
«Where my children are in school, there were swastikas and anti-Jewish posters that were plastered in our schools,» Wagner told CNN. «That precipitated a conversation with my children, and really was (what lead to) the decision that I wanted to run to help change the culture in our schools.»
The state senator hopes his bill will become a statute in May 2019.
«If we’re teaching the history of the 20th century, we should not be glossing over the Holocaust,» Wagner said.
If passed, Oregon would join 10 states in the United States that have similar mandates. Some of those states are California, Florida, Kentucky, Michigan, and New York.
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Afrikids Ghana mainstreams 98 street children into formal education


Afrikids Ghana, a Child Rights Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) has mainstreamed 98 street children in the Bolgatanga Municipality into formal Education for the current academic year.

The beneficiaries had received lessons in literacy, numeracy and life skills for a period of nine months and were given educational materials such as school uniforms, bags, exercise books, mathematical sets among others to start the process.

The NGO, which had further enrolled 10 other beneficiaries into vocational and technical skills programmes, had funding support from the Emerging Markets Foundation, another NGO based in the United States of America.

The programme was on the theme, “The School of Night Rabbits”.

Speaking at the graduation ceremony in Bolgatanga, Mr David Pwalua, the Director of Afrikids Ghana in charge of Programmes, said “these 10 beneficiaries will also be finishing their training next year, and transition, as the crop of new young entrepreneurs who will be able to earn their livelihood and live independently away from the streets”.

The Director indicated that Afrikids Ghana had over the years through the School of Nights Rabbits project trained and mainstreamed a number of such vulnerable street children into the formal schools who had completed their education and vocations and were in employment.

He stressed that his outfit viewed child protection and street children as very critical, hence, the initiation of the School of Nights Rabbits project to cater for such vulnerable children in society.

The Director admonished the beneficiaries who had been enrolled at the basic school levels to take their education seriously to enable them become responsible adults in future.

He further entreated all stakeholders including parents, teachers, traditional and religious leaders to play leading roles to help minimize “streetism” and to ensure that all children of school going age were all in school.

Mr Pwalua thanked the Ghana Private Road Transport Union, the Department of Social Welfare, the Anti-human trafficking, and Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit both of the Ghana Police Service, the Ghana Education Service, Trade Groups such as the Weavers Association of Ghana, the Ghana Hair Dressers and Beauticians Association, and members of the Child Protection Committee established by the project, for supporting Afrikids Ghana to implement the project.

Some of the parents and caretakers of the beneficiaries thanked Afrikids Ghana and Afrikids UK as well as the Emerging Markets Foundation, for making it possible for the children who were out of school to be mainstreamed into the formal education system.

“We are very grateful for this support from Afrikids Ghana and the funding organizations. Most of these our children who have been sent to school would have ended up becoming pregnant, wayward and irresponsible in future”. Mrs Abigail Asongdekeya, a parent stressed.

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The 15.3% budget allocation for Education will transform the sector-Mabumba



General Education Minister, David Mabumba says the 2019 national budget says the proposed 2019 national budget focuses on reforming and transforming key components in the education system.

Mr. Mabumba cited industrialization as one key component that the budget will help to transform by supporting the local production and purchase of school items such as uniforms, linen and furniture.

The Minister told ZANIS in an interview that recapitalisation of the Zambia Education and publishing House (ZEPH) is another milestone in ensuring that production of books for pupils is localised.

Mr. Mabumba further said the budget will promote the construction of new secondary schools and upgrading of some primary institutions.

He explained that the move will help to cushion on the demand for secondary education because there are more primary than secondary schools in the country.

Minister of Finance, Margaret Mwanakatwe presented the K86.8 billion 2019 National Budget under the theme ‘Delivering Fiscal Consolidation for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth’.

She proposed to spend K13.3 billion in 2019 which translates into 15.3 percent of the budget allocation on education and skills training development.

Source of the notice:

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