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El Salvador: Convenio con BID financiará educación superior a más de 1,600 jóvenes

El Salvador – BID/ 23 de enero de 2018/Por: Gabriela Villarroel/Fuente:

La Fundación Forever, a través de su Programa por una Cultura de Integración, ofrecerá además pasantías y capacitaciones.

Más de 1,600 jóvenes salvadoreños podrán tener acceso a educación superior, pasantías e incluso empleos, con ayuda del financiamiento del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y empresas privadas, a través del Programa por una Cultura de Integración, de la Fundación Forever.

Durante el evento “El Salvador por la Integración”, Alejandro Gutman, presidente de la Fundación anunció la firma de un convenio con el BID para la creación de un Fideicomiso de $750,000 destinado a brindar becas y oportunidades de capacitación y empleos a jóvenes salvadoreños en comunidades “con menores oportunidades”.

“Con los $750,000 que nos entregará el BID, más otras empresas que apoyan, logramos sacar adelante el proyecto de Fundación Forever”, aseguró.

Darlyn Meza, presidenta de Canal 33, el cual forma parte de la iniciativa por la Integración, explicó que el programa busca “establecer una cadena de actores que sen capaces de contribuir para que el tejido social y económico del país pueda renovarse”.

“Esto pasa por el componente crucial de la cultura de la integración por la educación. (…) Ahora, jóvenes de escasos recursos que no han tenido la oportunidad de terminar la secundaria podrán continuar un proceso formativo con refuerzos académicos, pasantías a empresas, temas de tecnología, inglés y valores para poder tener acceso a una beca universitaria”, explicó.

Un total de 14 universidades privadas forman parte del programa, y la Universidad de El Salvador (UES), se encuentra actualmente gestionando su incorporación, con la que aportará 60 becas más.

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España: El Campus universitario El Carmen de Huelva acogerá en abril el V Campeonato Autonómico de FP

España/23 de enero de 2018/Por: Europa Press/Fuente:

El V ‘Campeonato de Formación Profesional Andalucíakills’ se celebrará este año en el campus universitario El Carmen de Huelva del 9 al 12 de abril, donde el alumnado de estas enseñanzas demostrará las habilidades técnicas y prácticas adquiridas en sus estudios.

Estas olimpiadas, organizadas por la Consejería de Educación y que se celebran cada dos años, tienen como objetivo, además de dar visibilidad a la Formación Profesional (FP), ser un lugar de encuentro para empresarios, universidad, profesorado y expertos para potenciar las relaciones entre el sistema educativo y el tejido empresarial, según ha recogido la Junta de Andalucía en un comunicado.

Asimismo, el Campeonato Autonómico de FP se organiza como una competición donde se ponen a prueba las habilidades y capacidades de los candidatos en un total de 25 especialidades profesionales. Las pruebas que sucesivamente deben resolver los participantes se plantean como situaciones reales que se pueden producir dentro de un entorno profesional real.

Los centros interesados podrán inscribirse en este campeonato hasta el próximo 2 de febrero a través del portal Séneca de la Consejería de Educación.

Por último, los ganadores del campeonato participarán en las olimpiadas nacionales ‘Spainskills 2018’ que se celebrará en Madrid. Tras el encuentro en la capital, los jóvenes finalistas participarán sucesivamente en los ‘Euroskills’ y los ‘Worldskills’, convocatorias que reúnen cada año a los alumnos de Formación Profesional que mejor han demostrado sus habilidades profesionales.

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China Education Resources Inc. Soccer Program Update

China/ January 23, 2018/Source:

China Education Resources, Inc. («CER») (TSX-V:CHN) (OTC:CHNUF), an ed-tech company with leading technology of intelligent system and contents to provide online/offline learning, training courses and social media for teachers, students and education professionals, today provides shareholders and investors with an update on its soccer program.

Further to its press release of December 6, 2017, CER is working on an indoor kids soccer training program. Building upon CER’s existing soccer education products and contents, CER has rented a 2,900 square feet space in a shopping mall to start its indoor kids soccer training program. The program will offer face to face soccer training together with CER’s online soccer training platform with video contents and online/offline interaction among students, coaches and parents.

Shopping malls in big cities of China now house early-stage educational institutes that offer classes covering every conceivable subject, ranging from English language to arts. According to research reports, the early-stage education market is still nascent in China, with 2017 sales revenue expected to top $30 billion USD. «Asian parents spend seven times more money on their kids’ education than American parents do. Connecting users and teachers through the internet is another way to solve the imbalance in the educational resource distribution.” industry observers said.

The Central Government of China is in the process of implementing national soccer plan with the aim of popularizing soccer knowledge and skills, developing soccer interests through organizing soccer activities on campus in various forms, and supporting family -oriented social soccer activities. The Government also encourages in-depth integration of internet technology with soccer education, with a focus on mobile internet, e-commerce, data, new technology and new industry; supporting the development of soccer mobile applications, internet and mobile phone soccer games, soccer theme animation and film and television works.

Without a doubt, there is a huge soccer market in China, and we believe soccer education has a great potential. We are pleased to have made progress on our soccer program and will continue to update shareholders on CER’s future development.

In collaboration with China’s education administrators and experts, China Education Resources has been helping to transform the curriculum of the world’s largest educational system. Recognizing the need to address education reform changes, China Education Resources has created educational tools and curriculum for China’s entire kindergarten through twelfth grade system. The Company is playing an integral part in transforming China’s educational system through helping to convert the existing educational system from a memory-based learning system to a creative thinking and interactive approach. Presently, China Education Resources has over 1 million kindergartens through twelfth grade teachers registered through its Web portal. For more information, please visit or call (604) 331-2388.

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Certain statements made herein, and other statements relating to matters that are not historical facts and statements of our beliefs, intentions and expectations about developments, results and events which will or may occur in the future, constitute «forward-looking information» within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. Forward-looking information and statements are typically identified by words such as «anticipate», «could», «should», «expect», «seek», «may», «intend», «likely», «plan», «estimate», «will», «believe» and similar expressions suggesting future outcomes or statements regarding an outlook. All such forward-looking information and statements are based on certain assumptions and analysis made by China Education Resources, Inc.’s management in light of their experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors management believes are appropriate in the circumstances. These statements, however, are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information or statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ from these forward-looking statements include those described under the heading «Risks and Uncertainties» elsewhere in the Company’s MD&A filed at The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information or statements. Except as required by law the Company does not assume the obligation to revise or update these forward-looking statements after the date of this document or to revise them to reflect the occurrence of future, unanticipated events.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed, and does not accept, responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the contents of this press release.
Contact China Education Resources at: (604) 331-2388


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UK: Education cuts impossible to defend, says council leader

UK/January 23, 2018/ Source:

Cuts to local authorities’ education budgets are «impossible to defend», the leader of Swansea council has said.

In a letter to Education Secretary Kirsty Williams, Rob Stewart criticised cuts to a grant that was partly used to fund teaching children who do not speak English as a first language.

The Labour councillor said the money had been taken away but councils were still expected to provide the service.

The Welsh Government said talks to provide extra funding were under way.

In the last budget, the Welsh Government responded to calls from local authorities to cut the number of grants that force them to spend money on specific services and said it would instead transfer the money into the main funding pot.

But Mr Stewart said his education budget would face a shortfall of £2m in the next financial year.

Kirsty Williams is the sole Liberal Democrat in an otherwise all-Labour cabinet

He said an 11% cut to the Education Improvement Grant for Schools had not been fully handed back to main funding pot.

The council would now have to fund teaching support for children from ethnic minorities from existing budgets, he said.

Cardiff council also said it faced a financial shortfall in its education budget.

In a letter to council leaders in November, Liberal Democrat AM Ms Williams said she still expected £10m to be spent across Wales to support ethnic minority learners.

Mr Stewart responded to her, saying the budget for the next financial year had been «disingenuously packaged».

He wrote: «You have placed yourself in a tautologically impossible to defend position. You have proposed a cut to a specific grant which previously, amongst others, funded Gypsy, traveller and minority ethnic groups.

«You have made no cash transfer to revenue support grant, unlike ministerial colleagues.

«You tell us how to prioritise spending – including demanding we spend the same amount on a function for which you have unequivocally removed the grant – with no recompense in cash in the revenue support grant.

«I can’t spend money I simply have had taken away.»

The Welsh Conservatives have lodged a request in the Senedd for an urgent question on the matter .

Tory AM Darren Millar said: «The Welsh Labour-led Government needs to explain why, in wielding cuts to this specific grant, they have made no additional transfer to the main budgetary pot, as was previously promised.»

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Analysis by Nick Servini, BBC Wales political editor

Kirsty Williams, as the solitary Liberal Democrat in the Welsh Government cabinet, has navigated her way through the choppy waters of dealing with Labour council leaders successfully since taking on the job 18 months ago.

The response from Rob Stewart is the exception, rather than the norm.

A source close to Ms Williams says the tone of this strongly-worded letter caught her team by surprise and has not been helpful to the discussions behind the scenes – code for anger at the way the council leader has responded.

The Welsh Government defence is that it is doing what councils want in freeing them up from specific grants, but at a time when there is not much money sloshing around local authority coffers, there are inevitably going to be disagreements about whether the councils are being left out of pocket.


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EEUU: Apple partners with Malala to fund girls’ education

EEUU/ January 23, 2018/ CNNTech

Activist Malala Yousafzai’s charity is getting a major investment from Apple.

Apple’s support will allow the Malala Fund to double the number of grants to fund the secondary education for girls in India and Latin America, the company announced Sunday. The initial goal is to help more than 100,000 girls.

 «We believe that education is a great equalizing force, and we share Malala Fund’s commitment to give every girl an opportunity to go to school,» said Apple CEO Tim Cook in a statement.

The money will also be used to help the organization scale its «technology, curriculum and research into policy changes.»

Apple (AAPL) didn’t specify how much it’s donating, but Cook will join the fund’s leadership council.

«Through both their innovations and philanthropy, Apple has helped educate and empower people around the world,» said Yousafzai in a statement. «I am grateful that Apple knows the value of investing in girls and is joining Malala Fund in the fight to ensure all girls can learn and lead without fear.»

The Malala Fund, founded in 2013, aims to help girls in struggling countries access «free, safe and quality education,» according to its website. Yousafzai gained global attention for becoming the youngest Nobel Peace Price winner in history in 2014. She survived a gunshot to the head from the Taliban in 2012 when she spoke out about attaining quality education in Pakistan.

Yousafzai is scheduled to speak at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on Thursday.


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Ecuador: Una educación bilingüe exigen para sus hijos padres de niños sordos

Ecuador/Enero de 2018/Fuente: El Telégrafo

El acceso a la educación es un tema que preocupa a los padres de los niños sordos del país. Ellos exigen que sus hijos reciban una formación bilingüe bicultural. Se trata de un modelo educativo basado en el aprendizaje, conocimiento y uso de dos lenguas: la de señas y la oral. De esa forma, indicó Diego Gahona, presidente de la Asociación Nacional de Padres y Familiares de Personas Sordas (Anpafase), los niños con problemas auditivos podrán desarrollar el lenguaje y, a través de este, acceder al conocimiento. Gahona y otros representantes de Colombia, Perú, Bolivia, Chile y Paraguay participaron del Encuentro de la Red Latinoamericana de Familias Con Hijos Sordos y Sordo Ciegos realizado en la Universidad Andina.

Hasta ese centro de altos estudios llegaron 50 personas que durante tres días conversaron y recibieron asesoría sobre las dificultades educativas, médicas y sociales que enfrentan los sordos. Para Rogelio Ocampos, delegado de Paraguay y padre de dos hijos sordos que actualmente cursan la universidad, el principal pedido es que se cumplan los derechos de las personas sordas, entre ellos el acceso a la educación.

Ocampos sostuvo que es necesario que los países cuenten con unidades educativas especializadas en todos los niveles de formación. Denunció que en varias naciones solo hay escuelas de este tipo, pero no colegios. “Los chicos terminan la primaria y cuando quieren ir al colegio, no hay uno especializado y su formación se interrumpe”, dijo. Un ejemplo de ello es lo que sucede en Guayaquil con la Escuela Municipal de Audición y Lenguaje, señaló  Gahona. Informó que ese centro educativo solo cuenta con primaria. Cuando los estudiantes finalizan el séptimo año deben buscar otro centro para continuar sus estudios. A diferencia de Quito, en el puerto principal no hay centros educativos especializados que oferten bachillerato, criticó el titular de Anpase. Otro de los temas que se trató fue la capacitación de los familiares. El pedido es que ellos cuenten con  asesoría social, médica y tecnológica sobre la sordera. (I)


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Reino Unido: Education meets corporate at the London Business School

Reino Unido/Enero de 2018/Autor: Paul Milligan/Fuente: INAVATE


Una combinación de inversión de varios millones de euros y un proceso de instalación de un año de duración ha resultado en un impresionante proyecto en la London Business School, donde la educación se encuentra con las empresas. Paul Milligan informa.

La apertura del Centro Sammy Ofer ha visto a London Business School (LBS) entrar en una nueva era. El proyecto de 125 millones de euros incluyó la remodelación de la Casa del Consejo del Ayuntamiento de Old Marylebone y de los edificios del Anexo, utilizando el espacio excavado entre los dos edificios para crear una nueva estructura de acero y vidrio. El edificio lleva el nombre del magnate naviero israelí, e incluyó una donación de 25 millones de euros de su hijo Idan, que se graduó con un MBA de la escuela en la década de 1980. Diseñado por los arquitectos, Sheppard Robson, cuenta con 35 salas de seminarios, 10 salas de estudio, ocho nuevas salas de conferencias, incluyendo dos aulas de planta baja, dos salas de juntas ejecutivas, un puñado de otros espacios AV pequeños, una nueva biblioteca, múltiples áreas de reunión y dos cafeterías . En total, el nuevo Centro ha aumentado el espacio de enseñanza en LBS en un 70%.

A combination of multi-million euro investment and a year-long installation process and has resulted in a stunning project at the London Business School where education meets corporate. Paul Milligan reports.

The opening of the Sammy Ofer Centre has seen the London Business School (LBS) enter a new era. The €125 million project included the refurbishment of The Old Marylebone Town Hall’s Council House and Annexe buildings, using the excavated space between the two buildings to create a new glass and steel structure. The building is named after the Israeli shipping magnate, and included a €25m donation from his son Idan, who graduated with an MBA from the school in the 1980s. Designed by architects, Sheppard Robson, it features 35 seminar rooms, 10 study rooms, eight new lecture theatres including two flat-floor classrooms, two executive boardrooms, a handful of other small AV spaces, a new library, multiple breakout areas and two cafeterias. All told, the new Centre has increased teaching space at LBS by 70%.

Founded in 1965, LBS is a post-graduate education establishment offering MBA, Masters and executive education programmes. It has been recently been named as the top graduate business school in Europe for the fourth year running by the Financial Times.

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The grade-II listed building, owned by Westminster Council had lain empty for years because the council couldn’t fund a renovation. Already looking to expand to another site in London close to its HQ in Regent’s Park, LBS took on the building and is renting the property on a long-term lease with agreement that it houses Westminster Council meetings six to eight times a year. The famous wedding venue (Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr were both married there) has also been renovated as part of the project.

Planning for the (multi-million euro) AV side of things began early in 2013 when LBS engaged AV consultants Blend to formulate a plan with Wayne Buttigieg and his team. Buttigieg is head of Infrastructure and Media Services at LBS and had a clear idea from day one what the AV should achieve. “We wanted to have world-class teaching facilities. We wanted the best. That doesn’t always go hand in hand in a grade-II listed building. We wanted an AV consultant in early on to engage with the architect because we knew the spaces were going to involve constraints. There are some rooms where you can’t do anything to the floor. That was the first stage. Then we worked through the design, came up with a budget and took us to tender.”

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Four system integrators took part in the tender, with GV Multimedia chosen as the winner, GV then took over design responsibility from Blend in August 2016 as the build started to take shape. As he knew this project was on the horizon, Buttigieg has spent years visiting ISE to get an idea of the products he would use and, as a result, everything you see on site now has been hand-picked. “It wasn’t Blend coming to us with a complete design, it was an evolution of our existing campus, to take it to the next level,” he says.

The project, for both client and integrator was a lengthy, sometimes difficult and detailed job. The tender process took place in December 2015 and GV first started installing cable runs in May 2016 to ensure late-to-be-sealed routes were in placed in line with the build programming. Following the 155-week build programme, handover from the main contractor took place at the end of July 2017, with students on site at the end of August 2017.  To help manage the process and keep engaged with the building and architectural work, GV employed a contracts manager to attend the (frequently daily) planning meetings.

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The main focus for GV was to supply top class AV for over 50 teaching and meeting spaces, digital signage, boardrooms and eight new lecture theatres with a central control room, all spread across four floors and two buildings. Wherever possible GV has tried to standardise the AV, as a result it often resembles a high-end corporate office rather than a traditional educational establishment. The two flat-floor lecture theatres on the first floor are a great example of that.  Both rooms seat 35 students in a flipped-classroom style, where the only thing fixed to the floor is the custom made Simon Kohn all-white desk. Each lecture theatre has its own custom-sized version of the desk and control system, all designed to be used quickly and easily by teaching staff. Each desk refines an existing design piloted successfully on other sites. The only AV the staff can see on the desk itself is a 24-in Dell touchscreen monitor and 20-in widescreen AMX touchscreen, a standard PC is hidden underneath the desk.

“PCs used to be in the rack, but it’s all about getting the teaching going quickly, if the user sees a blue screen they can turn it off. Before they would have to phone someone up,” adds Buttigieg.

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It is only when you look closely at the desk will you see one of the many clever features in the room. A full-width frosted glass panel sits on the desk surface, above it fixed in the ceiling is a Wolfvision VZ-C12 visualiser. This means the teaching staff can write on the (wipe-clean) surface and the text appears directly on two 94-in screens behind them, using Christie short-throw laser 4,000 lumens projectors. When the lecturer is finished or has filled up the screen with text, the image can be saved on the intranet or via USB. Simply wipe with a cloth and start again.  Not only is the technology inventive, but it allows the teaching staff to remain in face-to-face contact with the students at all times, instead of students having to stare at the back of the lecturer’s head whilst they write.

Alongside the two screens behind the lecturer, these two flat-floor lecture theatres have AV split down the middle of the room; on each side is an 84-in Smart Kapp board, one 80-in NEC flat panel and one traditional whiteboard. This is so the students can break out into discussion groups and be near the technology wherever they sit. It’s also possible to send the signals from the desk to all of the technology. “We are seeing more and more flipped classrooms, where students will sit through some pre-required learning (video or text), and then come into a session where they can focus their time with the academic staff to get the information they really need and work collaboratively with their peers,” says Daniel Victory, group technical director, GV Multimedia.

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 Audio pickup in the room is via tiny AKG button boundary microphones dotted around the ceiling. The rooms are also set up for Skype for Business and a Panasonic PTZ camera runs into a Sonic Foundry Mediasite lecture capture system, as well as simultaneously providing for remote monitoring and Skype via IP and USB. If they want extra voice reinforcement, staff can also wear Revolabs Executive Elite wearable microphones around their necks. The main campus at LBS has used Mediasite for years, but there is a clever twist on its installation in the Sammy Ofer Centre explains Buttigieg. “To encourage usage instead of having to schedule recordings you can now record on the spot using the desk. You click on the screen (which has an NFC reader inside) with your ID pass and it recognises who you are then, depending on permissions, you can record your lecture. When you hit save it puts it in your folder on the server, ready to make available or edit if desired.  It records audio, video and the last source selected (slides etc).”

To make sure all the new AV was used to its fullest, Buttigieg and his team, following training from GV Multimedia, ran a series of 30-minute induction sessions for staff. “We changed the design of the panel to make it super-simple.  When it’s turned off all you see is a big start button.  You hit start and it takes what is displayed on the PC and puts it on the screens straight away, and that covers 70% of what people really want to do. If you want to go beyond that, it’s in stages – stage one select your source etc.” From the beginning of the process it was obvious the UI was going to be key to adoption of the technology says Victory. “It took a lot of conversations, and what we have now was pared back quite a bit from some of the initial discussions to ensure optimal user experience. We went through the workflow numerous times throughout the project to find out what the fewest buttons you had to press to get the lecture going were.” Using laser projectors has also helped transform class start up times adds Buttigieg.

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In addition all lecture theatres and seminar rooms have Barco WeConnect wireless mirroring. This was for various reasons says Victory: “If you are teaching and you have an iPad it means you aren’t stuck behind a desk, you can get up and walk around.  It also means the students can connect wirelessly, to show the group work they have been working on, on the big screens. Additionally, the team at LBS have been working with Barco to allow lectures to be broken out to the seminar rooms on each floor and to allow the content being worked on to be reviewed comparatively from the main Barco node in the lecture theatre, either full screen or tiled as required.”

Outside each seminar room and lecture theatre are custom-made mounts for AMX room booking display screens to ensure a matched fit with other custom signage.  Custom programming was done by GV to interface the room booking system to merge with the AMX interfaces.

In another wing are the next four lecture theatres, holding 85 people in each, in beautiful wood-panelled rooms. Again, the AV mirrors the other lecture theatres, a white desk controls the AV on two Vutec 111-in or 123-in projection screens depending on room height available. The screens are served by two NEC 8,000 lumens laser projectors, hidden on hoists carefully integrated into the wooden slatted ceiling.  The projector screens are custom designed to allow them to be blended together to make one screen, for consistency with existing spaces the system permits the users to show two different pieces of content (slides, video etc) at the same time, side-by-side. Having two projectors also provides redundancy if one fails, notes Buttigieg.

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Audio throughout the Sammy Ofer Centre is run on Dante. All of the audio in the rooms is collected through a DSP, which allows Buttigieg’s team to monitor mic and audio levels from the control room and also to send audio to other rooms in case of class overspill as well as being instrumental in the larger DSP requirement in the largest of their lecture theatres.

Monitoring of the lecture theatre AV technology is done via their main control room which uses in-room technology such as cameras and Mediasite, all routed via SVSi AV-over-IP technology (including a multi-preview display of all lecture theatres simultaneously on a 65-in NEC display) to provide near-instant monitoring from any of the lecture spaces. AV control in this space allows quick and full remote control of the outlying spaces via AMX RMS software and an in-room 10-in AMX touchpanel. A pair of bookable Polycom conferencing units are also available to and from each lecture theatre and the main control room, with all signals and control for the cameras and content passed over the network due to the long cable distance. “Getting all of the networked devices online and working on a fully converged network took a lot of close coordination with the client IT-team. This was essential both for system operation and to ensure the client network was unaffected” adds Victory.

Moving upstairs, you come to the biggest teaching space of all, a 200-seat lecture theatre, capable of being split into two exact 100-seat spaces. The room can be divided using a motorised Skyfold wall which is capable of concealing noise from the other side up to 50db.  Innovation in this room comes in the form of two audio systems. Because this theatre is used for both lectures and as a Council Chamber, choosing the right microphones was difficult. In the end, to keep desks uncluttered, 36 Earthworks microphones drop down from the ceiling on Servoreeler retractors when needed.

Because the room has two large 7.25m projection screens (providing two 163-in displays per screen), each served by two Panasonic 12,000 lumens laser projectors along with a highly complex slatted ceiling, that meant there wasn’t a lot of room left for loudspeakers, so some creative thinking was needed. The solution came in the form of perforated projection screens made by Monarch and mounted onto GV-designed, custom, angled frames behind which two Renkus-Heinz digitally steerable line arrays are hidden.

The rooms, again, have the same desk control space, but also feature two NEC displays with Shadowsense touchscreen technology mimicking the projection for direct interaction and Telemetrics camera system for Westminster and Business School uses. The Council now has the added ability to stream and record the event via a NewTek Tricaster. Using a touchscreen Elo panel the operator can zoom in within seconds on any speaker in the room via the 200 preset positions programmed into it. Alongside the Telemetrics and Tricaster control surfaces are also an iPad (for room control) and a mixing desk up in the technical space rear corner of the room to control the AV for the council meetings. To enable rapid deployment, the desk is connected simply by power and a Dante network connection which provides full connection to the ceiling, floorbox and wireless microphone positions and routing to all destinations, including the Westminster Reception room for relay during functions.

The 35 Seminar and 10 Study rooms are used by staff and students (booked via an app) for meetings and collaborative teaching. Seating between 6-12 people around the building, the rooms feature individually custom-made tables with connectivity inside. A selection of 42-in Smart Kapp boards, NEC P Series displays and Logitech MeetUp huddle room conference systems can be found on the walls in these spaces.

So what difference has the new technology made to the LBS? “Previously in the seminar rooms we had a PC in the corner of the room with a little screen which could only be used by one person, even though there was up to eight in the room. Now we have 35 rooms where our students can collaborate,” says Buttigieg. “In the lecture theatres it has given us the ability to put into practice a lot of the ideas we’ve had over the last few years. By starting a lecture theatre from scratch it means you can put visualisers in from the off, rather than retro-fitting them. It has given us the chance to try out different technologies, like the mirroring. There is an expectation from the faculty now there will be new technology, so it has given us the opportunity to put it in.”


AKG C562 ceiling microphone
Ampetronic CLD1AC-CD desk induction loop
Audac WX302/B loudspeakers
BSS BLU-102 conferencing processor
Clockaudio S 135-RF desktop mic
Ecler eGPA2-150 amplifier
Extron XPA 1002 amplifier
K-array KY102 array loudspeaker
Kef Ci160QS ceiling loudspeakers
Polycom Soundstructure C12, Soundstructure C16 audio DSP
Renkus Heinz IC16-8-RD array loudspeaker
Revolabs Executive Elite wireless microphone system
Shure SM58 mic
Soundcraft Performer II digital console
Vaddio EasyUSB audio bridge

AMX MSD-1001 and MSD-431-L display screens, Modero X Series touch panels
Atlona AT-HDVS-150-TX AV signal extender
Extron USB Extender Plus T transmitter

B-Tech BTEBT7535B articulating arm wall
Chief XSM1U wall bracket
Display Devices DL3 1B-14 ceiling visualiser hoist
Ergotron 45-245-026 LX DUAL articulating arm bracket
SMS Func Bracky XL wall bracket
Top-Tec TT485-Y03 wall display bracket
Unicol PZX1 wall bracket



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