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Papua Nueva Guinea: Education Sector facing challenges, Kondra says

Papua Nueva Guinea: Education Sector facing challenges, Kondra says

Papua Nueva Guinea/Abril de 2016/Papua Nueva Guinea Education News

Resumen: El Secretario de Educación Dr. Uke Kombra dice que hay muchas demandas y desafíos que enfrenta el sistema de educación, pero su éxito depende de un buen liderazgo.
ACTING Education secretary Dr Uke Kombra says there are many demands and challenges facing the education system but its success depends on good leadership.
He was addressing provincial education advisers and standard officers in Port Moresby during the joint national rating of teachers.
“We are at the cross road. We are now faced with demands that we have never experienced before from the public, from leaders, from parents and from students,” Kombra said.
He said the demand for education for every child and quality education and training for all were challenges faced.
He said therefore, the education system had been reformed and policies changed to survive in the globalised era.
“As we face this globalised world – a world that we have to compete with not only in Papua New Guinea but in every other country – we relook at our policies, practices so that we are empowered with what’s happening in PNG and in rest of the world.
“Therefore, we are continuously looking at ways of how we can reform and change our education system so that we can survive. Some of the reforms we are undertaking are small but there are also major reforms so that we can compete and survive in the globalised world.”
He said teachers were not there only to teach but also to be leaders.


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Papua Nueva Guinea: Collaborative support to build new Western Pacific university

Papua Nueva Guinea: Collaborative support to build new Western Pacific university

Papua Nueva Guinea/Abril de 2016/Papua Nueva Guinea Education News

Resumen: La creación de la Universidad del Pacífico Occidental en Ialibu en la Sierra Sur es un importante desarrollo que está comenzando una nueva era y el pueblo y el Gobierno provincial tomará posesión y apoyarlo
THE establishment of the Western Pacific University at Ialibu in the Southern Highlands is an important development that is beginning of a new era and the people and the provincial Government will take ownership and support it.

Speaking during the launching of the construction of the University by the Minister for Higher Education Science and technology Malakai Tabar on Tuesday Southern Highlands Governor William Powi and the Ialibu town Lord Mayor Jacob Iki said that the Government and the people are behind the establishment of the university.

Governor Powi said the university is a big thing for the province, the country and in the region where the Government will put up several major infrastructures.

He said the Provincial Government, the district development authority, the landowners and the National Government have all agreed and the university will kick off.

“On behalf of the people and the Southern Highlands provincial Government and for as long as I’m Governor, whatever partnership we go into with the Western Pacific University Board of Governance and Provincial Government to support university will honour and I assure the Minister,” he said.

He said the Southern Highlands provincial government has already made several decisions as preparatory work like the upgrading of the Paunda hydro plant from 3 kilowatts to 12 kilowatts and the recruitment of police manpower to address law and order and making the community a conducive environment for foreigners to come and live, work and study.

He said although it is a National Government project, the provincial government is committed and will support with resources to make the university as reality as he see the project as an important development that will bring more benefits to the people, the province and the country.

“Whatever we can do we will do it as long as it is within our capabilities,” he said. Ialibu Town Lord Mayor Jacob Iki said there is a lot of benefit that will come in the future will the establishment of the university.

“I want to assure the Government that the landowners and the people will not disrupt the project. We want the university to kick off. I also want to assure you all that we the people of Ialibu Pangia will work together for the university to become a reality,” he said.

Ialibu Pangia District Development Authority CEO Ron Yamuna said as a principal landowner he supports the project and therefore want to be the first person to sign the deed of release for the construction to start.

Source: Post Courier

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Vanuatu: Union, Commission and Ministry agree to action teachers claims

Vanuatu: Union, Commission and Ministry agree to action teachers claims

Vanuatu/ Abril de 2016/ Vanuatu Daily post

Resumen: El Sindicato de Maestros de Vanuatu (VTU), la Comisión de Enseñanza y el Ministerio de Educación han firmado un memorando de acuerdo para empezar a abordar el registro de larga data de las reclamaciones de los profesores que son miembros de la VTU. El acuerdo fue firmado el martes entre el Presidente de la VTU, Ansen Firiam, y el Presidente del TSC, Derek Alexander

By Jonas Cullwick | 0 comments
The Vanuatu Teachers Union (VTU), the Teaching Service Commission and the Ministry of Education have signed an a Memorandum of Agreement to start tackling the longstanding log of claims from teachers who are members of the VTU.
The agreement was signed Tuesday between the Chairman of the VTU, Ansen Firiam, and the Chairman of the TSC, Derek Alexander, and witnessed by the Director General of the Ministry of Education, Jessie Dick.
DG Jessie Dick explained to 96 BuzzFM’s Kizzy Kalsakau that the Ministry submitted another formal request to sit down with the VTU to sort out the 8-point log of claims. He added that unfortunately they couldn’t make it happen because of Cyclone Pam when most of government efforts, especially the Ministry’s efforts, were directed toward Cyclone Pam relief and reconstruction.
“Early this year, we started discussing the log of claims at the Ministry level. We saw the letters from the VTU and then we started discussing and we started contacting the Chairman of the Teaching Service Commission to make arrangements to discuss the log of claims with the Vanuatu Teachers Union.
“We had a series of meetings – one was on December 11, 2015 when all the members of the VTU came over and discussed how their log of claims could be sorted out. So, early this year, we organized another meeting which the VTU attended and we actually went through the log of claims with them.
“Following those three meetings we went through those claims and for us to really progress, we mandated the TSC to sit down and take note of what was discussed and try and frame these into an action matrix where the log of claims could be actioned,” he said.
Dick was pleased that the signing of the agreement Tuesday showed how to progress each log of claims that ranged from registration and licensing of teachers, transfer of teachers to outstanding severance payments, all of which are now being agreed to and addressed.
He added that reaching the agreement was a big milestone to arrive at the collective bargaining agreement.
“The last one signed was in 1999 when the Government had to pay off about Vt400 million towards outstanding teachers entitlements.
“I’m very glad it’s been signed today.
“The government hopes to settle all outstanding of Vt2.1 billion for all civil servants including teachers, nurses and police officers by September this year.”
VTU Chairman Firiam also agreed the signing was a milestone for VTU, especially teachers in general because all of them, not only VTU members, will benefit from the signing and the working relationship between the TSC, the Ministry of Education and VTU. He added that the agreement signed covered the log of claims that have been tabled by branches of the VTU in 2013 during their meeting held at Malapoa College.
“The claims for death in service, housing allowance for teachers living in school quarters, severance payment for retired teachers, recruitment of Fijian retired teachers, and registration and licensing of teachers,” Firiam said adding, “the signing will be good news for teachers especially those who have not yet received their severance payments.”
Chairman of the TSC Derek Alexander said VTU and TSC should be working as one team to do things because all the teachers of the TSC are members of the VTU.
“Having said that I think we have a stake in the VTU and we want to know what they are doing with the deduction of the salaries going to the VTU.
“And when it comes to the log of claims, there are a lot of claims there that we try to address together.
“This is where the agreement comes in and we’ve signed it today to address the log of claims, one of which is the transfer allowance, another is the registration and licensing the teachers, death benefit of teachers, retirements of teachers, Fiji volunteers, plus others.
“The agreement will allow address of the claims to start and to ensure that children have teachers in the classrooms,” Alexander said.
The Teaching Service Commission has altogether 3,800 teachers, making it the biggest employer in the Government


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Samoa: Choose I.C.T. – females urged

Samoa: Choose I.C.T. – females urged

Samoa/ Abril de 2016/Samoa Observer

Resumen: El Ministro Adjunto de Comunicaciones y Tecnología de la Información, Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi anima a las mujeres jóvenes de Samoa a considerar carreras en el creciente campo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC).

The Associate Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi yesterday encouraged young Samoan females to consider careers in the growing field of information and communication technologies (I.C.Ts).
Lealailepule made the point during the local celebration of the International Girls in I.C.T Day at the T.A.T.T.E Building in Apia.
Organised by the International Telecommunications Union (I.T.U) and the United Nations, the day is designed to empower and encourage girls and young women to choose I.C.T.
In Samoa, the Office of the Regulator (O.O.T.R) facilitated a one-day workshop programme for girls’ students from Colleges around the country.
The programme included a Poster competition, mobile phone texting competition, Impromptu Speech Competition and Quiz Competition on I.C.T related topics.
Regulator, Unutoa Auelua Fonoti, said the government has made it a priority to encourage young females and women to take up I.C.T.



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Papua Nueva Guinea: 200 days countdown to FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup

Papua Nueva Guinea: 200 days countdown to FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup

Papua Nueva Guinea/Abril de 2016/ Papua Nueva Guinea ONE

Resumen: Hoy se cumplen 200 días para ir en la cuenta regresiva hacia el puntapié inicial de la Copa Mundial Femenina Sub-20 de la FIFA en noviembre. la Copa Mundial de Fútbol Sub-20 de la FIFA se llevará a cabo del 13 de noviembre a la 3 de diciembre.

TODAY marks 200 days to go in the countdown towards the kick off of the FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup in November.
Local Organising Committee Chief Executive Officer Seamus Marten said a lot has been happening behind the scenes to ensure that Papua New Guinea successfully hosts the FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup come November.
“The coming months will be exciting because we will be launching the mascot, the trophy and the balls that will used during the tournament. We also have the tri nation’s series between the PNG Women’s U-20 and USA and Japan, so it is quite an exciting build up for us.
“Right now, we have a team of host broadcasters including FIFA TV who are in the country to map out the best possible camera positions for the telecast of the tournament. It’s very important for them because they will be running the broadcast coverage of the matches to 100 countries around the world. It will be an opportunity for Papua New Guinea to show the world that we can,” Marten said.
The team comprises representatives from Host Broadcast Services (HBS), Mediapro and Transvision who are the transmission service providers to the host broadcasters and FIFA TV.
They will visit Sir John Guise and the National Football stadium and will inspect potential International Broadcast Coordination Centre (IBCC) sites.
The team will also be meeting with EMTV who have the broadcast rights to telecast the tournament within PNG and will also be meeting with Telikom and NICTA officials.
An estimated 200 million viewers will be watching the FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup from 100 countries worldwide.
The FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup will be held from 13 November to 3 December.


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Tonga: Tupou College leads medal count

Tonga: Tupou College leads medal count

Tonga/Abril de 2016/Matanga Tonga Online

Resumen: Después de los primeros dos días en competición de atletismo de Tonga en el 92ª Anual Inter-Colegial, la escuela Tupou Colegio y sus niños, portan la medalla de ganadores entre 19 escuelas secundarias y media
After the first two-days of competition at Tonga’s 92nd Annual Inter-Collegiate Athletics Competition, all boys boarding school Tupou College led the medal count on Wednesday, 27 April.
The four-day competiton which began on Tuesday, 26 April at Teufaiva Outdoor stadium is heating up with athletes from 19 secondary and middle schools from throughout Tonga competing vigorously.
The results released by the Sports Committee of medals awarded on the first two-days from 26-27 April, Tupou College led with 16 gold medals, 11 silver and 12 bronze.
Tupou High School came in second with 15 gold medals, six silver and seven bronze.
In third, was Queen Sālote College with nine gold, 12 silver and eight bronze.
On Thursday, the third day more medals were awarded while more finals were held in the 800m, 100m, 400m hurdles and 200m for both girls and boys, with field events including javelin, high jump and long jump.
The medal tally will be rounded up today, Friday 29 April the final day of the competition.

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Fiji: Colonel Seruiratu Commends Cadets

Fiji: Colonel Seruiratu Commends Cadets

Fiji/Abril de 2016/Fiji Sun

Resumen: La Escuela Superior de las Fuerzas Militares de Fiji (RFMF) jefe de gabinete Coronel Litea Seruiratu elogió los 483 cadetes que participaron en el paso de salida-desfile en los terrenos de la escuela, así mismo otorgó a sus cuatro mejores cadetes la batuta de honor

Gospel High School chief guest Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) chief-of-staff Colonel Litea Seruiratu yesterday commended the 483 cadets who took part in the passing-out-parade at the school grounds.
“As cadets standing here today, they are leaders in their own rights and they might therefore continue to resemble the acquired leadership qualities in life,” Colonel Seruiratu said.
“I would like to thank the young men and women on parade today for a fine display of marching and foot drills.
“The general turnout today is immaculate and the standard portrayed is second to none. I am confident to say that we are equally impressed with their dedication and most obvious is their delight in the achievement today.”
Colonel Seruiratu said in time cadets would face the pressures and demands that would come with the task before them. Eight students with hearing and speaking disabilities were included in the parade.
“It also comes at a time in which the core values, cultures, traditions, social, economic, and religious structure are being challenged,” she said.
“It is something that we should face up to and rise to the challenges, so that we can be confident that our future generations are best prepared to deal with whatever lied ahead of them.”
The school awarded their four best cadets yesterday and the Baton of Honour was taken out by Iliesa Moceituba of St John House.
Students were divided into the four houses of St Mathew – green house, St Mark – blue house, St Luke – red house, and St John – yellow house.
Colonel Seruiratu thanked the principal and teachers of Gospel High School as well as parents of the students who encouraged their students to take part in the passing-out parade.

Edited by Rusiate Mataika


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