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Nueva Zelanda: “El insecto de la preocupación” invade el jardín de infantes Christchurch

Nueva Zelanda/09 de Mayo de 2016/

Los niños del Jardín de Infancia  en  Christchurch pisotearon esta mañana un insecto de  ocho brazos y piernas esta mañana. En el cajón de arena del Jardin de Infancia  Rayo de sol, en St Albans, la maestra enseño a los niños cómo hacer frente a la ansiedad.

Llamado el «Insecto preocupación»,  el cajón de arena sirvió como una promoción del libro “Maia y El escarabajo de la  preocupación”    Ya se ha distribuido alrededor de 24.000 ejemplares a estudiantes de la escuela primaria en  Canterbury, Christchurch incluyendo, Selwyn y el distrito Waimakariri.

Nuevos fondos  provenientes de la Cruz Roja de Nueva Zelanda del  terremoto sucedido en Canterbury  atrajo la disponibilidad de miles de copias para todos los niños de 4 años de edad, en 214 centros de primera infancia de la región.  La autora  y psicóloga registrada,  Julie Burgess-Manning dijo que había una gran cantidad de niños en Canterbury que sufren de ansiedad.

Dijo que empeoró después del terremoto de San Valentín.

«La ansiedad no es fácil de detectar en los niños -. Que puede ser fácilmente confundido con mal comportamiento siendo muy pegajoso, obsesivo, no puede enfocar o incluso la  rudeza puede estar relacionada con la ansiedad», dijo.

El libro de Burgess-Manning era parte del proyecto “El insecto de la preocupación” – una iniciativa de  ella y de la maestra Sarina Dickson. Ambas eran madres en  Christchurch y  tenían experiencia de primera mano de apoyo a los niños con ansiedad. «Hemos creado el proyecto después de notar la gran cantidad de niños en Canterbury que combatían con la ansiedad.

Dickson dijo que la retroalimentación luego de la distribución inicial fue abrumadora.






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Thaiti: les enseignants du primaire vont toucher 800 euros de plus par an à partir de la rentrée


Tahiti/mayo de 2016/ la Dépéche de Tahiti

Resumen: El primer ministro Manuel Valls, anunció el martes un aumento de 800 euros a la prima anual de maestros de primaria, a partir de 2016 hacia atrás

Le Premier ministre Manuel Valls a annoncé mardi une hausse de 800 euros de la prime annuelle des enseignants du primaire, dès la rentrée 2016, disant «assumer» ce choix face aux accusations de clientélisme, alors que la rémunération de certains patrons «explose».

Cette hausse de 800 euros de l’indemnité annuelle de suivi et d’accompagnement des élèves (ISAE) pour les 370.000 professeurs des écoles du public et du privé sous contrat était attendue depuis quelques jours, mais le calendrier de la revalorisation restait en suspens.

L’annonce de Manuel Valls intervient en clôture des deux journées consacrées à la refondation de l’école, point d’étape sur cette loi promulguée en 2013 par le ministre de l’Education d’alors, Vincent Peillon.

Les enseignants du primaire (écoles maternelles et élémentaires) toucheront donc désormais une prime annuelle de suivi des élèves du même montant que leurs collègues du secondaire, à savoir 1.200 euros brut, soit environ 80 euros par mois en net.

Les enseignants du primaire notamment, bien que recrutés eux aussi à Bac +5, ont une rémunération inférieure à celle de leurs collègues du second degré, ces derniers pouvant bénéficier plus aisément de primes diverses. Les instituteurs sont par ailleurs relativement mal payés par rapport à leurs homologues des pays européens voisins.

Le président François Hollande était intervenu lundi en fin de journée. A l’adresse des enseignants, électorat longtemps considéré comme acquis à la gauche et au PS, il avait lancé: «Ayez confiance dans le soutien que les pouvoirs publics vous apportent».

Répondant aux accusations de «clientélisme» de l’opposition, le Premier ministre a déclaré mardi «assumer» ce choix, «dans un pays qui voit les rémunérations des patrons exploser», référence implicite au PDG de Renault, Carlos Ghosn, qui pourrait toucher plus de 7 millions d’euros pour 2015 malgré le vote négatif de 54% des actionnaires du groupe automobile.

La ministre de l’Education Najat Vallaud-Belkacem a rappelé que «la condition enseignante était (son) chantier du moment», après avoir mis en oeuvre plusieurs réformes (des rythmes scolaires, du collège, des programmes, de l’éducation prioritaire etc.) centrées sur l’élève.

Elle devrait annoncer d’ici quelques semaines des mesures, qui «se traduiront pour tous les enseignants par un mieux-être, qui passe par la rémunération mais pas seulement», a-t-elle précisé lors d’un point presse.

Les parcours de carrière de l’ensemble du personnel de l’Education sont «en train d’être travaillés, repensés, dans des discussions avec des organisations syndicales, pour faire en sorte qu’on puisse mieux reconnaître le travail des enseignants, leur progression de carrière, et leur engagement», a ajouté la ministre. «Il y des responsabilités particulières que les enseignants acceptent de prendre et qui doivent être mieux valorisées, y compris financièrement».

Najat Vallaud-Belkacem a également indiqué travailler à ce que les enseignants soient «mieux soutenus», via par exemple les inspections «qui doivent davantage jouer un rôle d’accompagnement et de conseil».

Les Echos évoquaient mardi la possibilité accrue pour les enseignants du primaire d’accéder à l’échelon «hors classe», un grade qui permet de percevoir 500 euros en net de salaire supplémentaire quelques années avant la retraite.

Agence France-Presse



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Samoa: Avele College closed after threats appear on Facebook

Samoa: Avele College closed after threats appear on Facebook

Resumen: El Gobierno de Samoa ha cerrado Avele Colegio en espera de una investigación policial sobre las amenazas que fueron publicados en una página de Facebook que pertenece a un estudiante Avele – donde los estudiantes Avele Se instó a la violencia mediante el uso de cuchillos y cócteles molotov
The Samoa Government has closed down Avele College pending a police investigation into threats that were made public on a Facebook page belonging to an Avele student — where Avele students were urged to violence by using knives and Molotov cocktails, as well as broken glass. In a statement issued by the Samoa Government earlier this week, the Cabinet confirmed its decision to close Avele College pending the outcome of police investigations into continued and increasing acts of violence by students. (A Molotov cocktail is a makeshift bomb made of a breakable container such as glass, filled with flammable liquid and stuffed with a means of ignition, such as a rag or cord.) The statement further says that the recent threats by Avele College students toward other schools, students and teachers, has caused widespread panic and has seen the deployment of police officers in riot gear earlier this week. In a Facebook post, that was largely claimed to be created by Avele students, Senior students were asked to wait for instructions at a certain area and they would march down to a place near the school. They were to have on hand Molotov cocktails and knives. According to the post the ninth and tenth graders were to bring with them knives or broken glass to stab the students from the other schools; and they were to stab anyone from the other schools, including the girls and also the teachers. Students were told not to beat up only the male students, but also the females and the teachers. (Samoa News has a screen shot of one of the Facebook posts, and notes that all posts have since been taken down.) According to the Samoa Government’s statement, the Ministry of Police has been directed to urgently proceed with their investigations; to identify those who are responsible for encouraging and participating in acts of violence that have caused widespread disruption and danger to other schools and to the general public. “Cabinet has also decided that from 2017, all government grants for Mission Schools will be disbursed directly to schools, and no longer through their respective Education Boards. This will ensure that schools with students who habitually and continuously flout police authority will be denied future grant assistance.” The statement further says that the Cabinet has also directed the Office of the Attorney General “to draft legislation to help discourage, stop and prevent the type of behavior that leads to acts of violence between school students, thereby causing injury and creating an environment of fear amongst students, teachers, parents and the general public.” According to the statement, “this legislation should reflect Samoa’s principles of Christian living, cultural practices and modern-day disciplinary measures that are also used by other democratic forms of government, like Samoa, within the Commonwealth and United Nations family of nations.” The closure of Avele College was effective yesterday, Wednesday, May 4, 2016 (Samoa Time) with the duties of the Principal and teachers also suspended until further notice. Earlier this week Avele College and Maluafou College reconciled, after Friday’s brawl, which left members of the public nearby shaken, according to Samoa Observer. The reconciliation took place during a meeting at Maluafou, and the Principal of Avele College, Matafeo Reupena Matafeo, blamed social media for the escalating problem of inter school violence. “The main cause is social media,” said Matafeo. He said they don’t teach these kinds of things in schools because there are no subjects that involve fighting and violence. Samoa Observer reports that in addressing the students, Matafeo reminded them that the government and church wants them to obtain an education so they can help their families. He said that the schools want the students to be able to pass school and allow them to get further education for better futures, not working to carry loads for those Chinese deliveries. He said they are looking at meeting up with the cell phone companies to find a way to put an end to these pages created by students. Maluafou Principal, Lasi Tavae, supported Matafeo. “It’s a sickness and we are trying to find a cure to it,” she said. Avele Head boy, Mervyn Teueli, told Samoa the Observer that there will be no more fights. “This ends today,” he said. Falaniko Milovale of Maluafou College during the ava ceremony apologized to the Director of E.F.K.S education, the school principals, and all the teachers. “Today is the end of this violence, Avele we are one, we are children of God,” said Milovale. As for the violence on Friday, Matafeo said they have left it to the police.


Joyetter Feagaimaalii-Luamanu


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Islas Cook: Students learn more about climate change

Islas Cook: Students learn more about climate change

Islas Cook/ mayo de 2016/ Cook Islands News

Resumen: Treinta y tres estudiantes de Southern Cook Islands están liderando el camino en la obtención de una mejor comprensión del cambio climático y cómo las diferentes organizaciones están rastreando sus efectos globales.

Thirty-three Southern Cook Islands students are leading the way in gaining a better understanding of climate change and how different organisations are tracing its global effects.

The students are attending a week of climate change programmes organised by Climate Change Cook Islands. The programmes are designed to help students increase their awareness of climate change, the importance of marine areas and the various environmental issues involved in the proposed Ridge to Reef project.
Yesterday the students visited the Cook Islands Meteorological Service office where director Arona Ngari showed them various devices used to produce weather forecasts. They also took a close look at weather tracking maps and how to read them.
Met Office staff managed to answer numerous questions raised by the students and two were selected to appear on Cook Islands TV news to read last night’s weather report.
Mauke student Exceive Papa, 14, said she had learned plenty from the programme and now fully understood that climate change really is happening.
“I joined the programme because I want to help my people. Climate change is happening and can be seen in the Pacific and I want my people to be prepared. It is real.”
She said it was important to know how climate change was occurring and what could be done to make small island nations more resilient in coping with the changes.
Celine Dyer of Climate Change Cook Islands said the Climate Change Ridge to Reef programme was an opportunity to encourage students to share their views.
“The students are enjoying it. They are learning a lot and it is also a way of exposing them to areas where they can see a career.”
The movie Happy Feet was also aired last night at the national auditorium, after students presented their ideas and thoughts about the workshop and how they would implement the ideas that had come from it.
The students also visited the Coastal Protection Unit yesterday.


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Australia: equal pay for early childhood educators

Fuente: / 5 de Mayo de 2016


We all know that the time for equal pay for early childhood educators is long overdue. It is outrageous that they earn one third less than those educating children just few years older.
A responsible government that values the future of every Australian would have already fixed this injustice.
We call on Malcolm Turnbull to commit to funding equal pay for educators in 2016.
If this Government believes in a fair go and equality it will fund pay that befits the essential role of early childhood educators.
It’s time to value the work of early childhood educators. It’s time for equal pay.

Why is this important?

I am an early childhood educator.
Every day I help shape the future chances and choices of every child I educate.
But today, on International Women’s Day, my colleagues and I did something quite different — and a little scary: we chained ourselves to Malcolm Turnbull’s office.
Why? I was born in 1968. One year later, a brave woman called Zelda D’Aprano shocked the nation by chaining herself to Melbourne’s Commonwealth Building to protest against women being paid substantially less than men.
That was almost 50 years ago, yet my colleagues and I are paid one third less than those educating children just a few years older – for one reason: 94 per cent of us are female.
I have been waiting my whole life to have my work valued the same as a man. Educators are fed up. We won’t die waiting for equal pay.
We want Malcolm Turnbull to fix this.
Please stand with us and tell him it’s time to value our work by funding wages that befits our essential and invaluable profession.

How it will be delivered

Educators will publicly deliver this petition to Prime Minister Turnbull.

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Australia: Teachers say close manus and Nauru, Welcome, Refugees

Fuente:  / 5 de mayo de 2016


We call on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Peter Dutton to immediately:
– Close Manus Island and Nauru detention centres, and
– Bring all refugees and asylum seekers on Manus and Nauru to Australia for processing and resettlement.

Why is this important?

We, the undersigned teachers stand in solidarity with the family camp asylum seekers and refugees on Nauru who have been holding daily protests against their ongoing detention and offshore processing since the 20th of March.
There is no prospect of safety for refugees on Nauru. The mental health crises, sexual abuse, assaults in the community, discrimination and violence at school and permanent insecurity is intolerable and unnecessary for child and adult refugees.
Now it is clear that the detention of refugees on Manus Island is illegal. Amnesty International described Australia’s detention camp there as “tantamount to torture”, after visiting the centre in November 2013. All asylum seekers and refugees on Manus can and must be immediately brought to Australia.
The discrimination of the offshore camps is stark; while some asylum seekers have spent 1000 days in detention on Nauru without a refugee determination, others who shared the same boat journey to Australia have been living in the community in Australia for nearly three years. The cost of running the offshore prisons alone could pay for half of the $4.5 billion the Turnbull government won’t spend on the last two years of Gonski.
As teachers we uphold the rights of all children to live in a safe environment, to have access to educational opportunities and not be subject to discrimination. As teachers, we embrace the opportunity to work with refugee students and colleagues, and we know that when given a proper welcome, refugees enrich school communities. We address justice and human rights in our classrooms, and we teach our students to stand up to bullying, abuse and lies.

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Tonga: June celebration for Tupou College 150th Anniversary

Tonga: June celebration for Tupou College 150th Anniversary

Tonga/5 de mayo de 2016/ Matangi Tonga Online

Resumen: Tupou Colegio celebrará su 150 º aniversario del 17 al 24 junio, de hecho, se espera reunir a miles de niños de diferentes edades a lo largo de Tonga y en el extranjero. El jueves 23 de junio, el rey de Tonga, oficiará la apertura de un nuevo edificio de administración, que está siendo construido con más de 3 millones de dólares financiados por los ex-alumnos.

Tupou College will celebrate its 150th Anniversary on June 17-24 with events that are is expected to bring together thousands of old boys from throughout Tonga and abroad.
Principal Rev ‘Alifeleti ‘Atiola said a dedication service marking the anniversary will be held on Wednesday, 22 June at the Centennial Church in Nuku’alofa. HMKing Tupou VI will deliver the sermon.
On Thursday, 23 June the King will also officiate the opening of a new administration block, currently being constructed with more than $3 million pa’anga funded by the ex-students.
He said the one-storey building will accommodate a library, e-learning center, lecture theatre, staff room, finance and administration wings.
On Tuesday, 21 June a school march with the Old Boys will be held in the capital, followed by a roll call to recognize the achievements of the old boys.
Other works being carried out to mark the day include the renovation and extension of the school’s Moulton Chapel built in 1986 at Toloa, in remembrance of Rev Dr Moulton, the founder of the school in 1866.
In addition, new dormitories are also being constructed with renovation to the school gym and a health center.
The principal said a musical concert is being planned to be held with representatives from their brother school Newington College in Australia, during the celebrations.
The Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga secondary school, is an all-boys boarding school and currently has a roll of around 1000 students.


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