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COVID-19: Education replaced by shuttered schools, violence, teenage pregnancy. World

World/06-08-2021/Author and Source:

A culture of “safety, friends and food” at school has been replaced by “anxiety, violence, and teenage pregnancy”, with remote learning out of reach for millions, the UN Children’s Fund, UNICEF, said on Tuesday.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, “more than 600 million children in countries not on academic break are still affected by school closures”, James Elder, UNICEF spokesperson at a press conference at UN Geneva.

In countries such as Uganda, this has led to a “20 per cent spike in the last 15 months in teen pregnancies, or pregnancies of 10-24-year-old girls, who were seeking antenatal care. Across the globe in all continents we’ve seen child helplines, a good precursor to understanding kids who are reporting violence, seeing often triple-digit increases,” said Elder.

COVID-19 school closures

In nearly half of countries in Asia and the Pacific, schools have been closed for around 200 days. Latin America and the Caribbean have seen some of the longest closures ever with 18 countries and territories affected by either full or partial closures.

As of today, the UN agency estimates in Eastern and Southern Africa that 40 per cent of all children aged 5 to 18, are currently out of school.

Elder added that if these figures “did not resonate with those in power, then a World Bank report estimates a loss of $10 trillion in earnings over time”, for this generation of students.

Remote learning ‘out of reach’

A teenage student studies at home during the COVID-19 lockdown in Uganda.
© UNICEF/Francis Emorut
A teenage student studies at home during the COVID-19 lockdown in Uganda.

Equally alarming is the fact that the solution of remote learning is “simply out of reach” for at least a third of the world’s schoolchildren, the UNICEF spokesperson continued. In East Asia and the Pacific, “80 million children have no access whatsoever to any remote learning.

In Eastern and Southern Africa, Uganda school children have gone more than 300 days out of school, while home internet connectivity “is the lowest on the planet there at about 0.3%”.

‘Situation cannot go on’

In a call for action, UNICEF appealed for five main steps: Schools should reopen as soon as possible; governments and donors must protect the education budget; enrolment should be extended to children who were already out of school pre‑COVID‑19 – by removing financial barriers and loosening registration requirements – and cash transfers to the most vulnerable, must be increased.

“Everything needs to be done to bring an end to the pandemic,” Mr. Elder said, starting with making vaccines available everywhere by sharing excess doses and financing to support the roll-out of vaccines.

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Kenya: PS Nabukwesi says research will improve quality of higher education

Africa/Kenya/30-07-2021/Author:ERIC BIEGON, KNA/Source:

The Principal Secretary in the State Department of University Education and Research Amb. Simon Nabukwesi has yet again made a case for more research in the country’s institutions of higher learning.

Speaking during the official opening of the 5th Annual Conference of the Co-operative University of Kenya, Amb Nabukwesi noted that nations that lack the capacity to carry out their own research, struggle when faced with challenges such as the current covid-19 pandemic.

“Covid-19 global pandemic shows us, in more ways than we could have imagined, that we are all connected as a people irrespective of the many boundaries and restrictions that we may have,” The PS said,

He added that “when the first case of Covid-19 was reported in Kenya, most of us, if not all, imagined that this would be a passing cloud and that soon we would resume our normal day to day activities”

Nabukwesi however expressed satisfaction given that during the two-day-Conference, a number of academic papers will be presented under the theme of ‘Social and Solidarity Economy as a catalyst for resilience, inclusivity, and attainment of Sustainable Development Goals,’

“I am glad to hear that this is the second conference that the University is holding virtually, to discuss Covid-19, a commendable achievement to the University and organizers of this event,” remarked the PS.

This kind of resilience, Nabukwesi said, emphasizes that life has to indeed move on and research has to be done and documented. He emphasized that research is, will remain to be, a major activity in any institution of higher learning worth its name.

Further, the PS said research informs the development strategies of any nation and Kenya is no exception.

“It has been reported that less than two percent of all Africans are vaccinated against Covid-19 while in the US it is about 50 percent,” added Nabukwesi.

This Report, the PS said, is a sad reality that serves as an eye-opener for developing countries such as Kenya, that special attention and resources ought to be directed towards research and development.

Nabukwesi said the Ministry continues to lay great emphasis on the importance of research as a means to solving Kenyan, African, and even global challenges.

“My challenge to faculty in this University is to contribute to the generation of new knowledge on Cooperatives and how Cooperatives can help us to resolve societal challenges,” added the PS.

Nabukwesi said that he would like to see more research from faculty that focuses, among other topics, on how the country can harness the greatness of Cooperatives to contribute to the Government’s Development Agenda, including contributing to the ‘Big Four’ Agenda.

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Kenya: Clergymen call for review of tax regime, reduction of school fees


Religious leaders have faulted the government of Kenya for the high cost of living occasioned by rise in prices of basic commodities, and called for a review of the current tax regime to cushion Kenyans from the tough economic times.

Speaking at Kangeta in Igembe Central, Meru County Sunday when they presided over the induction of two church ministers into Archdeacons, the head of the National Independent Church of Africa (NICA) Archbishop Dr. Stephen Marete and Bishop Stephen Kalunyu who heads the NICA Mission Diocese which covers Meru, Isiolo and Marsabit noted that the suffering of Kenyans had reached record levels never witnessed before, calling upon those in authority to urgently consider reviewing the current tax regime which will bring a sigh of relief to vulnerable Kenyans.

Archbishop Marete advised that the tough economic times calls for proper priorities by the government, arguing that projects like the BBI referendum which is currently on halt could wait for better times, arguing that the Covid 19 pandemic has already worsened the situation.

The Cleric also faulted the move by a number of universities to increase school fees which led to student protests, arguing that such a move was ill advised and untimely.

He noted that even the previous amounts charged by the institutions of learning were already an uphill task for struggling Kenyans to raise and should therefore be reduced to manageable levels.

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Kenya: 99 students, 4 teachers at Muruku school, Laikipia contract Covid

99 students and four teachers at Muruku secondary school in Laikipia County have tested positive for Covid-19.

The number is the highest to be recorded in a learning institution in Kenya.

According to Laikipia county Chief officer of health Dr Donald Moghoi, the cases were confirmed from 264 samples tested at the school last Friday after a number of students started showing coronavirus related symptoms.

Those affected have since been quarantined at the institution under the care of Ministry of Health officials.

Of the 99 cases, 40 are male while 59 are female. Dr Moghoi said all of the 17 teachers who were tested, three are female and one male who are currently receiving treatment at Ol jabet and Benedict Catholic hospitals in Nyahururu respectively.

Learning for other students at the institution is still going on. Most schools are administering third term exams and are set to close this Friday, according to the school calendar issued by the Ministry of Education.

Since the pandemic struck the country last year, several schools have been affected, with some being closed indefinitely as others put their students, teachers and workers under quarantine.

Kenya continues to record more COVID-19 positive cases in recent weeks, with experts warning of a looming fourth wave.

But the ministry of education insists that children are safe in schools and that learning will go uninterrupted.

Covid cases

As of Monday, June 12, the country’s caseload stood at  188,942 after 188 new cases were reported.

The positivity rate is now 8.0% while cumulative tests so far conducted are 2,018,013.

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France: Le ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche (MESR) ne respecte toujours pas l’ordonnance du Conseil d’État rétablissant la FERC dans ses droits syndicaux fondamentaux !

Europe/France/07-09-2021/ Auteur et Source:

Tout commence au début de l’été 2020 en pleine discussion sur la loi de programmation de la recherche (LPR) lorsque le SGEN-CFDT et la ministre Frédérique Vidal s’entendent pour élaborer un protocole d’accord sur les carrières et rémunérations dans le cadre de la LPR.

F. Vidal communique à l’AEF début juillet annonçant la tenue de réunions au plus vite avec le SGEN, l’UNSA et le SNPTES pour travailler à l’élaboration du protocole… Les autres syndicats ont droit à quelques bilatérales et multilatérales fin août et début septembre. Le ministère fixe la signature du protocole pour début septembre. Cette précipitation est justifiée, selon lui, pour inciter les député·es à voter les budgets dédiés aux mesures salariales lors du passage de la loi à l’assemblée ! En septembre, la FERC est purement et simplement sortie des réunions de « concertations » !
In fine, le SGEN, le SNPTES et l’UNSA signeront le protocole d’accord « rémunération et carrières » le 12 octobre en grande pompe à Matignon en présence du 1er ministre.

Le MESR a acheté la signature des syndicats dits réformistes en leur faisant miroiter l’exclusivité de la négociation sur les mesures salariales et ce sur une période allant de 2021 à 2030 ! Depuis le début, l’objectif de cet accord est d’exclure les syndicats dont la combativité ne convient pas à la ministre.

Devant une telle déloyauté dans l’élaboration du protocole ainsi que dans son contenu qui donne carte blanche pendant 10 ans aux 3 syndicats signataires pour mener toutes les négociations avec le MESR, la FERC et l’UFSE ont décidé d’ester en justice. Un 1er mémoire portant sur la déloyauté dans le déroulé des négociations et sur la privation des libertés fondamentales de la CGT a été déposé au tribunal administratif (TA) de Paris le 12 décembre. Cette saisine est toujours en cours instruction. En février, nous avons décidé de déposer un référé-liberté, procédure d’urgence car les réunions du comité de suivi avaient débuté « en cachette ».

Le 9 mars le TA donne raison à la FERC. Il expose que les négociations sur les carrières et les rémunérations sont bien des prérogatives de toutes les organisations syndicales représentatives. Elles ne sont pas réservées aux seuls signataires d’un accord qui leur donne un mandat de négociation salariale au lieu de leur donner un mandat sur le suivi dudit protocole d’accord. Le juge énonce : l’absence de convocation de la FERC-CGT à ces réunions porte une atteinte grave et manifestement illégale à la liberté syndicale, laquelle présente le caractère d’une liberté fondamentale au sens de l’article L. 521-2 du code de justice administrative.

Non, la ministre n’a pas le droit de choisir ses interlocuteur·trices, ce sont les personnels qui les choisissent en les élisant !

Le DRH adjoint se permet lors d’un comité technique de critiquer la décision du juge « qui aurait méconnu le droit » et déclare que la ministre prendra seule la décision d’aller en recours en Conseil d’État : ce qu’elle fit.

Le 16 avril, le Conseil d’État confirme la décision du TA en donnant raison à la CGT contre la ministre de l’ESR. Les petites réunions entre ami·es, c’est fini ! La FERC et l’UFSE viennent d’obtenir le respect des libertés fondamentales dévolues à toute organisation syndicale représentative.
F. Vidal a tenu, avec l’appui de la ministre de la Fonction publique, à remettre en cause le jugement du TA de Paris, le Conseil d’État, la plus haute juridiction en la matière, l’a vertement déboutée !
Depuis, le ministère ne nous a
toujours pas informés de la tenue des réunions du comité de suivi alors même qu’il a fourni au juge le calendrier et les ordres du jour des
réunions d’ici fin juin.

Seul un État totalitaire ne respecte pas les décisions des plus hautes autorités de justice ! Nous continuerons à défendre les droits des agent·es ! Nous n’en resterons pas là !


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Kenya: Universities urged to invest in research, innovation and publications

Africa/Kenya/02-07-2021/Author: Source:

Kisii University Vice Chancellor Professor John Akama has challenged Kenyan universities to seek more resources for research, innovation and publications as a core mandate of university education.

Speaking during the launch of his book ‘Undeterred: A Rural Boy’s Journey to the Pinnacle of Academia’ at Kisii University, Professor Akama said most individuals with doctorate degrees and professor titles have not done sufficient work in research and innovation or published their work.

“One of the guest professors from the University of Toronto told us that the lecturers there are researchers and innovators. As such, the university gets about 50 million dollars in grants for research purposes and through their research, they contribute almost 20 percent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Canada with new products and scientific knowledge creation,” said Akama.

The Vice Chancellor noted that developed countries had made great strides in the fields of agriculture, industry and medicine due to the quality of university education they offer and urged policymakers to give more emphasis on university education.

“Even the Covid-19 vaccines that we have now have been developed by scientists who work in science labs in universities and therefore, if we undermine research, we cannot develop,” added Akama.

He asked the universities to push for more public-private partnerships from government and private institutions in order to secure more resources for their academic and innovation agenda.

Akama decried an increase in social media engagements as opposed to reading books and urged Kenyans, especially lecturers to interrogate academic work.

The book ‘Undeterred: A Rural Boy’s Journey to the Pinnacle of Academia’ narrates Professor Akama’s unique and personal story of overcoming many odds and succeeding in several fronts to get to the pinnacle of academia and university leadership.

Prof Akama grew up in a simple rural African setting in Kenya’s hinterland, and was raised by a typical Kenyan peasant family with meagre resources and limited frills.

“He went through early childhood enculturation and basic education in rural Kenyan schools, characterized by limited educational resources, scant infrastructure and minimal facilities,” reads part of the synopsis.


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France: Communiqué unitaire – Monsieur Blanquer, qu’attendez-vous pour lutter contre la transphobie en milieu scolaire ?

Europe/France/02-07-2021/Auteur et Source:

Alors qu’à grands renforts de communication, le ministère de l’éducation nationale, de la jeunesse et des sports et le gouvernement annonçaient dès 2018 s’engager dans un plan interministériel de lutte contre les LGBTphobies, presque quatre ans après, nous ne comptons plus les reculades et les atteintes aux droits des jeunes LGBTI. Les atermoiements autour de la loi PMA et les blocages concernant la PPL sur les thérapies de la conversion en sont deux exemples.

À l’école aussi, c’est avant tout la communication qui prime sur l’avancée des droits LGBTI et sur l’accueil de toutes et tous. Ainsi, tous les 17 mai, journée internationale contre l’homophobie, la transphobie et la biphobie, le MENJS affiche sa volonté d’agir. Or depuis le début du mandat de JM Blanquer à la tête du ministère, presque rien n’a été fait. Une campagne de sensibilisation a bien été réalisée. Mais depuis, en dehors de sa relance, trop peu de travaux de fond sont entrepris.

Face au taux de suicide plus important chez les jeunes LGBTI, face aux cris de détresse des jeunes trans et intersexes, nous avions pourtant alerté à plusieurs reprises sur le flou juridique et sur le manque d’outils et de consignes concernant l’accueil des élèves trans à l’école, que les personnels attendent pourtant. Nos courriers au Dgesco et aux ministres étaient alors restés lettre morte.

La fin de l’année 2020 a été marquée par deux suicides de deux jeunes trans. Très rapidement, le groupe de travail Dgesco sur les LGBTphobies a été réuni et un cycle lourd et long d’auditions d’associations trans et de personnes qualifiées a été réalisé. Le Collectif éducation contre les LGBTIphobies en milieu scolaire et universitaire a pris toute sa part dans ce travail. Dans l’urgence, nous avons dû travailler pour une sortie prévue le 17 mai dernier à un guide à destination des équipes des établissements scolaires pour l’accueil des élèves trans. Telle était la commande du
MENJS et ce guide devait s’accompagner d’une circulaire cadrant cet accueil.

Ce 17 mai alors que monsieur Blanquer n’avait aucun mot à ce sujet en conférence de presse, nous apprenions que le ministère ne souhaitait plus sortir ces deux documents. Outre le mépris du travail important réalisé par des personnels de ses services, des associations trans et des nombreux et nombreuses professionnel.le.s sollicité.e.s, cette volte-face est alors une insulte à toutes les personnes trans qui attendaient tellement de cette clarification urgente.

Au moment où se déroulent partout en France des marches des fiertés LGBTI, le Collectif Education contre les LGBTIphobies demande solennellement la publication du guide prévu, accompagné des outils nécessaires à la formation de tous les personnels du MENJS.

Contacts :

Alexis GUITTON – 06 78 60 96 41 –
Olivier LELARGE – 06 27 53 06 88

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