Nueva Zelanda: Classy additions to North Canterbury schools

Nueva Zelanda: Classy additions to North Canterbury schools

Nueva Zelanda/mayo de 2016/NZ News Suk

RESUMEN: Corbel, una empresa con sede en Christchurch, tiene una larga y exitosa asociación con el Ministerio y está trabajando en una serie de proyectos en las escuelas. Las reformas tienen por objeto asegurar que las escuelas tengan entornos de aprendizaje seguros y estimulantes y sean capaces de adaptarse al crecimiento actual y futuro. El trabajo en la escuela municipal Rangiora, tiene una tirada de alrededor de 560 estudiantes, se extiende la construcción de cuatro nuevas aulas, la sustitución de un bloqueo permanente de seis aulas y la adición de dos salones móviles. Oxford escuela del área, con alrededor de 530 estudiantes, se beneficiará de seis nuevas aulas y dos nuevos edificios reubicables, mientras que Ashgrove con alrededor de 515 estudiantes está en la línea de tres nuevas aulas y cinco salones móviles adicionales. Southbrook, la más pequeña de las escuelas con un rollo de alrededor de 350, recibe cuatro nuevos espacios docentes, dos nuevas aulas y un nuevo edificio de administración de la escuela y la biblioteca.

As modern learning goes these are all about the use of flexible learning spaces, a central feature of the Ministry of Education’s $16 million upgrade programme at four north Canterbury schools.
With Corbel Construction having already commenced work at Oxford Area, Rangiora Borough, Ashgrove and Southbrook schools, more than 2,000 children and teachers are looking forward to testing out the new layouts from first term 2017.
Work on the Rangiora Borough School, which has a roll of around 560 students, extends to the construction of four new classrooms, the replacement of a six-classroom permanent block and the addition of two relocatable classrooms. Oxford Area School, with around 530 students, will benefit from six new classrooms and two new relocatable buildings, while Ashgrove with around 515 students is in line for three new classrooms and five additional relocatable classrooms. Southbrook, the smallest of the schools with a roll of around 350, gets four new teaching spaces, two new classrooms and a new school administration building and library.
The refurbishments are intended to ensure schools have ‘fit for purpose’, safe and inspiring learning environments and are able to accommodate current and future growth.
Corbel managing director Craig Jones says the project is progressing well across all four sites with demolition work able to be completed during the last holiday period. “All four of these projects overlap school terms so our overriding focus is on ensuring safety and minimising disruption.”
Jones says this extends to use of separate entrances, no deliveries during drop off and pick up times and strict adherence to local noise control regulations. “Our project team also communicates regularly with the school principals and other stakeholders so everybody is aware of progress. Where feasible and safe, we like to bring the kids into the construction area, using assembly areas with child friendly hoardings. This not only shows them what we’re doing and what their new school will look like, but links back to the parents and the community.”
Corbel, a Christchurch based company, has a long and successful association with the Ministry and is working on a number of projects in the Christchurch Schools Rebuild Programme. This includes the $5 million refurbishment of Shirley Primary School.

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Angola, Brazil Begin Talks to Asses Relations

Africa/Angola/Abril 2016/Autor: Editor/ Fuente:

ResumenLos representantes de Angola y el Brasil comienzan las conversaciones en Luanda para evaluar el estado de las relaciones bilaterales y el Acuerdo de Cooperación y del Fondo de Inversión firmado el año pasado. círculos diplomáticos indicaron que el canciller de Brasil, Mauro Luiz Iecker Vieira, tiene previsto reunirse con su homólogo angoleño, Georges Chikoti. El acuerdo incluye temas relacionados con salud, agricultura y educación.

Representatives from Angola and Brazil today begin talks in the Angolan capital to assess state of bilateral relations and the Agreement on Cooperation and Investment Facility signed last year. Diplomatic circles indicated that the Brazilian Foreign Minister, Mauro Luiz Lecker Viera, is scheduled to meet with his Angolan counterpart, Georges Chicoty.

Lecker Viera’s visit takes place after Chicoty traveled to Brasilia in November 2015, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the national independence of Angola.

Angola and Brazil maintain close political, diplomatic and friendship ties that date back many years.

According to sources, the Agreement on Cooperation and Investment Facility must still be approved by the Brazilian Congress through a memorandum.

The Brazilian government’s long-term association with the Angolan government, is with a view to diversify the Brazilian business presence in Angola, encourage exports and promote productive integration between the two countries.

Recently, Brazil’s ambassador to Angola, Norton Rapesta commented that from the historical point of view, the links between the two nations precede Angola’s independence (1975).

He believes that there are several products that Brazil can grow in Angola in association with the local business community, such as cotton and wheat.

He reported that Brazilian companies will invest 500 million dollars in the steel sector and forestry. «We have several projects in the domains of agriculture, health and education to strengthen partnerships’ noted the ambassador.

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