Angola, Brazil Begin Talks to Asses Relations

Africa/Angola/Abril 2016/Autor: Editor/ Fuente:

ResumenLos representantes de Angola y el Brasil comienzan las conversaciones en Luanda para evaluar el estado de las relaciones bilaterales y el Acuerdo de Cooperación y del Fondo de Inversión firmado el año pasado. círculos diplomáticos indicaron que el canciller de Brasil, Mauro Luiz Iecker Vieira, tiene previsto reunirse con su homólogo angoleño, Georges Chikoti. El acuerdo incluye temas relacionados con salud, agricultura y educación.

Representatives from Angola and Brazil today begin talks in the Angolan capital to assess state of bilateral relations and the Agreement on Cooperation and Investment Facility signed last year. Diplomatic circles indicated that the Brazilian Foreign Minister, Mauro Luiz Lecker Viera, is scheduled to meet with his Angolan counterpart, Georges Chicoty.

Lecker Viera’s visit takes place after Chicoty traveled to Brasilia in November 2015, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the national independence of Angola.

Angola and Brazil maintain close political, diplomatic and friendship ties that date back many years.

According to sources, the Agreement on Cooperation and Investment Facility must still be approved by the Brazilian Congress through a memorandum.

The Brazilian government’s long-term association with the Angolan government, is with a view to diversify the Brazilian business presence in Angola, encourage exports and promote productive integration between the two countries.

Recently, Brazil’s ambassador to Angola, Norton Rapesta commented that from the historical point of view, the links between the two nations precede Angola’s independence (1975).

He believes that there are several products that Brazil can grow in Angola in association with the local business community, such as cotton and wheat.

He reported that Brazilian companies will invest 500 million dollars in the steel sector and forestry. «We have several projects in the domains of agriculture, health and education to strengthen partnerships’ noted the ambassador.

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