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Panamá: Educar niños y niñas sobre autoestima en Panamá es labor del Dove Day Panamá

Panamá / 11 de octubre de 2016 / Fuente:

Dove day es una inicitiva global que ha llegado ya a 35 países a nivel mundial impactando mas de 19 millones de niños y niñas. Dove Day Panamá , es una actividad que busca impactar 150 niños y niñas de de la escuela Dr. Belisario Porras con educación básica sobre autoestima.

Dove Day, la iniciativa global de Responsabilidad Social de Dove Masterbrand, diseñada para brindarles la oportunidad a miles de colaboradores de Unilever de impactar a niños y niñas con educación básica sobre autoestima y promoverla en ellos, llegó a Panamá, por tercer año consecutivo, con el objetivo de educar a 150 niños y niñas de la escuela Dr. Belisario Porras ubicada en San Francisco.

Esta iniciativa se ha llevado a cabo en más de 20 países de Europa y América del Norte, en América Latina se ha realizado en 14 países, en los cuales se han involucrado a mas 1,500 empleados en los últimos años.

Dove Day nace en el 2005 luego de que en la investigación realizada por Dove Global en el año 2004 (The Real Truth About Beauty), se revelara que 9 de cada 10 niñas quieren cambiar algo de su apariencia física y 6 de cada de 10 se niegan a participar en actividades debido a su baja confianza en sí mismas. En la actualidad se han educado a más de 19 millones de niños y niñas en todo el mundo y se espera aumentar esta cifra en lo que resta del año 2016.

Dove Day Panamá se llevó a cabo el pasado 7 de octubre, justo unos días antes del 11 de octubre, Día Internacional de la Niña declarado por la Unicef, en la escuela Dr. Belisario Porras. Los estudiantes estuvieron involucrados en diversos talleres y actividades co-creados por un gran equipo de expertos en educación básica sobre autoestima con los cuales se quiere lograr un aumento en la autoconfianza de todos los niños y niñas del colegio.

De esta manera Unilever – Panamá se une a esta gran iniciativa para aportar su granito de arena y lograr así que esta actividad global logre la cifra de impactos proyectados para el próximo año.

Las temáticas del taller son basadas en la imagen corporal, bajo el título Talleres sobre la Confianza Corporal, que abordó los siguientes temas: a) Confianza en nuestro propio cuerpo; b) Presiones relacionadas con la apariencia; c) Medios profesionales y d) Redes personales y sociales.

Unilever, a través de su Plan de Vida Sostenible, lleva a cabo este tipo de acciones que buscan mejorar el bienestar de las personas en las regiones en donde trabaja. El Plan de Vida Sostenible es una estrategia transversal que la compañía implementa desde 2010, cuyo objetivo es seguir haciendo crecer el negocio mientras reduce la huella ambiental de sus productos y aumenta el impacto social positivo. Asimismo, busca contribuir a un futuro mejor para todos, encabezando el desarrollo y comercialización de productos más sostenibles y la generación de oportunidades en toda la cadena de valor.

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Estados Unidos: US school introduces meditation instead of detention for students to correct mistakes

Baltimore / 28 de septiembre de 2016 / Por: Express Web Desk / Fuente:

Across the world, children are raised to become responsible citizens of tomorrow. Parenting plays a major role but schooling too leaves a huge impact; which is why education is a tricky business. A good education is not only about the syllabus but also involves teaching values that’s essential for inner growth like the difference between right and wrong, compassion, being in control of one’s mind and behaviour and so on. It’s expected of an institution that it teaches its students to realise their full potential but more often than not, most don’t even meet these criteria. Instead, many resort to using soft threats, blackmail, bribes and other unhealthy methods to keep things moving. But like always, there are exceptions.

This school in Baltimore in the United States is increasingly becoming a template for many education systems as they do not have punishments or detention for the kids, at all. Instead, Robert W Coleman Scool has adopted a correcting mechanism which involves a Mindful Moment Room, where children practice mindful meditation and breathing exercises. In addition, the kids are encouraged to talk to professional behaviour analysts and experts. Reportedly, this programme has been introduced in the school as part of Holistic Me — an initiative that discourages the detention of students and instead trains them to rectify their behavioural problems through peaceful means and deep analysis.

The initiative works in association with a local not-for-profit organisation called Holistic Life Foundation and reportedly since the programme was started two years ago, the school has not issued even one suspension.

It is important that educational systems adapt such healthy models of training students. While, on one hand scolding or embarrassing a student in front of his classmates could leave him scarred for life, introducing students to meditation and its benefits could positively alter behavioural patterns and make kids apply their sensibilities better in future.

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Malawi: First Lady Stresses Importance of Educating Girl-Child

África/Malawi/ 26 de Septiembre de 2016/ Allafrica

Resumen: La primera dama de Malawi, señora: Gertrude Mutharika, dijo el lunes que: «estaba comprometido a ayudar a la niña a superar los obstáculos en la búsqueda de su educación . Señora Mutharika dijo que » los predicamentos de las niñas me hacen sentir más comprometidos a trabajar sin descanso en apoyo de su causa».

The First Lady, Madam Gertrude Mutharika on Monday said she was committed to helping the girl child overcome obstacles in pursuit of her education.

Madam Mutharika said «the predicaments of girls make me feel more committed to work tirelessly in support of their cause.»

Madam Mutharika was speaking at a meeting on ‘Let the girl child learn initiative’ on the sidelines of 71sst Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, USA.

The initiative is a US government-wide initiative launched by the President and First Lady that seeks to help the more than 6.2 million girls around the world who are not in school–half of whom are adolescent–go and stay in school.

The meeting’s attendees included the US First Lady Michelle Obama and Queen Rania of Jordan.

Madam Mutharika in her speech said as the child grows older, the harder it becomes for her to get educated.

«She may be forced to marry, overburdened by household work and taking motherhood roles before her time,» she said.

Madam Mutharika said that was why she was committed to supporting girls’ education through the Beautify Malawi Trust which she established that advocates for a cleaner, greener and healthier Malawi and girl child education.

«The Trust is championing the ‘bring a girl back to school’ campaign. An educated girl will be able to take care of the environment and make informed choices in life,» she said.

Madam Mutharika said needy girls who dropped out of school were being sponsored and those who got married before the age of 18 whose marriages had been nullified were being readmitted to school.

 She, however, said access and equity to girls’ education was still hampered by many factors such as harmful attitudes and practices that were discriminatory towards girls and the impact of HIV and Aids.

«In recognition of these challenges, the government of Malawi launched the National Education Girls Strategy in May 2014,» she said.

Madam Mutharika said the strategy aimed at advancing girls’ education and tackling barriers that girls face in terms of their participation and access to education.

She said the ‘let the girl child learn initiative gave her hope that the girl child had a bright future and would be empowered to take on decision-making positions.

«Adolescent girls are the most vulnerable unless they are empowered to realize their potential which is hindered by poverty, early marriages, early pregnancies and harmful cultural practices,» she said.

In her speech, Mrs Obama gave an account of her how she grew up. She said her parents did not have a college education, yet they managed to give her the best education she could get up to university.

Mrs Obama called on First Ladies to use their power to help girls worldwide to fulfill their aspirtaions.

During the function, three girls from Malawi, Jordan and Pakistan narrated the difficulties they experienced in pursuing their education.

When Malawi’s Halima Robert, 17, told her story of how she abandoned her marriage to return to school, she received a standing ovation.


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