Save The Children / 12 de noviembre de 2017 / Autor: Caminante Films / Fuente: Vimeo
Save The Children / 12 de noviembre de 2017 / Autor: Caminante Films / Fuente: Vimeo
Líbano/30 de Octubre de 2017/
Inaugurada una escuela en Líbano que escolarizará a 160 sirias apartadas del sistema.
Una escuela para refugiadas sirias se ha inaugurado en Bar Elias, en la región libanesa de la Becá, con el objetivo de ofrecer educación formal a chicas provenientes de familias conservadoras a las que se les impide acudir a colegios mixtos, por lo que se han visto excluidas del sistema educativo durante mucho tiempo.
Inaugurada una escuela en Líbano que escolarizará a 160 sirias apartadas del sistema
La Fundación Kayany, una ONG local, impulsó la construcción del espacio educativo, que recibirá a 160 niñas sirias de entre 14 y 18 años e impartirá lecciones de ciencia, matemáticas, árabe, inglés y formación profesional. Además, se han puesto en funcionamiento métodos de transporte para trasladar a las alumnas del hogar al colegio.
Inaugurada una escuela en Líbano que escolarizará a 160 sirias apartadas del sistema.
«La educación es la salvación para las niñas refugiadas», ha asegurado la líder de la Fundación Kayany, Nora Jumblatt, durante la apertura del centro, que ha sido financiado por Save The Children y por la Asociación Mujeres por la Paz de Naciones Unidas.
Zahra al Ayed, de 14 años, y su hermana Batoul, de 17, vivían en una localidad de Idlib, en el norte de Siria, donde lo único que se espera de las chicas es que se casen durante la juventud.
Inaugurada una escuela en Líbano que escolarizará a 160 sirias apartadas del sistema
Sin embargo, el haber tenido que abandonar su hogar por la guerra y enfrentarse a condiciones de extrema pobreza provocó que los padres de Zahra y Batoul se replantearan la importancia de la educación para sus hijas, según ha relatado la madre de las chicas, Mirdiyeh al Ayed.
«Mi hija mayor me dijo que no quería casarse hasta que terminase de estudiar. También quiere viajar al extranjero y aprender», ha manifestado Mirdiyeh.
Inaugurada una escuela en Líbano que escolarizará a 160 sirias apartadas del sistema
El acceso a la educación por parte de las refugiadas sirias encuentra numerosas barreras, que se acrecientan en el caso de familias como la de Al Ayed, acostumbradas a la segregación escolar por sexo hasta los doce años en Siria, que se encuentran con una falta de colegios divididos en base al género en Líbano.
América del norte/México/07 Octubre 2017/Fuente: Cuatro
Jordan/September 26,2017/ Source:
Prime Minister Hani Mulki has approved a recommendation by concerned officials to allow Syrian refugees who do not possess the required documents to enroll in government schools, officials have announced.
To be able to join formal education in the Kingdom, Syrians have to present a special ID card issued by the Interior Ministry indicating their status as refugees.
In exclusive remarks to Al Rai and The Jordan Times, Education Minister Omar Razzaz said that the decision is consistent with the government’s policy not to leave any children without education “because we do not want anyone to lose their right to education”.
In remarks to The Jordan Times, State Minister for Media Affairs and Government Spokesperson Mohammad Momani said: “In line with our value system in Jordan, we do not accept that any child be left out without education.”
“Education is among a string of services provided to Syrian refugees from the moment they are received on border,” the minister said, renewing a call on the international community to ensure proportionate assistance for Jordan to continue carrying out its humanitarian mission.
Asked if the new numbers would add to the problem of crowding at schools, he said that the newcomers would join afternoon periods in double-shift schools, where there is no such a problem.
In an exclusive statement to The Jordan Times, UNICEF Representative Robert Jenkins said: “We would like to congratulate the government of Jordan for this bold and positive step forward towards ensuring that every vulnerable girl and boy in Jordan goes to school.
“UNICEF stands by the Ministry of Education in doing everything we can for every child to access quality education and get a fair chance in preparing for a better future for themselves and their families.”
In addition to expanding schools in Syrian refugee camps, the Ministry of Education has opened a total of 200 schools operating double shifts to offer formal education to young refugees, according to UNICEF. Catch-up education programmes are also being rolled out to reach children who have missed more than three years of schooling, for them to accelerate their learning, and enroll in the formal system, the agency has said in a report.
In Jordan, according to official figures, more than 126,000 Syrian children were receiving education in public schools last year, while 80,000 were out of school, for different reasons, including the fact that they did not have the necessary identification documents. There is no official estimate of how many children would benefit from the new policy.
According to a report by Save the Children, 35 percent of the 4.8 million Syrian refugees in the region are of school age. Whereas before the conflict 94 percent of Syrians attended primary or lower secondary school by June 2017, 43 percent of Syrian refugees were out of school. “This is, in fact, an increase from 34 percent in December 2016,” according to the organization.