Ghana: Support government’s education initiatives – Second Lady to teachers

Ghana/February 20, 2018/ By:

The Second Lady addressing the audience

 Samira Bawumia, the wife of Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has admonished teachers to continuously support government policies aimed at improving the quality of education in the country.

She has also called on teachers to be effective role models to students and guide them to become successful future leaders.

The Second Lady was speaking at the 68th Speech and Prize-giving day of the T.I. Ahmadiyya Senior High School (SHS) in Kumasi where she represented the Vice President.

She said the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Government believes in a teacher-first approach to education and has begun introducing reforms such as teacher training, skills upgrade and improving teaching and learning materials to enable them deliver quality education outcomes for students.

“Government is confident that you will support its initiatives aimed at improving the quality of our education including the Free SHS policy. Be diligent in your dealings with the students and encourage them to take their studies seriously. Be effective role models for them, because at their impressionable ages how you conduct yourselves, will have a huge impact on their lives. Guide them to understand that they are the future leaders Ghana needs”.

Mrs. Bawumia said Government was aware of the challenges confronting the implementation of the Free SHS policy and is currently working to address them.

She added that government was also determined to ensure that the implementation of the policy does not compromise quality education and will work hard to resolve the challenges.


Support government’s education initiatives – Second Lady to teachers

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