Teacher unionists worldwide welcome the release of Canadian academic

America del Norte/Canada/Internacional de la Educación

Resumen: Después de meses de repetidas llamadas para su liberación, Homa Hoodfar, una antropóloga de renombre internacional y profesor de la Universidad Concordia de Montreal, ha sido liberado de su encarcelamiento desde el mes de Junio en Irán. La Asociación Canadiense de Profesores Universitarios (CAUT) había expresado su profunda preocupación por la detención injustificada del Dr. Hoodfar, acusado por las autoridades judiciales en Irán con ‘sedición contra el Estado explicando que la investigación exclusivamente de naturaleza académica del profesor Hoodfar en temas que van desde las relaciones familiares y del hogar a los desafíos de desarrollo que enfrentan las mujeres, ha sido traducido a muchos idiomas y tiene por objeto disipar los estereotipos culturales de contextos musulmanes. Las desafortunadas acusaciones de subversión contra el profesor Hoodfar son infundadas, ya que todos sus colegas de la comunidad internacional de académicos pueden dar fe de su integridad sin vacilar.

After months of repeated calls for her release, Homa Hoodfar, an internationally renowned anthropologist and professor at Montreal’s Concordia University, is now free after being imprisoned in Iran since June.

Concordia University’s Professor Homa Hoodfar.

Canada’s Prime Minister: Government actively and constructively engaged in her release

“Canadians are relieved that Dr. Hoodfar has been released from jail and will soon be reunited with her family, friends and colleagues,” said Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in his statement on 26 September.

He stressed that the Government of Canada has been actively and constructively engaged at the highest levels in Dr. Hoodfar’s case – since her ordeal began – working for her release and return to Canada, adding that “in the absence of diplomatic representation of its own in Iran, Canada worked closely with others who were instrumental in helping secure Dr. Hoodfar’s release – most notably Oman, Italy and Switzerland.” He further recognised the cooperation of those Iranian authorities who facilitated her release and repatriation.

CAUT: a relief for her family and colleagues

“We are very relieved that Dr. Hoodfar has been released from jail in Iran, and will soon be reunited with her family, friends, and academic colleagues in Canada,” said the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) Executive Director David Robinson.

He went on to say that the CAUT is grateful for the support that Education International (EI) and its affiliates provided in helping to press for the release of the world-renowned expert on sexuality and gender in Islam.

The CAUT had expressed deep concern over the unjustified arrest of Dr. Hoodfar, charged by judicial authorities in Iran with ‘sedition against the State’, explaining that: “Exclusively academic in nature, Professor Hoodfar’s research on issues ranging from household and family relations to the development challenges facing women has been translated into many languages and seeks to dispel stereotypes of Muslim cultural contexts. The unfortunate accusations of subversion against Professor Hoodfar are unfounded as all her colleagues in the international community of scholars can attest to her integrity without hesitation.”

It had urged President Rouhani to immediately assist in securing her release, and launched an on-line petition calling for Dr. Hoodfar’s release and right to return to Canada, encouraging its members to sign it.

EI: successful global appeal

Education International closely followed the Canadian academic’s situation and launched a global appeal to see free her free and released from Tehran’s Evin prison.

In a letter addressed to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayed `Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani, EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen asked that the charges be reconsidered, arguing that that “Professor Hoodfar’s detention represents infringements of various international human rights’ conventions and the right to academic freedom,” and invited the Iranian authorities to consider her immediate and unconditional release, and respect fully the fundamental rights of all teachers and citizens.

Fuente: https://www.ei-ie.org/en/news/news_details/4122#

Imagen tomada de: http://wpmedia.montrealgazette.com/2016/06/homa_hoodfar.jpg?quality=55&strip=all&w=840&h=630&crop=1

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