Algeria Makes ‘Significant Progress’ in Elimination of Child Labour

Argelia/03 de Octubre de 2016/Allafrica

Resumen: Argelia fue incluido en 2015 entre los 16 mejores países del mundo en haber logrado un progreso significativo en la eliminación del trabajo infantil. El informe QUI presenta los esfuerzos realizados por los gobiernos en 2015 para eliminar las peores formas de trabajo de los niños, dice que se ha conseguido «progresos significativos» en este campo,  que enumeran luego, en la primera categoría de países que hacen frentes para poner fin a la trata de niños y la explotación.

Algeria was listed in 2015 among the top 16 countries in the world having achieved significant progress in the elimination of child labour, according to a report of the United States Department of Labour (DOL), published in Washington.

The report which presents the efforts made by the governments in 2015 to eliminate the worst forms of labour of children, says that 16 countries, including Algeria, achieved «significant progress» in this field, listed then in the first category of countries which acted on various fronts to put an end to children trafficking and exploitation.

This ranking includes four categories of countries, established on the basis of the progress achieved in the field of the fight against children labour which is significant, modest, minimal or nonexistent.

 In 2015, Algeria advanced in the annual ranking of the US Department of Labour to be in the first category after being listed last year in the third category relating to the countries having achieved minimal progress.

According to this report, Algeria and Jordan are the only countries in the region of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) which have achieved in 2015 significant progress in terms of strengthening the legal framework relating to the prevention and fight against the exploitation of children in the worst forms of labour.


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