Vietnam leads Southeast Asia in number of students in US

Asia/Vietnan/Noviembre de 2016/Fuente: VN Express

RESUMEN:   El país ocupó el sexto puesto mundial con más de 21.000 estudiantes matriculados en universidades y universidades estadounidenses el año pasado. Más de 21.000 estudiantes vietnamitas matriculados en universidades en los Estados Unidos en 2015, un 14,3 por ciento más que el año anterior, según muestran nuevos datos. De acuerdo con el Informe anual de puertas abiertas sobre intercambio internacional, publicado por el Instituto de Educación Internacional, Vietnam ocupa el sexto lugar entre las principales fuentes de estudiantes extranjeros que estudian en instituciones de educación superior de los Estados Unidos. Los cinco primeros del año pasado fueron China, India, Arabia Saudita, Corea del Sur y Canadá. En el Sudeste Asiático, Vietnam salió a la cabeza, enviando más del doble del número de estudiantes a los Estados Unidos en comparación con Indonesia, la segunda mayor fuente de estudiantes para los Estados Unidos en la región.

The country ranked 6th globally with more than 21,000 students enrolling in American colleges and universities last year.

More than 21,000 Vietnamese students enrolled in colleges and universities in the U.S. in 2015, up 14.3 percent from the previous year, new data shows.

According to the annual Open Doors Report on International Exchange, published by the Institute of International Education, Vietnam ranked sixth globally among the leading sources of foreign students studying at U.S. higher education institutions. The top five last year was China, India, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Canada.

In Southeast Asia, Vietnam came out on top, sending more than twice the number of students to the U.S. compared to Indonesia, the second largest source of students for the U.S. in the region.

The number of international students enrolled in U.S. universities in 2015 exceeded 1 million for the first time last year.

The U.S., followed by Australia and the U.K, is by far the favorite destination for Vietnamese students.

Vietnamese students spent nearly $1 billion for studying at U.S. colleges and universities last year, according to latest data from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Statistics showed there were only 800 Vietnamese students at U.S. colleges and universities in 1995. Over the past 15 years, Vietnam has remained one of the top sending countries.

U.S. colleges are increasingly seeking international students to bolster enrollment and their budgets. The Open Doors Report pointed out that roughly 75 percent of all international students pay their tuition and fees from personal and family sources as well as assistance from their home country governments or universities.

“The strong increase in Vietnamese student enrollment shows the continued conviction by students and parents that a U.S. degree is a sound investment in their future careers,” according to a statement released by the U.S. Embassy in Vietnam.

The Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training reported that about 125,000 Vietnamese students went abroad in the 2013-14 academic year, a 15 percent increase from the previous year. The total spending on overseas education amounted to about 1 percent of the country’s gross domestic product in 2013.


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