Sudáfrica: Higher Education Committee Calls On Tvet Students to Allow Engagement On Issues of Concern

Sudáfrica/Enero de 2017/Fuente: All Africa

RESUMEN: El Comité de Cartera de Enseñanza Superior y Formación ha pedido a los estudiantes de los Colegios de Educación Técnica y Formación Profesional (EFTP) que prioricen las soluciones que aseguren que los campus permanezcan abiertos. «Los estudiantes deben permitir un compromiso continuo en todos los asuntos que afectan la educación post-escolar.» El Plan Nacional de Desarrollo plantea varios desafíos dentro de la EFTP y los que están siendo atendidos «, dijo Connie September, Presidenta del Comité. La Asociación de Estudiantes de Educación Continua y Formación de Sudáfrica amenazó un cierre el martes en todos los campus de los 50 colegios registrados en el país. Los estudiantes expresaron su preocupación por el liderazgo débil, los conferenciantes no cualificados y la falta de certificación en los colegios.

The Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training has called on students at Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges to prioritise solutions that will ensure campuses remain open.

«Students should allow for continuous engagements on all matters that affect post-school education. The National Development Plan raises various challenges within TVET and those are being attended to,» said the Chairperson of the Committee, Ms Connie September.

The South African Further Education and Training Student Association threatened a shutdown on Tuesday at all the campuses of the 50 registered colleges in the country. The students raised concerns about the weak leadership, unqualified lecturers and lack of certification at colleges.

«Shutting down institutions denies the opportunity for engagement and deprives everyone of the opportunity to further their much-needed education and the economy of the skills it so dearly requires. The Committee has recommended that TVET and community education and training be given equal attention, as they are part of the entire post-school education system in South Africa,» Ms September said.

The Committee has undertaken oversight visits to various TVET and will continue with oversight in KwaZulu-Natal over the next few days.

«The Committee supports government programmes that provide National Student Financial Aid Scheme funding to TVET applicants so that they do not bear fee increases. We also want to assure that certificates will be issued timeously and have called all the relevant institutions before Parliament to adhere to this,» Ms September said.

She said the Committee will continue to do oversight on college governance and financial accountability, as well as curriculums and the qualifications of teachers. «To continue this work and roll out much-needed infrastructure, we require the institutions to remain open,» she said.


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