Papua Nueva Guinea Government plans to establish more schools

Papua Nueva Guinea Government plans to establish more schools

Papua Nueva guinea/abril de 2016/ Papua Nueva guinea education news

Resumen: Uno de los compromisos del Gobierno Papua Nueva Guinea es asegurar que todas las provincias del país tengan más escuelas secundarias, escuelas técnicas y escuelas normales, dice el ministro de Educación Nick kumán.
ONE of the PNG Government’s commitments is to ensure that every province in the country has more secondary schools, technical schools and teachers’ colleges, Education Minister Nick Kuman says.
Speaking at the signing of a memorandum of agreement between his department and the National Capital District Commission to transfer powers and functions to the city, Kuman said we (Government) want to ensure that all the local level governments (LLG) in every district will have high schools and eventually turned into secondary schools.”
“We also want to see that we have a vocational school in each district right throughout the country and at the same time, we are embarking on the schools of excellence.
“The objective of the Government is to overhaul the entire education system and to ensure that the delivery mechanism to basic education must always impact on quality education.
Kuman said applicable education must be provided to all our children in the country.
“When the Government was formed in 2007, education was number one priority and we ensured that we invested in education up till today.

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