Botswana: Dow Calls for Accreditation of Programmes

África/Botswana/ 22 de Mayo de 2016/Daily News

 Resumen: Ministro de Educación y Desarrollo de Habilidades , Dr. Unity Dow , ha instado a los proveedores de educación y formación para el desarrollo de programas de aprendizaje y registrar programas de aprendizaje Acreditar con Autoridad de clasificación Botswana

Gaborone — Minister of Education and Skills Development, Dr Unity Dow, has urged education and training providers to develop learning programmes and register accredit learning programmes with Botswana Qualification Authority (BQA).

Minister Dow was addressing BQA registered and accredited education and training providers in a consultative meeting in Gaborone.

She said HRDC had a duty to provide a list of priority skills in consultation with industry and the Business Botswana education and training sector committee. She spokes against any education and training providers who run programmes who has not been registered and accredited.

Dr Dow advised associations for educations and training providers like the Botswana association for private of tertiary education provider (BATEP) to develop self-regulatory strategies for like code of conduct for their members.

«I want to believe that we all see the need to conduct ourselves in an ethical and professional manner,» she said.

Minister Dow said the meeting was important since there is need to collectively discuss achievements and challenges in the education and training sector regularly, and paving way for the Pitso.

She said the ultimate objective is to improve the quality of education and training in Botswana for the good of the learner and the economy. «We have a duty to produce graduates who are job ready for both national and global markets», she explained.

She also urged National Student Representative Council to consult with local SRC’s on student issues to inform and educate the student’s communities of the services in the system. She said then should be followed with regular consultations with the leadership of education and training providers.

Dr Dow said in order to produce learners and graduates that are globally competitive they should have gone through a comprehensive all inclusive robust quality assurance system of education.

She admitted that the current unrest in some institutions are worrisome, hence she instructed BQA to enforce the law where students complaints are justified.

For his part BQA chairperson Mr Charles Siwawa said their commitment was to assist education and training providers to deliver quality education that would benefit Botswana and the international community.

He went on and said Botswana like any other country is facing issues of unemployment , job skills mismatch mainly because their curriculum is lacking on soft skills. However he gave word of advice to education and training providers that while developing programmes should mainstream those skills so to produce all rounded graduates.

«It is high time that as a country we pride ourselves with the quality of our human resource by developing and implementing robust learning programmes that meets the needs of both the learner and industry,» he said.

Mr Segwagwa said Botswana set its long term goals in vision 2016 with one of the pillars being an educated and informed nation. The pillar suggest that by the year 2016 Botswana should have a system of quality education that is able to adapt to changing needs of the country as the world changes.


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