Estados Unidos: Fueling solutions for persistent educational problems

Publicado originalmente en Walton Family Foundation

Innovations in school models and how parents can be empowered have helped to improve schools and results for students over the past decade. We will continue to support efforts that promise to produce new innovations that will spur further improvements.

The foundation is particularly interested in supporting:

  • Novel school models, including those that have new approaches to career and technical education
  • Citywide enrollment models that include both traditional and public charter schools
  • New ways — beyond test scores — to advance long-term success, including understanding noncognitive attributes

We will invest in innovative projects that meet the following criteria:

It solves a problem:

The project addresses a significant barrier to student success and/or access to high-quality schools.

It applies the foundation’s theory of change:

The project enhances student access to a high-quality education and educational opportunity.

There’s potential for a breakthrough:

The proposed intervention, if implemented effectively, has the potential to produce significant results for students.

The idea is transferable:

Projects should be replicable in different circumstances and locales.

Its success can be tested objectively:

The project’s results will be discrete and measurable.

Key grantees include:

  • The Character Lab
  • NewSchools Venture Fund
  • 4.0 Schools
  • EdNavigator
  • MDRC

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