Fiji: Initiative to improve education for Pacific children

Oceanía/Fiji/Junio 2016/Autor: Editor / Fuente:

ResumenUna iniciativa de hace tres años, que envuelve a los ministerios de educación en Papua Nueva Guinea, Samoa y las Islas Salomón, para mejorar la calidad de la educación mediante el aumento de los niveles de alfabetización y aritmética de los estudiantes en la región del Pacífico, fue discutido cuando los líderes de educación de los tres países se reunieron en Fiji esta semana.

A three-year initiative, involving education ministries in Papua New Guinea, Samoa and Solomon Islands, to improve education quality by increasing literacy and numeracy levels of students in the Pacific region, was discussed when education leaders from the three countries met in Fiji this week.

The initiative involved developing and using tools to inform and identify policy and interventions that will improve learning outcomes.

Counsellor for Regional Health, Education and Gender at Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Sheona McKenna, said the Pacific Benchmarking for Education Results (PaBER) pilot project was funded by the Australian Government and supported at the national and regional levels.

“PaBER has provided countries with the opportunity to benchmark their own systems and policies against a regional standard, share information, and learn about successful ideas and approaches from each other.”

The PaBER project results comprise of 500 findings, 270 recommendations and 47 reports across five policy domains for countries to improve learning for Pacific children. The five policy domains are: Teacher Quality; Assessment Systems; Curriculum and Materials; School Governance and Management; and Education Management Information Systems.

PaBER is already having an impact in PNG as Dr Eliakim Apelis from the PNG Department of Education confirmed that the pilot assisted them to review and audit all its policies to assess their relevancy and currency with educational development so that there is consistency with government policies, including the PNG Vision 2050.

The project was implemented by the Educational Quality and Assessment Programme (EQAP) of the Pacific Community (SPC) in partnership with the Australian Government.

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