Kenia: Lamu to get first medical college in September after talks

Kenia / 27 de julio de 2016 / Por: KALUME KAZUNGU / Fuente:

The college, to be based at Mokowe hospital, is set to start its operation in September.

The county government of Lamu has finalised talks with the national government for a Medical Training college to be set up in the county before the end of the year.

Lamu Governor Issa Timamy said he had already met with representatives from the KMTC including board chair Phillip Kaloki and closed a deal on the same.

The college, to be based at Mokowe hospital, is set to start its operation in September.

He said the County Government is currently undertaking renovations and improvement of infrastructure at the facility where the MTC will be based.

On Friday last week, representatives from the Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) including board chair Philip Kaloki and engineers visited Lamu King Fahad County Hospital and Mokowe hospital before meeting with Mr Timamy and clocked the deal to start the MTC in the region.

Speaking to the Nation in Lamu on Tuesday Mr Timamy termed the move to start the MTC in Lamu as new dawn to Lamu’s health sector.

He said the college will offer training ground for Lamu youth who have a passion to study medical related courses.

He also said Lamu hospitals will directly benefit from the MTC students who will come from all over the country to study in Lamu.

He said the move was also a clear indicator of how the county government of Lamu was keen on improving the health and education sectors for the benefit of the people of Lamu.

The county government, he said, is willing to offer all the required support and cooperation in order to ensure the success in functionality of the college.

“We have already met with KMTC board members and given them a go ahead on their plan to set up an MTC at Mokowe,” said Mr Timamy.

“We are working closely with the county government of Lamu to make sure we open the institute by this September” said Mr Kaloki.

County Health Executive Dr Mohamed Kombo said the move was timely and that all plans were in place to ensure commencement of operations of the Lamu MTC takes place without hitches.

“We have already agreed that the KMTC offices and dormitories and class work will be majorly based at the Mokowe Hospital. We however agreed that the venue of practical training will be both at King Fahad County Hospital in Lamu town and Mokowe Hospital. They will also set a satellite office at the King Fahad in Lamu,” said Dr Kombo.

Meanwhile, the county government has, this year, spent over Sh50 million to renovate dispensaries in the region.

According to Dr Kombo, over Sh20 million went into the renovations and improvement of infrastructure for the Witu dispensary.

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