Finlandia: 2,500 tutors to get digitalisation training

Finlandia / 14 de septiembre de 2016 / Fuente:

A total of 2,500 tutors will be trained up in the next three years in primary schools in order to achieve the implementation of a new pedagogy and appropriate utilisation of digitalisation.

The plan is part of the wider programme of the primary school reform which was published on Friday.

The goal of the digitalisation programme is to get one tutor per every 220 pupils.

The grant application for digital tutor training which will conducted by the National Education Board in September.

The project will be supported by 7.5 million euros this year and a total of 23 million euros during the current government rigime.

In all, the Ministry of Education and Culture new primary school programme will utilise 90 million euros in three years.

A total of 40 million euros has been allocated for continuous teacher training, and 7 million euros has been set aside for the development of teacher training.

On the other hand,20 million euros will be used for pilot programmes aimed at improving learning conditions.8 million euros of the entire 20 million euros will be applied this autumn.

Fuente noticia:,500-tutors-to-get-digitalisation-training

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