Education for refugee children starts in Greece

Europa/Grecia/Octubre de 2016/Fuente: New Europe

RESUMEN: Ministro de Educación de Grecia dice que un programa de escolarización de los niños refugiados se iniciará el lunes y se incluyen aquellas cuyas familias se encuentran a ser deportado en virtud de un acuerdo entre Turquía y la Unión Europea. Ministro Nikos Filis dijo el miércoles que la iniciativa financiada por la UE comenzaría con las seis escuelas en Atenas y otras tres ciudades, antes de ser expandido para el resto del país a durante octubre. Las clases tendrán lugar en las escuelas estatales de la tarde, dijo. Más de 60.000 refugiados están varados en Grecia debido al cierre de las fronteras europeas, incluyendo unos 10.000 confinados a las islas frente a la costa turca. Las asociaciones de padres en varias escuelas alrededor de Grecia, así como la extrema derecha del partido Amanecer Dorado del país, han expresado objeciones al plan de integración de los refugiados.

Greece’s education minister says a program to provide schooling for refugee children will start Monday and will include those whose families are due to be deported under an agreement between Turkey and the European Union.

Minister Nikos Filis said Wednesday that the EU-funded initiative would start at six schools in Athens and three other towns, before being expanded to the rest of the country through October. Classes will take place at state schools in the afternoon, he said.

More than 60,000 refugees are stranded in Greece due to European border closures, including some 10,000 confined to islands facing the Turkish coast.

Parent associations at several schools around Greece, as well as the country’s extreme right Golden Dawn party, have expressed objections to the refugee integration plan.

But Filis described the objections as “marginal.”

“As long as they are in this country, refugee children will play with Greek children,” he said. “Regardless of the circumstances any child is in, we are obliged to look after them and provide them with an education. It’s a legal obligation and a moral obligation.”



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