Education central to empowering refugees

Asia/22 de noiembre de 2016/Fuente:

Con conflictos en todo el mundo que impulsan a las personas a buscar asilo de la violencia y la persecución, Education International está reuniendo a sindicatos de docentes, gobiernos y organizaciones de la sociedad civil para abordar el vínculo entre educación e integración. Los participantes de 46 países diferentes se reunirán en Suecia para intercambiar información y experiencias, identificar desafíos y buenas prácticas a nivel de sistema y de clase y recomendar políticas y estrategias para asegurar el acceso a educación de calidad a todos los niños refugiados y migrantes. Organizado por Lararforbundet, miembro de la Asociación Internacional de Educación (EI), en la Casa de los Docentes en Estocolmo, la conferencia «Proporcionar educación a los niños refugiados de zonas de conflicto en Oriente Medio – Fast Track a la Igualdad de Oportunidades e Integración» Que los sindicatos, las escuelas y los maestros pueden implementar en los países de acogida y tránsito de refugiados.

«El propósito de esta conferencia es, en primer lugar, explorar formas de garantizar el acceso de los niños refugiados y desplazados forzosamente a nuestros sistemas escolares nacionales y, en segundo lugar, discutir los desafíos profesionales a nivel escolar y de clase», dice un extracto de la Observaciones del Secretario General de la IE Fred van Leeuwen.

With conflicts around the world driving people to seek asylum from violence and persecution, Education International is bringing together teacher unions, governments and civil society organisations to address the link between education and integration.

Participants from 46 different countries are set to convene in Sweden to exchange information and experiences, identify challenges and good practices at system and classroom levels, and recommend policies and strategies to ensure access to quality education to all refugee and migrant children.

Hosted by Education International (EI) affiliate Lararforbundet at the Teachers’ House in Stockholm, the conference, “Providing Education to Refugee Children from Conflict Areas in the Middle East – Fast track to Equal Opportunities and Integration,” looks to develop concrete and actionable solutions that unions, schools, and teachers can implement in refugee host and transit countries.

“The purpose of this conference is, firstly, to explore ways to ensure access of refugee and forcibly displaced children to our national school systems, and, secondly, to discuss the professional challenges at the school and classroom levels,” reads an excerpt from the remarks of EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen.

The main aim of the two-day event is to equip participants with the opportunity to discuss topics, exchange messages, and provide their feedback on the diverse sessions.

With the help of a conference App, participants have the chance to access all of the information about the Conference on their computer or handheld device in one click, as well as communicate directly with other participants and speakers.

The App, coupled with the live streaming of the Conference via the EI YouTube channel, also allows experts and representatives of EI affiliates who, for various reasons, cannot be physically present in Stockholm, to take an active part in the debates. For those who are not in Stockholm, please contact Andrew King at EI to obtain access to the App.

The conference App can be accessed both on your favourite internet browser or by downloading it on the main App stores. Once you have received access to the App, simply enter the following URL into your browser: :

The app is available for download on the main four app stores:

Apple App Store
Google Play
BlackBerry World
Windows Phone Store

Locate the App “EI REFUGEES” in your chosen App store and follow the instructions to download it and install it on your device.


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