Sudáfrica: If This Is What It Takes to Improve Education, So Be It – Parents Shut Down Classes

Sudáfrica/Marzo de 2017/Fuente: All Africa

RESUMEN: Los padres dicen que las clases no se reanudarán en la Escuela Primaria Mseki en Gugulethu hasta que obtengan una respuesta clara a sus demandas del departamento de educación de Western Cape. La semana pasada las clases fueron interrumpidas en la escuela cuando los padres, los miembros del cuerpo gobernante de la escuela (SGB) y algunos maestros protestaron contra el supuesto hacinamiento y el no pago de los maestros. El martes por la mañana la enseñanza se detuvo cuando padres, profesores y alumnos marcharon a la comisaría de Gugulethu para tratar de obtener un permiso para marchar al departamento. Se les dijo que tendrían que solicitar un permiso de marcha en el Centro Cívico en Ciudad del Cabo y tendrían que esperar siete días para obtener una respuesta. Cuando los manifestantes regresaron a la escuela desde la estación de policía, la mayoría de los alumnos se habían ido a casa.

Phunyezwa Sonqishe, una madre y miembro de SGB, dijo que habían hecho una cita y fueron a las oficinas del departamento el lunes, pero que no recibieron mucha ayuda.

Parents say classes will not resume at Mseki Primary School in Gugulethu until they get a clear response to their demands from the Western Cape education department.

Last week classes were disrupted at the school when parents, members of the school governing body (SGB) and some teachers protested against alleged overcrowding and non-payment of teachers.

On Tuesday morning teaching stopped when parents, teachers and pupils marched to the Gugulethu police station to try and obtain a permit to march to the department. They were told that they would have to apply for a marching permit at the Civic Centre in Cape Town and they would have to wait seven days to get a response.

By the time the protesters marched back to the school from the police station, most of the pupils had gone home.

Phunyezwa Sonqishe, a parent and SGB member, said they had made an appointment and gone to the department’s offices on Monday, but had not received much help.

«We want mobile classrooms, and we want to know what will happen to the two teachers who still have not been paid, even though the department says they have [been].

«We are not going to break windows, burn down the school or cause unnecessary chaos, but we will fight for what we want. Learning will not continue until we are heard,» said Sonqishe.

A parent of a Grade 5 pupil said if this is what it takes to improve education for their children, then so be it.

Spokesperson for the Western Cape education department Millicent Merton said the department was aware of the march and the protest at the school.

«We call on parents not to disrupt teaching and learning.»

She said the SGB had an upcoming appointment with the department officials responsible for infrastructure.


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