Nueva Zelanda/Mayo de 2017/Autor: Chelsea McLaughin/Fuente: The Dominion Post
Resumen: La feria del libro Blue Dragon, en Ngaio Town Hall es una recaudación de fondos anual en Nueva Zelanda para el Blue Dragon Children’s Education Center. El dragón azul fue establecido en Hanoi por el profesor australiano Michael Brosowski en 2004 para ayudar a niños de la calle, niños víctimas de la trata y familias en crisis. En Nueva Zelanda, la organización Blue Dragon Children’s Trust, fue establecida por seis mujeres Wellington en 2010 para apoyar el centro de Hanoi Brosowski. Una historia de Dominion Post en 2009 sobre el Centro de Educación para Niños de Blue Dragon en Vietnam ayudó a llevar a Chinh Van Do a Nueva Zelanda a vivir. Cuando el Centro de Lengua y Educación al Aire Libre de Taupo leyó el artículo, se puso en contacto con Blue Dragon y ofreció una beca de tres meses a uno de sus estudiantes.
Buying a book in Wellington next weekend can help a Vietnamese child in need.
The Blue Dragon book fair, in Ngaio Town Hall next Saturday, is an annual fundraiser in New Zealand for the Blue Dragon Children’s Education Centre.
Blue Dragon was set up in Hanoi by Australian teacher Michael Brosowski in 2004 to give kids a better chance at life. It helps street kids, trafficked children and families in crisis.

Blue Dragon supports rural children from poor families to stay in school. The Blue Dragon book fair in Wellington raises money to help continue its work in Hanoi.
The New Zealand leg of the organisation, Blue Dragon Children’s Trust, was established by six Wellington women in 2010 to support Brosowski’s Hanoi centre.
A Dominion Post story in 2009 about the Blue Dragon Children’s Education Centre in Vietnam helped bring Chinh Van Do to New Zealand to live.

Blue Dragon also supports poor children with disabilities in its Step Ahead programme.
When the Taupo Language and Outdoor Education Centre read the article, it contacted Blue Dragon and offered a three-month scholarship to one of its students.
Van Do, a former street kid shining shoes on the streets of Hanoi, was selected to come to Taupo and has been studying and working in New Zealand ever since.
The 28-year-old has studied both English language skills and IT in Taupo and Auckland, and recently moved to Tauranga for an electrical apprenticeship.

Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation has played more than 2200 games of soccer. Pictured are its gaelic football champions.
For the fifth year in a row, he plans to travel to Wellington to help at the Blue Dragon Book Fair.
Describing the children’s education centre as a «home of hope», he says he always visits Blue Dragon on trips to Vietnam.
«They always make me feel so welcome. I try to help them out by playing soccer with the kids and helping them with their schoolwork.»
The work Blue Dragon does is important. «They are helping the kids and giving chances and creating opportunities for them.
«It’s like home for the kids.»
All proceeds of the book fair go to the Vietnamese organisation.