Suth Africa: Sexual Offence Claims Cast Shadow on Equal Education Organisation

South Africa/May 26, 2018/Allafrica

Resumen: Aunque Equal Education (EE) desea reunirse con la especialista en Educación del Cabo Occidental, Debbie Schäfer, sobre acusaciones de conducta sexual inapropiada contra sus antiguos miembros del personal, le preocupa que la organización no se comprometa con ningún alumno de la provincia en el ínterin.

Western Cape Minister of Education Debbie Schäfer has instructed Equal Education to stop operating in the province’s schools after sexual misconduct allegations surfaced against three former members of the South African civil organisation.

While Equal Education (EE) is keen to meet with Western Cape Education MEC Debbie Schäfer over sexual misconduct allegations against its former staff members, it is concerned by her request that the organisation not engage with any pupils in the province in the interim.

The civil society organisation recently established an independent inquiry after allegations surfaced against former general secretary Tshepo Motsepe, former head of national organising Luyolo Mazwembe, and former treasurer Doron Isaacs.

«Should we not receive such undertaking, we shall instruct our schools not to allow anybody from Equal Education, and who is not a [pupil] at the school, onto school premises,» she said in a statement on Monday.

EE responded on Tuesday that it was committed to ensuring a safe environment in which its staff, members and volunteers could engage.

It welcomed an opportunity to speak with Schäfer and said it would propose an urgent meeting.

However, it felt her request was broad and unjustified.

Provincial EE head Noncedo Madudube said in a statement that a blanket restriction in the province would curtail the right of freedom of association for its members.

Some of its members were high school pupils and were free to interact as they pleased after hours or outside of school premises.

«We therefore understand her request to be for an undertaking that EE’s staff members will not engage [pupils] in the Western Cape in person during school hours and on school premises. In this regard, EE’s staff/volunteer engagement with [pupils] in the Western Cape does not primarily take place within school premises and during school hours.»

What is ‘broad and unjustified’?

Schäfer clarified to News24 on Tuesday that she wanted to ensure that members of EE who were not pupils, did not participate in any activity on school premises until the education department could clarify the extent to which the men interacted with pupils at schools this year.

«I am not sure what is ‘broad and unjustified’… If they do not go to schools then all they have to do is say so and give the undertaking.»

She also wanted to know what measures were in place to vet its members.

The department may require additional measures in order to allow them to continue operating in schools.

Madudube said that the allegations did not involve any pupils and that none of the men had regular, direct interaction with individuals in provincial schools.

«Our policies prohibit relationships between staff or volunteers and [pupils] and clearly state that this offence is a first offence dismissal,» said Madudube.

«Any staff member who interacts with school [pupils] goes through a rigorous training process, which clarifies what appropriate and inappropriate behaviour is.»

Schäfer said a meeting with EE would also help her understand whether there were allegations against any other members.

EE said it took sexual harassment very seriously.

«We are committed to confronting this difficult moment in our movement’s history, with honesty and with integrity.

«We have acted swiftly to respond to all allegations and have committed publicly to continue doing so.»


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