Micronesia: Officials open the Sekere Multi-Purpose Gymnasium donated by Japan

Micronesia: Officials open the Sekere Multi-Purpose Gymnasium donated by Japan

Micronesia/ Abril de 2016/The Kaselehlie Press

Resumen: Pohnpei, Estado Federado de Micronesia , ahora tiene otro gimnasio y centro de usos múltiples situada en la propiedad de la escuela primaria Sekere. El gimnasio fue donado al Departamento de Educación del Estado de Pohnpei por el pueblo de Japón a un costo de $ 194.628. La finalidad de la concesión era para la educación de jóvenes y desarrollo de la comunidad mediante la promoción del deporte y la cultura tradicional.

By Bill Jaynes
The Kaselehlie Press
February 17, 2016
Pohnpei, FSM—Pohnpei State now has another gymnasium and multi-purpose center situated on the property of the Sekere Elementary School. The gym was donated to the Pohnpei State Department of Education by the people of Japan at a cost of $194,628. The purpose for the grant was for youth education and community development through promotion of sports and traditional culture.
This morning was the ribbon cutting ceremony which was attended by dozens of local community members as well as State and National officials, and Ambassador Masaki Sakai of the Japanese Embassy. At the end of the ceremony, Ambassador Sakai demonstrated his basketball dribbling prowess before delivering a ceremonial jump ball to two Sekere Elementary School students.
Before entering the multi-purpose center, some of the students of Sekere Elementary participated in the State Anthem.
Ambassador Sakai, FSM Secretary for the Department of Foreign Affairs Lorrin Robert, Governor Marcelo Peterson, Acting Director of the Pohnpei Department of Education Destry Tom, Pohnpei State Senator and Lepen Sekere Rensper Liwy, and Sekere Community Youth Association President Nixon Ludwig ceremonially cut the ribbon for the new center.
Immediately following, all of Sekere’s Church leaders blessed the building and the dignitaries were ushered to their seats.
Sekere Elementary School Principal, Pastor Loriano Martin served as the Master of Ceremonies and introduced the invited dignitaries several times during the ceremony which lasted for two hours.
Juan San Nicolas of APSCO Construction handed over the symbolic key to a long line of recipients ending with Mr. Tom handing the key to Nixon Ludwig of SCYA.
Ambassador Sakai has participated in each ceremony for the Sekere Community Multi- Purpose Gymnasium. He and his staff drove the grant process through. He spoke of the friendly relations between the FSM and Japan, the “Kizuna”, the tight bonds of friendship. He spoke of the two ceremonies he had attended before on the site and the fact that it had rained on each occasion and had been told that rain indicated a blessing on the project.
Governor Peterson spoke about the benefits to all Pohnpeians as the people of the State battle against non-communicable diseases.
Before Ambassador Sakai tossed the first basketball into the air for the symbolic jump ball, there was a dramatic moment as the basketball hoops were lowered into position and the score board was lit up with all of its buzzers and bells.
Since the date of the opening of the gym it has seen consistent use in the community

Fuente: http://www.kpress.info/index.php?option=com_content&view=archive&year=2016&month=3&Itemid=103

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