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Tonga: Fire destroys two rooms at Tonga Side School

Tonga: Fire destroys two rooms at Tonga Side School
Tonga/ abril de 2016/Matangi Tonga Online

Resumen: Dos aulas fueron arrasadas por un incendio la madrugada del  miércoles 20 de abril en el campus principal de Tonga Side School en Nuku’alofa. Una investigación realizada por la policía y los bomberos está en marcha para determinar la causa.

Two classrooms were razed by a fire early this morning, Wednesday 20 April at Tonga Side School main campus in Nuku’alofa. An investigation by police and fire services is underway to determine the cause.

The Acting Deputy Fire Commissioner Sinamoni Kauvaka said the fire was reported to them at around 1:45am by a phone call and a driver who stopped by the fire station.
He said there were no casualities but the esimated loss is more than $60,000 pa’anga.
When the firefighters arrived at the school a block of four classrooms was on fire. “Two classrooms were already engulfed and our firefighters could not save them but managed to save the remaining two and prevented the fire from further spreading to a neighbouring government flat, which was located just 5 metres away from this classroom block,” he said.
The Deputy Fire Commissioner said the origin of the fire seemed to have begun from the top or ceiling in one of the classrooms.
“At this stage we have nothing that would suggest anything suspicious but our investigation continues to determine the cause,” he said.
The two razed classrooms belonged to the students of Class 3-4.
Tonga Side School is a government school that teaches Class 1 to Form 2 levels.

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Perú: Lanzan convocatoria para Campamento Científico de Escolares Mujeres

En el marco del Foro APEC

Perú/Lima/20 de Abril de 2016/Andina

Hasta el próximo 24 de abril estará abierta la convocatoria para participar en el Campamento WiSci 2016 para Mujeres Jóvenes, impulsada por una asociación entre Girl-Up y el Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, con el apoyo del Concytec y otros socios internacionales.

Esta convocatoria está dirigida a escolares mujeres de entre 14 y 17 años y se realiza en el marco del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia Pacífico 2016, informaron voceros del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica (Concytec).
El Campamento WiSci 2016 se desarrollará en el Perú durante dos semanas en el mes de julio. Se reunirá a más 100 alumnas de escuelas secundarias de Chile, México, Perú y los Estados Unidos, ofreciendo así una nueva oportunidad para demostrar el impacto verdadero de la educación en Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Artes y Diseño, y Matemáticas (STEAM, por sus siglas en inglés.)
El plan de estudios incluirá la formación en ingeniería, química, robótica, codificación, y la posibilidad presentar formas en que dichas profesiones se puedan aplicar a las innovaciones en la agricultura, asuntos ambientales, transporte, salud y otros desafíos y oportunidades regionales.
Las escolares trabajarán en proyectos para aplicar las lecciones aprendidas a situaciones reales. También participarán en sesiones de diseño con visión y desarrollo de liderazgo.
El Campamento WiSci 2016 busca involucrar a los funcionarios del gobierno y líderes del sector privado de APEC sobre las mejores prácticas y recomendaciones de políticas para cerrar la brecha de género STEM.
El Concytec, en el marco de generar vocación científica en nuestros jóvenes e impulsar el empoderamiento de las mujeres en la Ciencia, acompaña esta iniciativa. Para mayor información ingresar a la página web:
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Teenagers with Asperger’s are aware of being different

Oceanía/Australia/Abril 2016/Autor: Sylvia Thompson/ Fuente:

Resumen: La adolescencia puede ser difícil de transitar para muchos jóvenes y sus padres. Sin embargo, si usted tiene el síndrome de Asperger, lo que es aún más complicado ya que las cosas que son desafiantes -como leer el lenguaje corporal, la comprensión de chistes sexuales y generalmente mantener el contacto con sus compañeros- se convierten en parte de la vida cotidiana.

The teenage years can be difficult to navigate for many young people and their parents. However, if you have Asperger’s syndrome, it’s even more complicated as the things that are challenging – such as reading body language, understanding sexual jokes and generally keeping up with peers – become part of everyday life.
Based in Brisbane, Australia, clinical psychologist Prof Tony Attwood is widely known for his writings and workshops with 40 years’ professional experience and, with his wife, Sarah, over 30 years’ co-rearing his son William, who struggles with life as an adult with Asperger’s syndrome.
Speaking ahead of the Sensational Kids conference in Dublin this month, he says that while he is not keen to speak about his son, it does give him huge empathy with other families. “It is harder to be objective about one’s own family and I often ask myself whether it’s better for me to be the psychologist or the father to him?”
In his best known book on the subject, The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome (Jessica Kingsley, 2006), Attwood writes: “I usually say to the child, ‘Congratulations, you have Asperger’s syndrome’ and explain that this means he or she is not mad, bad or defective, but has a different way of thinking.”
At the conference, which looked at how parents and teenagers with Asperger’s can deal with adolescence, Attwood teased out what those with Asperger’s find most challenging about adolescence. Things like dealing with the physical changes of puberty, working out what’s funny or not in casual conversations and understanding the different cues for friendly or romantic relationships.
Major emotional challenges
“Adolescence is a tough time for Aspies [people with Asperger’s syndrome]. They can be bullied or teased for their intelligence and they have major emotional challenges and can be anxious around academic performance and social situations,” says Attwood.
“The dating game has the most subtle form of non-verbal communication, and teenagers with Asperger’s don’t pick up on cues or misinterpret cues.”
He suggests a few strategies. “It’s good to recruit one or two peers who will look after the person; someone who understands that he’s a nice guy but can be vulnerable or gullible and who could step in and help in certain situations.”
The issue is that it takes longer to process comments. “They can have an excellent sense of humour and might have a fantastic comment five seconds later but it’s too late then,” he says.
It’s also important to teach teenagers with Asperger’s the importance of context – and how one joke might be appropriate with peers in school but not funny to their grandma.
The social and academic pressures can lead to mental health problems.
“Teenagers with Asperger’s are very aware of being different and can become depressed. The depression can be related to emotional exhaustion from trying to fit in and be successful while also dealing with sensory sensitivities they might have (for example, to loud sharp noises or bright lights),” says Attwood, who finds cognitive behaviour therapy a useful tool in his Australian clinic.
Another strategy is to constructively use the special interest that many people with Asperger’s have. This can be anything from an exceptional ability in computer programming or gaming to a talent for drawing.
“Their specialist knowledge gives them a feeling of self-worth but it can become intoxicating so parents will have to ration things like time on computers when homework and chores are done.”
Social enterprises such as the Danish Specialisterne [The Specialists] have helped improve the work opportunities for some people with Asperger’s syndrome.
“Eleven people with Asperger’s have recently been employed to work alongside three guides in Brisbane to test software before it is installed in government departments,” says Attwood.
Specialisterne Ireland also assesses high-functioning people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to use their specialist skills in the workplace.
However, Attwood says the key to educational, training or work programmes is continued support. “The biggest problem nowadays is that people are expected to work in a team and people with ASD are not good at being part of a group.
“They need mentors in schools and workplaces who will teach them about the status quo, the dos and don’ts, the social hierarchy and social conventions.”

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South Africa: ANC Congratulates PYA for Successes in Recent SRC Elections

Source: South Africa: ANC Congratulates PYA for Successes in Recent SRC Elections

Resumen: El Congreso Nacional Africano (ANC) felicita a la Alianza Progresista de Jóvenes (PYA) bajo la bandera de los Estados de África del Sur Congreso Estudiantes (Sasco) por su desempeño en el Consejo de Representantes de Estudiantes (SRC) Las elecciones celebradas recientemente en varios campus en todo el país. Los resultados han enviado un mensaje inequívoco de que los estudiantes se mantienen firmes en su apoyo al movimiento democrático de masas, y siguen teniendo confianza en el PYA y SASCO, en particular, para cumplir con sus aspiraciones expresadas muy vocalmente.

press release

The African National Congress (ANC) congratulates the Progressive Youth Alliance (PYA) under the banner of the South African Students Congress (SASCO) for their performance in the Student Representative Council (SRC) Elections recently held in various campuses throughout the country. The results have sent an unequivocal message that students remain unwavering in their support for the Mass Democratic Movement, and continue to have confidence in the PYA and SASCO in particular to deliver on their very vocally expressed aspirations.

While many laudable successes have been achieved by the PYA in numerous universities, the winning back of the Fort Hare University by SASCO, following a short stint of the opposition at the helm, is of particular significance. The ANC calls upon the PYA to not take these victories for granted but to redouble their efforts to service of the the student population, remaining grounded in their struggles and leading from the front in all matters affecting the student population. Now is the time to accelerate «unity for democracy in education» to realise the vision of a non-sexist, non-racial, working class biased and democratic education system.

Issued by

Zizi Kodwa

National Spokesperson

African National Congress


Khusela Sangoni 072 854 5707

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Head of Accreditor for For-profit Colleges Leaves Amid Growing Scrutiny

América del Norte/EEUU/Abril 2016/Autor: Annie Waldman/ Fuente: ProPublica

Resumen: El jefe del organismo que vigila a las universidades con problemas de fines de lucro, Consejo de Acreditación para Colegios y Escuelas -ACICS-, renunció a su cargo, según la agencia el lunes en un comunicado. La renuncia de Albert Gray, que sirvió como presidente y CEO de ACICS durante los últimos siete años, llega en un momento precario para el ente acreditador. La semana pasada, una docena de abogados estatales hicieron llamados generales al Departamento de Educación para revocar el reconocimiento del acreditador. Sin el reconocimiento, los cientos de colegios, sobre todo con fines de lucro que supervisa el acreditador, podrían perder el acceso a la ayuda federal para estudiantes que constituye la mayor parte de sus ingresos.

The head of troubled for-profit college watchdog, Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools, has stepped down, the agency said Monday in a statement.

The resignation of Albert Gray, who served as ACICS’ president and chief executive officer for the past seven years, comes at a precarious time for the accreditor.

Last week, a dozen state attorneys general called on the Department of Education to revoke the accreditor’s recognition. Without recognition, the hundreds of mostly for-profit colleges that the accreditor oversees could lose access to the federal student aid that makes up the majority of their revenue.

Citing ProPublica’s reporting, the state attorneys general said that the actions of the agency had “ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands of vulnerable students whom it was charged to protect.” Our reporting found that students at colleges accredited by ACICS were far worse off than students at other schools.

The accreditor did not provide a specific reason for Gray’s departure.

During a Senate hearing last summer, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass, slammed Gray for ACICS’ involvement in propping up for-profit college chain Corinthian Colleges amid widespread allegations of fraud, misrepresentation and predatory lending.

“How many federal and state agencies need to file lawsuits against one of your colleges before your organization takes a second look at whether that school should be eligible for accreditation, and most importantly, federal money?” she demanded.

Gray told the committee that the investigations into Corinthian were only allegations. “All of these investigations that you’ve mentioned are just that: investigations,” said Gray. “Without outcomes from these investigations, we don’t have any evidence to take any kind of action.”

In their letter last week, the state attorneys general also expressed concern about the composition of ACICS’ board and committees, saying that its leadership raised “serious questions about potential conflicts of interests and therefore ACICS’ ability to impartially evaluate those and other schools.”

As ProPublica has reported, at least two-thirds of ACICS’ commissioners since 2010 have worked as executives at for-profit colleges while sitting on the council. And at least one-third of the commissioners came from colleges that faced heightened scrutiny, including investigations by state attorneys general and federal financial monitoring.

“This Council takes the concerns raised by a variety of external stakeholders very seriously,” said Lawrence Leak, the chair of the board of directors, in a statement. “The assurance of quality and integrity of private post-secondary education by ACICS will become stronger and more effective in light of these concerns.”

A Department of Education committee is slated to review ACICS’ accrediting status in June.

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Vanuatu: Vt250 million Fee Exemption Paid

Vanuatu: Vt250 million Fee Exemption Paid
Vanuatu/abril de 2016/Vanuatu Daily Post

Resumen: Un total de VT250 millones ha sido transferido y compartido con las cuentas bancarias de todas las escuelas secundarias Algunas escuelas en Shefa, como Malapoa Colegio, Escuela de Epi y el Instituto de Tecnología de Vanuatu (VIT) confirmaron que recibieron su parte la semana pasada.
Este fondo restante cubre todo 2015 pendientes; 60% de plazo II, el 100% del término III y el 100% de 2016.

By Anita Roberts

A total of Vt250 million has been transferred and shared to the bank accounts of all secondary schools that were granted fee exemption.
Some schools in Shefa Province, like Malapoa College, Epi High School and the Vanuatu Institute of Technology (VIT) confirmed they received their share last week.
This remaining fund covers all 2015 outstanding; 60% of term II, 100% of term III and 100% of 2016 term one.
The fee exemption applies to schools badly affected on the islands of Merelave, Maewo, Pentecost, Paama, Ambrym, south and south east Malekula and every islands in the provinces of Tafea and Shefa.
It covers tuition fees and examination fees in all secondary schools and government institutions as the Vanuatu Institute of Technology, Vanuatu Institute of Teacher’s College and USP.
Following the declaration last year, the government was able to meet only 40% of the school’s tuition fees. The leftover 60% is now paid off.
With that, the Acting Principal Education Officer (PEO) at the Shefa Education Office, Jonathan Yona, is urging all schools to ensure that the funds are smoothly transferred to each students’ accounts.
He referred to students who enrolled in 2015 but are now transferred or selected to another school, for example, final year students.
This means that the school principals must work closely with the bursar to sort this out and must make sure that the money, in case of this year’s term one fees, reaches students in their new schools, said PEO Yonah.
Parents are also advised to approach the school authorities and ask if their children’s names are exempted from paying school fees or not.
The fee exemption initiative only targets children whose parents are farmers and do not have a means of regular income excluding those whose parents are working in the government or private sector.
The Ministry of Education and Training has clarified earlier this year that parents who have already paid fees will be reimbursed.
The Director of Education Services, Roy Obed, said schools are encouraged to work closely with parents to sort this out.
The Council of Ministers endorsed for the Department of Finance to release some money from the Tropical Cyclone Pam Recovery Fund towards the fee exemption.


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Filipinas: Revolución solidaria en la ropa deportiva

El 24 de abril de 2013 más de mil personas murieron en Bangladesh como consecuencia de las condiciones de esclavitud en la industria textil en Asia. Taller de Solidaridad es una ONG para el desarrollo que comercializa Ropa Hecha con Amor, una marca pionera en moda deportiva basada en criterios de comercio justo para cambiar esa situación.

Las trabajadoras de los talleres se benefician del empleo estable que respeta estrictamente la legalidad y ofrece un paso más con servicio de guardería, apoyo a vivienda, formación y subsidio mensual de arroz para la contribución de la cesta familiar.

«Me siento feliz porque aquí he experimentado en primera persona el valor de mi trabajo y mi dignidad como trabajadora. Es necesario apoyar el Comercio Justo para detener el trabajo infantil y el consumo irresponsable», asegura Mercy ButialSinangote, trabajadora textil en Filipinas.

Seis centros educativos de Orense, Lugo, León, Alicante, Zamora y Jaén se han comprometido con el Comercio Justo a través de la adquisición de equipamiento deportivo para casi 600 estudiantes y la impartición de charlas educativas y de concienciación para 8 centros educativos. El compromiso del equipamiento de un centro educativo da empleo durante un mes a 25 mujeres del Taller de Mandaluyong. (Filipinas).

El Colegio Sagrada Familia de Alicante colabora con Ropa Deportiva Hecha con Amor.

El Colegio Sagrada Familia de Alicante colabora con Ropa Deportiva Hecha con Amor.

Otro de los ejemplos de que otro mundo textil es posible es lacooperativa de mujeres Sadnha, establecida en la India y que trabaja bajo condiciones de comercio justo para confeccionar complementos y ropa infantil a partir del patchwork.

Sadnha se creó en 1988 para proporcionar fuentes alternativas de ingresos para las mujeres en las zonas más empobrecidas de los entornos rurales, indígenas y urbanos de Udaipur. Con la idea de lograr una mayor independencia de la agricultura, se ofreció la artesanía como una alternativa de medio de vida para las mujeres.

Hoy en día esta cooperativa sigue ofreciendo formación continua a estas mujeres artesanas para mejorar sus habilidades en patchwork, aplicaciones de tejido y bordado. Esta cooperativa que hoy forma parte de la Feria de Foro- la India, Consejo de Promoción de Exportación de las Artesanías (EPCH) y WFTO ha supuesto una red de apoyo para estas mujeres y sus comunidades, y a ellas les ha permitido ocupar una posición respetable en su familia y en la sociedad de la que forman parte.

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