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Uganda: Risu launches new curriculum

África/Uganda/12 Junio 2016/Fuente:Monitor /Autor: Beatrice Nakibuuka

Resumen: Rainbow International School Uganda (RISU) ha lanzado su nuevo plan de estudios BTEC como una vía alternativa a la educación universitaria. El nuevo plan de estudios se ofrecerá a los estudiantes de Año 10 hasta el año 13 con el Nivel 2 como equivalentes a los IGCSE y Nivel 3 como un equivalente a un nivel. El nuevo plan de estudios está programada para comenzar en agosto de 2016

Rainbow International School Uganda (RISU) recently launched its new BTEC Curriculum as an alternative pathway to university education. The new curriculum will be offered to students from Year 10 up to Year 13 with Level 2 as an equivalent to IGCSE and Level 3 as an equivalent to A Level.

The new curriculum is set to begin in August 2016 (Term 1 intake) and will run alongside Rainbow’s already existing British Curriculum with Cambridge Examinations (IGCSE and A Level). It will target children that want to have a more balanced learning practice with practical skills and a hands-on

At the official launch held on 17 th May 2016 at the Kampala Serena Hotel, the BTEC – Pearson East Africa Representative, Bushra Malik remarked, «The BTEC Curriculum offers a stimulating learning dimension with a flexible course structure that blends subject theory with practical application. Students are assessed and graded through coursework, fieldwork and team projects but there are no formal.

According to the Head of Secondary School, Jason Lewis, Risu will be the first school in Uganda to offer the BTEC Curriculum, which is recognised the world over for its practical skills, real life learning and engaging experience.

The popular BTEC subjects include Computing (IT), Hospitality and Physical Education. As the courses and curriculum become popular and mirror the success it has had in all the top International Schools in Nairobi, Kenya the amount and variety of courses offered will increase.

«This is a new phenomenon in international education that we see becoming very successful in a couple of years as parents and students choose a more robust curriculum that provides students with practical skills. 95 per cent of universities in the United Kingdom, over 200 universities worldwide and 70 professional bodies including ACCA, ICE and CMI recognise BTEC qualifications and a big number of international employers like Shell (Vivo Energy), PWC and Rolls Royce actively recruit BTEC graduates.»

At the launch attended by a number of leading corporate organisations from sectors such as banking, insurance, health and others, Risu pledged to continue upholding its high academic standards and offering a holistic education that caters for the needs of every child.

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Corea del Sur ofrecerá US$10 millones en apoyo educativo a países africanos

Seúl/Yonhap/1 de junio de 2016.

Seúl, 1 de junio (Yonhap) — Corea del Sur acordó este miércoles ofrecer a la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (Unesco, según sus siglas en inglés) 10 millones de dólares durante los próximos cinco años para ayudar a apoyar la educación profesional en Etiopía, Uganda, Kenia, Tanzania y Madagascar.

El ministro surcoreano de Educación, Lee Joon-sik, firmó una carta de intenciones en París con la jefa de la Unesco Irina Bokova, reflejando el ofrecimiento surcoreano de una segunda fase del fondo para financiar el proyecto «Mejor Educación para el progreso de África», conocido como BEAR por sus siglas en inglés.

El proyecto BEAR, al cual se adhirió Seúl en 2011 a petición de la Unesco, recoge la entrega de ayuda oficial al desarrollo durante cinco años para que los fondos sean empleados por la organización de la ONU en un propósito especial.

La Unesco puso en marcha la primera fase del proyecto BEAR entre 2011 y 2015, desarrollando programas de estudios y libros de texto, así como la formación de profesores, en cinco naciones africanas que fueron Botsuana, República Democrática del Congo, Namibia, Zambia y Malaui.

Bajo el acuerdo de este miércoles, Corea del Sur ofrecerá otros 10 millones de dólares hasta 2020 para ser empleados en la segunda fase del proyecto en cinco países que son Etiopía, Uganda, Kenia, Tanzania y Madagascar.

La presidenta surcoreana Park Geun-hye visitó Etiopía, Uganda y Kenia la semana pasada.

Lee deseó que el apoyo de Seúl al proyecto, unido al viaje de Park a África, facilitarán la obtención de resultados óptimos en la cooperación en educación con estos tres países.

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Colonial Legacies and Social Welfare Regimes in Africa: An Empirical Exercise

Colonial Legacies and Social Welfare Regimes in Africa: An Empirical ExerciseThis paper identifies three types of welfare regimes in Africa, based on the insight that tax and expenditure regimes are closely associated. Using cluster analysis, the author highlights historical legacies in current welfare policies, demonstrating that welfare regimes in Africa have been strongly determined by the ways in which different countries were incorporated into the colonial economy. The author finds that many of the new social welfare reforms are taking place in what he refers to as labour reserve economies, and are generally internally rather than aid-driven. He stresses the importance of thinking of social expenditure in relationship to domestic resource mobilization, and finds that the focus on aid and social expenditure has tended to obscure this important aspect of welfare regimes in Africa.

Thandika Mkandawire is Chair and Professor in African Development at the London School of Economics, a Senior Fellow of The Graduate School of Development and Practice and Visiting Professor at the University of Cape Town.

  • Publication and ordering details
  • Pub. Date: 27 May 2016
    Pub. Place: Geneva
    From: UNRISD

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Uganda: Where two primary schools shared premises

África/Uganda/29 Mayo 2016/Fuente:Theobserver /Autor:Racheal Ninsiima

Resumen:  El espacio físico limitado en la escuela primaria en el distrito de Nebbi Angir ha obligado a dos escuelas compartir un edificio. A poca distancia de la ciudad de Nebbi existen las escuelas-dos-en-uno,  en la entrada hay dos señales que se colocan uno frente al otro para diferenciarlas.

Ever heard of two schools sharing the same building? Well, RACHEAL NINSIIMA came across such a situation on her recent trip to Nebbi and reports.

Limited physical space at Angir primary school in Nebbi district has forced two schools to share a building. A short drive from Nebbi town led me to the two-in-one schools At the entrance, there are two signposts standing opposite each other.

One reads – ‘Angir Primary School: Education pays’ while the other, ‘Angir COPE Centre.’ COPE stands for Complimentary Opportunities for Primary Education, a programme offering non-formal education for primary school pupils.

The two signposts point to three buildings in one compound. Two of the three buildings belong to Angir PS; while the other marks COPE.

The conditions at Angir primary school may be described as hellish; no library, a tree shade for a classroom and no office space for the head teacher. When I arrived at the school on a rainy morning, I found Jane Kabalisa Onangiu, the school’s head teacher, marking scripts in a congested room, which doubles as a library for her school. The room, in which she is sitting, belongs to the COPE school.

She tells us that sharing premises with COPE is a remarkably complex issue dating from the school’s history.

«[Angir] started in a grass-thatched house under the leadership of the Catholic Church in 1980, but later collapsed due to neglect,» she narrates. «It was later taken up by the Protestants but not much changed and it collapsed again until it was taken over by government in 2002.»

Angir started in another part of the town council before transferring to to it’s current place in 2002. On the other hand, COPE was introduced there in 2000. The decision for the two schools to share the buildings was made by Angir’s Parents Teachers’ Association, requesting COPE to share premises.

The government has constructed only two classroom blocks for Angir, forcing the school to borrow one more classroom block from COPE school.

«We only use the COPE centre until midday to allow the children signed up for COPE to use their premises in the [afternoon]. Angir primary has 525 pupils at the moment and they cannot fit in the two blocks,» she laments.

Coexistence is clearly an uphill task and to minimize the inconvenience, parents of Angir primary are now soliciting funds to complete a classroom block.

«In March this year, the school administration requested parents to contribute Shs 3,000 per term in order to build a new classroom block. We hope the building will be completed by end of year,» the headteacher says.


Bogged down with inadequate infrastructure for all the pupils, the school management has been forced to teach primaries one to three together under a tree. When I arrived at the school, I saw hundreds of pupils clumped together under a mango tree trying to recite a few lines from story books.

Although it was drizzling, the pupils went about their routine recitals unabated. Some sat on the muddy floor while majority were on bricks.

«These bricks are what we use as furniture here. I have never sat on a bench. When it rains, we do not come to school and when it is too hot, it becomes uncomfortable for us too,» says Mungu Acen, a P3 pupil.

Acen envisions becoming a teacher in future just like many in her class, but their teacher Godwin Orombi is afraid that these ambitions will not come to fruition if the pupils have to study under such unbearable conditions. Many of them are struggling to learn and speak English and thus; so, most of the lessons are conducted in Alur.

Kabalisa Onangiu says it is difficult and unsafe to conduct lessons during the rainy season, as it exposes children to complications such as pneumonia. She says two pupils had to drop out of the school early this term due to chest complications.

According to her, the school which has 13 teachers, currently also lacks other amenities required for learning, including desks and chairs. This has forced parents to withdraw their children from the school. She notes that enrollment is usually high in P1 but this tremendously reduces in higher classes.

«We are struggling to offer free uniforms, lunch and education to these underprivileged children. Seeing them grasp what we teach is enough motivation to keep us going,» she says.

To solve the school’s problems, Kabalisa urges government to construct two more classroom blocks and a staff room. She also calls for increased quarterly funding which is currently at Shs 1.5m.

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Uganda: KIU ready for e-learning next semester – Dr Nasinyama

África/Uganda/Mayo 2016/Fuente:TheObserver /Autor: Moses Talemwa

Resumen: La Universidad Internacional de Kampala se iniciará formalmente en  la enseñanza en línea el próximo semestre, tras la conclusión de los preparativos para el aprendizaje electrónico. De acuerdo con Vicerrector de Investigación de KIU para la Innovación y Extensión, Dr. George Nasinyama, que están poniendo a prueba la dirección de plataforma en la que se aloja el contenido de la enseñanza.

Kampala International University will formally start online teaching next semester, following the conclusion of preparations for e-learning.

According to KIU’s deputy vice chancellor for Research Innovation and Extension, Dr George Nasinyama, they are currently piloting the e-platform on which the teaching content will be housed.

“We are presently piloting the programme, but next semester we will be live and online by August,” Nasinyama revealed. “We will start with seven postgraduate programmes.”

These include the Masters in Business Administration, Master of Public Administration, Master of Public Health, Master of Education, Master of Laws, Master of Arts in Conflict and Peace Building. He added that work on other modules was ongoing.

Nasinyama was speaking at the conclusion of a training session for KIU staff, at their main campus in Kansanga, recently. The training was carried out by a consulting firm, led by Prof Joyce Agalo of Moi University in Kenya.

Prof Agalo explained that their efforts were intended to train staff on virtual teaching; and setting up the relevant infrastructure.

“From what we can say, they are over 68 per cent ready to start online teaching,” she said.
Agalo’s team has also customized a mobile application for KIU’s e-platform.


Agalo said the e-platform would also soon be customized to support students with special needs.

“The software to assist blind or deaf students exists, it is a matter of customizing it, when needed,” Agalo said.

Nasinyama then chipped in, adding that he had seen how students with special needs could benefit from e-learning.

“I was recently in Ethiopia at Addis Ababa University, and saw blind students preparing their PhD theses – it was amazing,” he said. “The leadership here is committed; so, there is no option but to embrace whatever challenges are available.”

He indicated that with its expanding enrolment, KIU would be able to embrace students with or without disabilities, over time.


Agalo was quick to emphasize that KIU staff would need to appreciate the differences between teaching in a classroom setting and teaching in a virtual forum.

“You need to realise that you are preparing a lesson that could be accessed long after it has been delivered, because not every student will be available to attend class at conventional hours,” she said.

She added that the university was setting itself up for the possibility of large classes and needed to prepare beforehand.

“The critical issue is for there to be instant attention to all learners. If there is increased enrolment, KIU should consider increasing the number of tutors to handle queries and discussions by students.”

One of the participants in the training, Aaron Kimwise, a lecturer in computer engineering at KIU’s Ishaka campus, commended the move towards e-learning.

“The new e-platform will facilitate my work as a lecturer, since I can reach many more students. It will allow the student, who usually does not speak to chat, online,” he said.

However, Kimwise was cautious, admitting that the initial steps would be difficult.

“Lesson planning will be harder in the initial days [as we get to grips with the basics], but will improve as we get used to it,” he said. “But we are here to embrace the future.”

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Uganda: Luyanzi College starts teaching chinese language, culture

África/Uganda/Mayo 2016/Fuente:TheObserver /Autor:James Ssekandi

Resumen: La enseñanza de la lengua y la cultura china se está extendiendo a más instituciones. El Colegio Luyanzi se convirtió en la primera escuela secundaria en el país para enseñar el idioma y la cultura china. China es el último idioma extranjero introducido en los programas escolares de Uganda.

The teaching of the Chinese language and culture is spreading out, with more institutions adopting the subject.

Last week, Luyanzi College, formerly Progressive SS, became the first secondary school in the country to teach Chinese language and culture. Chinese is the latest foreign language to be introduced in Ugandan school curriculum.

Started by Makerere’s Confucius institute (CI@MAK) last year, the subject is now available to secondary schools. Last week, CI@MAK signed a memorandum of understanding with Luyanzi College, Bweyogerere to teach the subject and form a base for Uganda’s relations with China in education, economy and trade relations.

«It’s no longer a secret, China offers a great ideal of human resource in terms of technology and trade, there is need we interest ourselves in their culture,» said Professor Oswald Ndoleriire, the director of CI@MAK.

He was speaking during a cultural festival at Luyanzi College. Prof Ndoleriire added that these agreements would facilitate the teaching of the Chinese language (Mandarin) in several secondary schools before students are able to join Makerere.

Luyanzi College principal Wang Li Hong said the move would make it possible to focus on research and outreach to help Chinese language students.

«This college has created a history of testing and evaluation, and now, to sign a pact with the CI@MAK in the Chinese domain makes us very, very proud,» she said.

«We are very glad to have become a member of the global Confucius Institute.»

Wang added that Luyanzi and CI@MAK will continue to conduct research on the profits of the Chinese language on the international stage, and collaborate with local schools to develop Chinese-English bilingual education programmes.

For his part, Chinese ambassador to Uganda, Zhao Yali, observed that learning Chinese would help students compete in the global market, with China’s rising economic and social influence.

«It’s important a student or society remains ardent with language; for example, many Chinese investors coming into the region will need Chinese language speakers,» Zhao said.

Earlier, the ambassador excited the gathering by first greeting them in Luganda. So far there are over 200 Chinese firms in Uganda, employing over 30,000 Ugandans.

Edaa Karungi a third-year student at CI@MAK offering bachelors BASS sang the Chinese’s anthem before the festival.

«With Chinese education, the foundation for modernization and development will be boosted further; that’s why there is need of more secondary schools like Luyanzi teaching Chinese,» noted Karungi, a guild president at CI@MAK.

In 2013, Makerere University partnered with Xiangtan University in China to start a Confucius Institute, which offers degree and certificate short courses in the Chinese language and culture.

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Cuba: A propósito de la jornada estudiantil por los 53 años de la Unión Africana

Cuba/13 de Mayo de 2016/Sierra Maestra

El 53 aniversario de la creación de la Organización de la Unidad Africana, hoy Unión Africana, a celebrarse el venidero 25 de mayo, es una fecha trascendental para los jóvenes de diversas nacionalidades que cursan estudios de educación superior en Cuba, quienes realizarán una amplia jornada conmemorativa.

Organizada por el Comité de Estudiantes Africanos en esta ciudad, la celebración comenzará hoy con la Copa Deportiva “Nelson Mandela” -que comprende futbol sala, voleibol y basquetbol- y se extenderá hasta el día 27.

Visitas a diferentes sitios de interés histórico, muestra de cine africano en la Casa del África, varias conferencias magistrales sobre oralidad e influencia de esa nación en la cultura santiaguera, y la intervención social del proyecto Esperanza en el hogar de ancianos “Corazones Contentos” conforman el programa de actividades.

Baile, poesía, trajes y platos típicos serán exhibidos en la exposición “Esta es nuestra África”, a realizarse el día 25 en el parque Serrano desde las 9:00a.m. hasta las 7:00p.m. Como cierre de la jornada está prevista una gran gala cultural el 27, dedicada al 90 cumpleaños de Fidel Castro, cuyo sitio aún no se ha definido.

“Dentro de nuestra unidad, cada país presenta su propia cultura e identidad, entonces realizamos la jornada como motivo de integración, para conocernos mejor y llevar al pueblo santiaguero una pequeña muestra de quiénes somos.”, comentó Pedro Augusto Mussole, Presidente del Comité.

Unos 370 estudiantes africanos residen en la provincia, desde la Universidad de Oriente y la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas se forman como futuros profesionales que servirán en Angola, Nigeria, Guinea, Togo, Guinea Conacri, Guinea Bisau, Namibia, Niguer, Zambia, Madagascar, Djibuti, Uganda, Ghana, Yemen, Tanzania y la República de Arabia Saudita.

Hablan más de 30 dialectos entre todos, aunque sus lenguas oficiales son el inglés, el portugués, el español y el francés indistintamente. Ellos rompen con las barreras culturales e idiomáticas para mostrar que África está aquí.


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