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Las escuelas que atrae a los maestros a Auckland, Nueva Zelanda, al ofrecer alojamiento

Los directores que luchan para llenar los cargos docentes han recurrido a la compra de casas para ofrecerlas al personal como un último intento desesperado para compensar el impacto de la crisis de la vivienda.

Una «tormenta perfecta» ha creado una escasez de enseñanza de la escuela secundaria, exacerbado por los profesores que huyen de la subida de precios de la vivienda en Auckland, dice el director.

Una nueva encuesta de directores encontró que uno de cada 10 escuelas informaron que eran incapaces de cubrir puestos permanentes después de la publicidad. El maestro Western Springs College y miembro de PPTA Melanie Webber dice que la crisis de la vivienda está teniendo un enorme impacto en la escuela .

El promedio de los maestros de la escuela secundaria gana entre $ 46,000 y $ 75,000, pero el precio de casa mediano Auckland es 812.000 $ – cuatro veces el valor de una casa Southland.

El creciente problema ha llevado a los sindicatos de educación y el Ministerio de Educación de unir fuerzas para encontrar soluciones, pero al menos un director está tomando medidas en sus propias manos para combatir la escasez de maestros.

Macleans College de Auckland es la compra de casas en el barrio acomodado de Bucklands Beach, donde el hogar típico se vende por $ 1 millón.

El director de la universidad Byron Bentley dijo que esa «tormenta perfecta» de condiciones, había conducido a una escasez de profesores de enseñanza secundaria.

En un intento por atraer a las aplicaciones, la escuela estaba ofreciendo ayuda para conseguir vivienda y/o alojamientos a los maestros en la escuela.

«Estamos explorando la compra de alquileres para proporcionar un alojamiento asequible para el personal actual y futuro.»anuncio Regeneración

La escuela espera comprar «un par» de viviendas en alquiler a los maestros por debajo de las tasas del mercado en 2017, dijo, sin embargo no se sabía cómo la escuela iba a financiar el plan.

«Estamos sin duda mirarlo y sé un montón de otras escuelas son demasiado porque tenemos que hacerlo.»

Hubo informes de una escuela North Shore considerando un enfoque similar para atraer al personal docente.

Macleans Colegio ya ha anunciado los cargos disponibles para el 2017 – una práctica normalmente se deja hasta el final del año.

Bentley dijo que ocho maestros abandonaron la escuela en los últimos años debido a que tuvieron que desplazarse fuera de Auckland, en vsta al aumento de los precios inmobiliarios.

Para agravar el problema también los está afectando la falta de profesores licenciados en matemáticas y ciencias y la jubilación de los baby boomers que se avecina.

El aumento de la matrícula escolar y un gran número de estudiantes internacionales también aumentó la demanda de los maestros a través de Auckland, dijo.

Actualmente no hay incentivos adicionales para los maestros que trabajan en plazas dificiles de cubrir, o para los que trabajan en la ciudad más poblada del país.

Eso significa que los graduados pueden esperar el mismo salario independientemente de que trabajen en Invercargill o Auckland, a pesar de la enorme brecha en los gastos de alojamiento.

El presidente de la Asociación de directores de eduación secundaria Pasley dijo que la escasez de maestros estaba en el «punto crítico» en Nueva Zelanda.

Los directores les resulta casi imposible encontrar maestros de calidad de la ciencia, las matemáticas, la tecnología y Te Reo Maori, dijo.

Muchas escuelas ya estaban anunciando para 2017.

Había 76 posiciones Auckland anunciados en el Boletín Educación esta semana, sobre todo para los profesores de ciencias y matemáticas en las escuelas secundarias de deciles.

El sindicato de profesorado de secundaria  y la Asociación Primaria Mensaje del Maestro (PPTA) están trabajando con el Ministerio de Educación en un informe sobre la escasez de maestros.

La PPTA ha publicado su propio informe anual en cuestiones de personal basado en una encuesta a los directores, en el cual los maestros que se retiran y los costos de la vivienda en Auckland fueron citados como dos preocupaciones principales para los directores, en vista que muy pocos profesores eran dueños de una casa en el suburbio de Auckland. «Los maestros no pueden realmente permitirse el lujo de vivir en el barrio que enseñan en».

Los profesores licenciados en Auckland a menudo asumen deudas financieras después de graduarse, mientras que los maestros en las ciudades más asequibles guardan el dinero, dijo Webber.

Por su parte, el ministro de Educación Hekia Parata dijo que el Ministerio no tenía constancia de ser abordado  sobre la adquisición de vivienda por MacLeans Colegio.

«Lo que puedo decir es que antes de invertir en activos, se requiere que las juntas escolares demuestren al Ministerio de Educación que no sólo tienen los fondos para la compra de los activos, sino los fondos suficientes para cubrir los costes en curso» , cuidando que la financiación que se les ha provisto a las escuelas, sean utilizadas para la finalidad para la que fue concedida por el Gobierno, dijo.

El Ministerio de Educación instó a los directores que tienen problemas con el reclutamiento de profesores a hablar con ellos.

«Ellos deben ponerse en contacto con nosotros, porque podemos y vamos a ayudar y hemos asistido», dijo la portavoz Lisa Rodgers.


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New Zealand: Budget 2016: The data behind the science and innovation investments Economic Development

Minister Steven Joyce explains the backdrop for allotting $761.4 million towards “Innovative New Zealand”.

Divina Paredes (CIO New Zealand)27 May, 2016 

Resumen: El ministro de Desarrollo Económico  de Nueva Zelanda Steven Joyce señaló que el presupuesto de 2016 contiene la «inversión más grande realizada a la ciencia y la innovación en mucho tiempo». Un paquete de $ 761,4 millones, está orientado hacia el proyecto «Innovador Nueva Zelanda», el cual se centra en el crecimiento del sistema de ciencia, la producción de las habilidades del siglo 21 que Nueva Zelanda necesita, y el fomento de la inversión en innovación y la industria en la región de Nueva Zelanda, dijo Joyce en el foro anual de Grant Thornton. Dicha inversión se desglosa de la siguiente manera: $ 410,5 millones para la ciencia y la innovación, teniendo la inversión anual de la ciencia del Gobierno a US $ 1,6 millones en 2020, $ 256.5 millones para programas de educación terciaria y de aprendizaje más, sobre todo en las áreas de la ciencia, la ingeniería y la agricultura y $ El 94,4 millones para apoyar el desarrollo económico regional con iniciativas para desbloquear las oportunidades de negocio y beneficiar a las comunidades regionales.

Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce says the Budget 2016 contains the “single biggest investment in science and innovation in a long time”.

A package of $761.4 million is geared towards an “Innovative New Zealand”.

Innovative New Zealand focuses on growing our science system, producing the 21st century skills New Zealand needs, and encouraging innovation and industry investment in regional New Zealand, says Joyce at the annual Grant Thornton post-Budget forum.

The investment is broken down into:

  • $410.5 million for science and innovation, taking the Government’s annual science investment to $1.6 billion by 2020.
  • $256.5 million for more tertiary education and apprenticeship programmes, particularly in the areas of science, engineering and agriculture.
  • $94.4 million to support regional economic development with initiatives to unlock business opportunities and benefit regional communities.

«We have been making very good progress as a country since the Global Financial Crisis. We have been the world’s seventh fastest growing developed economy over the past five years,” says Joyce.

“We have seen over 200,000 jobs created in the last three years, record numbers of highly-skilled graduates, and major growth in new and emerging hi-tech sectors like the software services sector.

Anna Curzon of Xero: ‘There has never been a better time to get into STEM (science, technology engineering and maths)’

“Now we need to continue that momentum. This package of initiatives will build on the progress we are making and strengthen the diversification that is occurring across the New Zealand economy.”

He notes while there has been a decline in dairy exports in the previous year, overall exports are up by $2 billion, from $67 billion to $69 billion.

“Diversification is happening in front of our eyes,» he says, referring to the continuous growth of industries like tourism, international education, food export (beef and wine) and ICT software as a service.

His speech also touched on the social investment side of the budget, explaining the approach of “throwing money into the problem” where investment has significant impact.

He explains how this “cross sector approach” using data is applied in education.

Rather than funding schools by decile, the government is matching data from the Ministry of Social Development with the Department of Education and paying according to the number of kids they have that come from benefit dependent households.

There are 100,000 children in the target group who are spending significant time in a benefit dependent household. There will be increased focus on these students most at risk and their outcomes, he states.

The same data driven approach is applied to other areas of public services. For instance, $200 million are allotted for reform of services for vulnerable children and young people; and $50 million will be used to reduce barriers to employment including for people with complex health conditions.

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Nueva Zelanda: KPMG: Maori kids to learn skills of future leaders

Nueva Zelanda: KPMG: Maori kids to learn skills of future leaders

Nueva Zelanda/ Mayo de 2016/Nueva Zelanda Herald

RESUMEN: Los autores Joe Hanita y Riria Te Kanawa de KPMG y Jamie Rihia de ASB, expresaron su preocupación en torno a la educación, en particular, y la medida en la que se fomenta la creatividad, la curiosidad y el descubrimiento personal. El enfoque tradicional ha sido la de pedir a los niños lo que querían hacer y luego ayudarles a adquirir habilidades técnicas para darles la mejor oportunidad de éxito. Ahora esas habilidades técnicas se están volviendo obsoletas debido a la influencia de la automatización, la robótica y la tecnología digital. Muchas de las carreras de hoy van a desaparecer y muchas nuevas funciones surgirán. Nuestra responsabilidad es asegurar que fomentamos características y habilidades blandas en nuestros niños que ayudan a que participen plenamente en una sociedad donde el cambio es la única constante. En pocas palabras, tenemos que evitar caer en la trampa de educar a nuestros hijos para los puestos de trabajo atractivos de la actualidad que bien podría desaparecer mañana.
Maori children need to avoid the trap of being educated for the attractive jobs of today that might not be available tomorrow.
That’s one of the conclusions of Maui Rau, the new report by consultancy firm KPMG. Education is a persistent theme of the report, as it attempts to chart a fresh course for Maori businesses and organisations, reflecting the sentiments and suggestions from a series of hui held across the country with Māori leaders in January and February.
The report, by authors Joe Hanita and Riria Te Kanawa of KPMG and Jamie Rihia of ASB, says: «Contributors expressed concern around education in particular, and the extent to which it fosters creativity, curiosity and self-discovery.»
That was backed up by Ariana Paul and her husband, Tama Potaka, who had concerns about their children’s education three years ago.
«We could see the education system wasn’t getting our kids interested and hooked, particularly around the areas of science and physics and engineering,» Paul recalls.
Talks with family, friends and other parents revealed others shared their concerns; Paul’s research led her to Young Engineers, an international suite of education programmes focusing on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).
Young Engineers is taught in 13 countries and Paul secured the rights to roll it out in New Zealand. With business partner Jeanne Kerr, she also set up a second company, Squiggle, to run school holiday programmes as another way to engage children in educational activities that are fun and interactive.
Paul believes Young Engineers and Squiggle have the potential to have a major impact on the statistics for Maori education, which lag behind those of the general population.
Maui Rau’s authors say achieving Maori aspirations «will require courageous approaches to improving educational attainment» and may involve looking further than the existing school system.
The traditional approach has been to ask children what they wanted to do and then help them to acquire technical skills to give them the best chance of success.
«Now those technical skills are becoming obsolete due to the impact of automation, robotics and digital technology. Many of today’s careers will disappear … and many new roles will emerge.
«Our responsibility is to ensure we foster characteristics and soft skills in our tamariki (children) that help them to participate fully in a society where change is the only constant. Simply put, we need to avoid falling into the trap of educating our children for the attractive jobs of today that might well disappear tomorrow.»
Paul agrees: «All young kids start out with naturally inquisitive minds. But if they become institutionalised by the school system – and this is especially the case with Maori kids – those enquiring minds can be dimmed very quickly.»
In contrast, STEM programmes encourage innovative learning and problem-solving based on real-world applications. According to Paul, those are precisely the skills future leaders will need.
«Research shows we will need more innovative thinkers and people in the science field. We’re going to need these kids to drive our economy forward, so we have to start teaching those skills at a young age.»
Paul and Kerr’s strategy is to use the Squiggle programme as a vehicle to take Young Engineers to their communities. Both businesses are growing steadily; Paul says she and Kerr are now able to relinquish their initial, highly hands-on approach to concentrate on strategic issues.
One is nurturing links between Young Engineers programmes and Maori business. She says there are numerous places for Maori businesses to seek new opportunities, across different sectors, within other iwi, and through global networks.
«For instance, if I’ve got this programme for Young Engineers – and you’re having a problem getting young people into your sector – let’s talk about working together to develop young farmers or environmentalists or whatever it may be.»
«We should also be open and brave enough to explore how we can work with other iwi. A classic example is Ngai Tahu working with Tainui – you would never have thought that would happen 10 or 20 years ago.
Paul says aspiring Maori businesses must think globally and connect with those living around the world – a thought echoed by the report’s authors.
«As the Maori Diaspora continues,» the report says, «cities, both within Aotearoa and overseas, are likely to be hotbeds of additional tribal talent. Engaging with this group to drive positive tribal outcomes is something to consider seriously and plan for now.»
Por: nzherald

Photo / Supplied


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Nueva Zelanda: Principals react with mixture of cautious optimism and concern to Budget 2016


Nueva Zelanda/Por: Daisy Hudson/May 27, 2016

RESUMEN: Los presupuestos de funcionamiento de la escuela al sur de Canterbury se congelarán para orientar la financiación hacia los estudiantes en desventaja. Un aumento de fondos para el sector de la educación fue uno de los artículos de precio elevado en el presupuesto. La noticia ha sido recibida con cauto optimismo por un director  al Sur de Canterbury, mientras que otro expresaron preocupación por la falta de financiación adicional para los presupuestos de las operaciones de escuela.
South Canterbury school operating budgets will be frozen to target funding towards disadvantaged students.

A funding boost for the education sector was one of the big ticket items in a Budget that provided few major surprises.

However targeting children at the greatest risk of under-achieving was the main focus of the funding, while the majority of schools will receive nothing extra in their day-to-day funding.

The news has been greeted with cautious optimism by one South Canterbury principal, while another raised concerns about a lack of extra funding for school operations budgets.

Timaru Girls’ High School principal Sarah Davis said an increase in funding for the special education Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS), which will get an extra $16.5 million over the next four years, was «great».

The additional funding means the total number of children on the scheme will rise to 8600.

It was a «really rigorous» process to get ORS funding for students, and Davis hoped the new funding would mean students who really needed the assistance would be able to get it.

However, details about just how the funding would impact schools in South Canterbury were still vague, she said.

South Canterbury Primary Principals Association president Jane Culhane said schools were already struggling to meet the demands on their budgets, and no additional funding for operations budgets was not ideal.

«We were hoping there were going to be some signs of moving forwards.»

The increased ORS funding was pleasing, she said.

Rangitata MP Jo Goodhew said she had been visiting schools recently and heard they wanted more funding for at-risk students. She said a $43 million spend in coming years «answers their plea in that respect».


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Nueva Zelanda: La emotiva Haka de unos estudiantes en el funeral de su profesor

Nueva Zelanda/ 16 de Mayo de 2016/Universia

Alumnos del Palmerston North Boys’ High School rindieron un especial homenaje a su querido profesor

Durante casi 30 años, Dawson Tamatea fue profesor de matemáticas y educación física en el Palmerston North Boys’ High School en  Nueva Zelanda. Este padre, esposo y profe se durmió en su cama una noche y nunca más despertó. Tenía 55 años.

Sus alumnos y compañeros quisieron rendirle un emotivo homenaje cuando el coche fúnebre entró en las inmediaciones de su colegio, lugar donde se iba a instalar la capilla ardiente.

Esta tradicional danza de guerra Maorí se ha convertido en viral por su fuerza, su sentimiento y su respeto. Sin duda, Dawson debía de ser un magnífico profesor.


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Nueva Zelanda: A day in the digital life of teenagers

Nueva Zelanda: A day in the digital life of teenagers

Nueva Zelanda/mayo de 2016/

Resumen: Cada generación de jóvenes evoca un nuevo temor en la conciencia pública: donde antes era el rock ‘n’ roll, hoy en día la preocupación es que las vidas de los adolescentes están dominados por los medios digitales. La preocupación es que el diluvio digital puede afectar su capacidad de aprender, conversar, deletrear, y más. ¿No tienen tiempo para las pausadas conversaciones cara a cara, para pasar tiempo con la familia, o incluso para una buena noche de sueño, el cual es interrumpido por la brillante pantalla de un teléfono inteligente?
Pasé un año con una clase de jóvenes de 13 años de edad para averiguar. Este año de trabajo de campo significaba pasar tiempo con ellos en la escuela, en casa, con los amigos y en línea. En lugar de preocuparme por su bienestar, me encontré animada de lo bien que manejan la enorme afluencia de dispositivos digitales y contenidos que ahora llenan sus vidas. Esta visión de la vida de 28 adolescentes revela cómo es de diversa sus vidas y sus enfoques. Hay muchas razones para esto, pero cuanto más sabemos acerca de la vida de los adolescentes, más claro se ve que los jóvenes no estan más interesados en estar constantemente conectados con los adultos que los rodean. Lo que quieren es tener la opción de cuándo y dónde para desconectarse, a menudo, del mundo conflictivo de los adultos en el que se encuentran.

With each generation the public consciousness conjures up a new fear for our youth: where once it was rock ‘n’ roll, today the concern is that teenagers’ lives are dominated by digital media.
The worry is that the digital deluge may affect their capacity to learn, to converse, to spell, and more besides. Have they no time for the leisurely face-to-face conversations of old, for spending time with family, or even for a good night’s sleep uninterrupted by the glowing screen of a smartphone? I spent a year with a class of 13-year-olds to find out.
This year of fieldwork meant spending time with them at school, at home, with friends and online. Rather than concern for their welfare, I found myself encouraged at how well they managed the huge influx of digital devices and content that now fill their lives.
Writing up my research findings and thoughts in The Class: Living and Learning in the Digital Age, I found what teenagers wish for most is control over how they spend their time and with whom – not just to use digital media for its own sake.

At school
Arriving at school in the morning was stressful as the teenagers made the transition from sleepiness and comfort at home to being on full alert and constrained by the stringent rules of school. One teenager, Fesse, was usually late – partly because he played Xbox till late into the night and partly because he relied on his older sister to chivvy him out of the house each morning. Another, Salma, arrived neat and calm, having texted her friends early to synchronise walking to school together, chatting all the way.
For much of the day the class faced the smart whiteboard at the front, through which teachers integrated YouTube clips and other electronic resources into their lessons. It’s clear that teachers are still working out how to do this and what the value might be. We witnessed a fair number of struggles to make the technology work, or sometimes to engage pupils with digital media in the classroom. For instance, the teaching of music technology at school didn’t really build on Fesse or Giselle’s enthusiastic experimentation with music in their leisure time.
More successful was the routine use of SIMS, the school’s information management system, in which students’ attendance or absence, good or bad behaviour, grades and progress were recorded by teachers throughout the day.
In-between times
Let’s face it, it’s not only teenagers that can’t put their phones down. WhisperToMe
The walk home from school turned out to be a significant moment for the teenagers – a relaxed time in between one thing and another, away from adult scrutiny. It was often the last chance to talk to friends face-to-face before returning home – where the teenagers would reconnect online. They liked to stretch this journey out, unwinding from the demanding rhythm of the school day. While their phones were in hand frequently checking for messages and sharing updates and jokes, the point was to spend time together, face to face.
At home
Homework was often accompanied by Facebook, partly as a distraction and partly for summoning help from friends. Some became quickly absorbed in computer games. Nick played with the schoolmates he had spent all day with, Adam with people from the online multi-player game in which he could adopt an identity he felt was truly himself. Giselle, meanwhile, played with friends and family in the incredibly popular world of Minecraft.
Abby’s lively family enveloped her in a world of talk against a constand backdrop of music playing. Megan worked on creating her private online space in Tumblr – hours passing by unnoticed. Max, Jenna and Alice would gather at Alice’s house to chat, mess around and talk about Harry Potter. Shane would cycle out on his bike whenever he could.
Each found themselves drawn, to varying degrees, into their parents’ efforts to gather as a family, at supper, through shared hobbies, looking after pets, or simply chatting in front of the television – albeit each with phones or tablets at the ready – before peeling off in separate directions.
Switching on and off – as they choose
This insight into the lives of 28 teenagers reveals how diverse their lives and approaches are. While most possess phones and use Facebook, they use them differently to pursue different interests, sometimes deployed to connect with others and sometimes to tune them out. There are many reasons for this, but the more we know about teenagers’ lives the clearer it becomes that young people are no more interested in being constantly plugged in than are the adults around them. What they want is to have the choice of when and where to disconnect from the often rulebound and conflicted world of grown-ups they find themselves in.
Digital devices and the uses they put them to have become teenagers’ way of asserting their agency – a shield from bossy parents or annoying younger siblings or seemingly critical teachers, a means to connect with sympathetic friends or catching up with ongoing peer «drama». In fact the overriding importance of agency to teenagers is shown in the way they avoid the growing digital embrace of their schools – teachers’ use of digital media in class or email or the internet to contact them at home is met with whispers and even slower walks home, so as to extract the maximum time spent with friends and unobserved by adults.
As adults and parents, we might spend less time worrying about what they get up to as teenagers and more time with them, discussing the challenges that lie ahead for them as adults in an increasingly connected world.
Sonia Livingstone


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Nueva Zelanda: Classy additions to North Canterbury schools

Nueva Zelanda: Classy additions to North Canterbury schools

Nueva Zelanda/mayo de 2016/NZ News Suk

RESUMEN: Corbel, una empresa con sede en Christchurch, tiene una larga y exitosa asociación con el Ministerio y está trabajando en una serie de proyectos en las escuelas. Las reformas tienen por objeto asegurar que las escuelas tengan entornos de aprendizaje seguros y estimulantes y sean capaces de adaptarse al crecimiento actual y futuro. El trabajo en la escuela municipal Rangiora, tiene una tirada de alrededor de 560 estudiantes, se extiende la construcción de cuatro nuevas aulas, la sustitución de un bloqueo permanente de seis aulas y la adición de dos salones móviles. Oxford escuela del área, con alrededor de 530 estudiantes, se beneficiará de seis nuevas aulas y dos nuevos edificios reubicables, mientras que Ashgrove con alrededor de 515 estudiantes está en la línea de tres nuevas aulas y cinco salones móviles adicionales. Southbrook, la más pequeña de las escuelas con un rollo de alrededor de 350, recibe cuatro nuevos espacios docentes, dos nuevas aulas y un nuevo edificio de administración de la escuela y la biblioteca.

As modern learning goes these are all about the use of flexible learning spaces, a central feature of the Ministry of Education’s $16 million upgrade programme at four north Canterbury schools.
With Corbel Construction having already commenced work at Oxford Area, Rangiora Borough, Ashgrove and Southbrook schools, more than 2,000 children and teachers are looking forward to testing out the new layouts from first term 2017.
Work on the Rangiora Borough School, which has a roll of around 560 students, extends to the construction of four new classrooms, the replacement of a six-classroom permanent block and the addition of two relocatable classrooms. Oxford Area School, with around 530 students, will benefit from six new classrooms and two new relocatable buildings, while Ashgrove with around 515 students is in line for three new classrooms and five additional relocatable classrooms. Southbrook, the smallest of the schools with a roll of around 350, gets four new teaching spaces, two new classrooms and a new school administration building and library.
The refurbishments are intended to ensure schools have ‘fit for purpose’, safe and inspiring learning environments and are able to accommodate current and future growth.
Corbel managing director Craig Jones says the project is progressing well across all four sites with demolition work able to be completed during the last holiday period. “All four of these projects overlap school terms so our overriding focus is on ensuring safety and minimising disruption.”
Jones says this extends to use of separate entrances, no deliveries during drop off and pick up times and strict adherence to local noise control regulations. “Our project team also communicates regularly with the school principals and other stakeholders so everybody is aware of progress. Where feasible and safe, we like to bring the kids into the construction area, using assembly areas with child friendly hoardings. This not only shows them what we’re doing and what their new school will look like, but links back to the parents and the community.”
Corbel, a Christchurch based company, has a long and successful association with the Ministry and is working on a number of projects in the Christchurch Schools Rebuild Programme. This includes the $5 million refurbishment of Shirley Primary School.

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