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Papua nueva Guinea: Student protest turned violent in Port Moresby

Papua nueva Guinea: Student protest turned violent in Port Moresby

Papua Nueva guinea/junio de 2016/ Papua nueva guinea education news

Resumen: Una marcha prevista para el parlamento por estudiantes de la Universidad de Papua Nueva Guinea se convirtió, este miércoles pasado en volátil, cuando la policía disparó varios tiros y varios estudiantes resultaron críticamente heridos y algunos transeúntes. La escena se volvió caótica cuando los disparos de fuego de la policía, incluyendo el gas lacrimógeno para dispersar a la multitud. Según testigos, la policía disparó un tiro en el aire y la siguiente a la multitud de estudiantes para dispersarlos. Varios estudiantes resultaron heridos al siguiente disparo, y posteriormente fueron trasladados al hospital Gerehu y el Hospital General de Port Moresby.

A planned march to parliament by students from the University of Papua New Guinea turned volatile yesterday morning when police fired several shots and critically wounded several students and few bystanders.

Protesting students defied police orders when their crowd was restrained against the march at the main gate of the university. The scene became chaotic when police fire shots including tear gas to disperse the crowd.

According to eye witnesses, police fired one shot in the air and the next one at the crowd of students to disperse them. The next shot injured several students, who were later rushed to Gerehu hospital and Port Moresby General Hospital.

Immediately after students were pushed back into campus by police as all gates leading into the premier university were closed. Some students managed to make it out from the back gates through the university residential area. Continuous gun shots followed after as students fled.

Two female students, a bystander and a 16 year male primary school student were also injured during a later shootout at back of the university and at Morata.

A student in the crowd described the situation as complete chaos. During the confrontation, a police vehicle was damaged and windscreens smashed.

Panic stricken parents raced to the Waigani Primary, just behind the university to remove students out of the school as several gun shots were heard further into Morata.

Gerehu hospital managed 18 cases and referred five patients to Port Moresby General Hospital.

This paper witnessed a fleeing student shot at the university staff residential area transported by the university security guards to the hospital.

According to a senior clinician with Port Moresby General Hospital emergency department, four of those five are students, seriously injured with bullet wound to the head, and another with bullet wound to the chest. Two had major injuries to the blood vessels and nerve injuries to left elbow.

Most of the students were treated and dismissed with minor injuries.

Late yesterday, in a press conference, police commissioner Gari Baki said an immediate investigation will be carried out after police receive medical reports from the hospital.

“It’s an unfortunate that students have been injured during the incident,” the commissioner said.

Commissioner Baki also cautioned media to report facts on the current issue.

Mr Baki said what has transpired at the university has gone beyond. He said students have come out of the university campus into the public domain and were confronted by police.

“If we had sufficient man power, we would have arrested all students,”

The commission said it was time to question the integrity of the current situation.

He said police will be out on full force today. Post Courier / PNG Education news


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Papua Nueva Guinea: wants semester back

Papua Nueva Guinea: wants semester back

Papua Nueva Guinea/Junio de 2016/Papua Nueva Guinea Education news

Resumen: Ministro de Educación Superior Malakai Tabar dice que el (UPNG) Claustro de la Universidad de Papua Nueva Guinea está trabajando en la mejor manera de traer de vuelta el primer semestre e iniciar el segundo semestre en la fecha prevista.
Tabar dijo esto durante el turno de preguntas en el Parlamento ayer al tiempo que responde a la oposición adjunto . la pregunta de líder Sam albahaca si se eliminaran los dos semestres de este año académico

HIGHER Education Minister Malakai Tabar says the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) senate is working on how best to bring back the first semester and start the second semester on schedule.
Tabar said this during question time in Parliament yesterday while responding to deputy opposition leader Sam Basil’s question if the two semesters for this academic year were removed.
Basil said this was the concern for most parents.
Tabar said: “Semester one is on suspension but they (UPNG) senate) will bring it back.
“They (senate) need to organise themselves, within the university and various lecturers and groups to look at what they need to do remedial work on and then, they need to bring back semester.
“The students until now have no plans to return to classes, so semester one I can say, the university’s senate has met and suspended it, meaning they need to reorganise it for university to look at what they can do to save the different schools and faculties.
“Senate or academic board is an important group of people who need to decide on the future of the academic programmes at the university or institutions.
“The awareness and what goes on Facebook by faceless people is before the courts. “There is a court order. Tomorrow, court will hear this issue.
“If we go and ask them to interpret the law on the role of the senate, we are prolonging the schedule to complete and bring back the first semester.
“Parents, university (UPNG) has responsibility to look after the academic programmes for students. We cannot disturb it for our children but if only the students can listen and go back to school.
“Semester two is still there, we don’t want to derail it and bring it to Christmas. That is a time for break. We would want to finish semester two on the right schedule.”
Tabar said the students at the PNG University of Technology (Unitech) had promised to return to classes this week. He also said Sir Nagora Bogan remained chancellor of Unitech despite speculations on social media that he had been removed.


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Papua Nueva Guinea: Mass withdrawal of PNG University students imminent

Papua Nueva Guinea: Mass withdrawal of PNG University students imminent

Papua Nueva Guinea/mayo de 2016/One Papua Nueva Guinea

Resumen: estudiantes que protestaban de la Universidad de Papua Nueva Guinea, que suman cerca de 5.000 han dado a la Administración y el vicerrector, 24 horas de reembolso de sus Semestre 2 reintegro de las cuotas de la escuela y proporcionar sus entradas para regresar a sus provincias de origen. Ahora han amenazado con una retirada masiva que comienza hoy y se destacan sus jardines y la petición. Esto sigue a otra llamada desde el vicerrector ayer a las 4 pm para los estudiantes que regresan a la clase de hoy. Los estudiantes se han negado a boicotear las clases y volverán a ser abordado por la VC hoy
Protesting students of UPNG, numbering close to 5,000 have given the Administration and the Vice Chancellor, 24 hours to reimburse their Semester 2 school fee refunds and provide their tickets to return to their home provinces. They have now threatened a mass withdrawal commencing today and still stand their grounds and petition. This follows another call from the Vice Chancellor yesterday at 4pm for the students to return to class TODAY. The students have refused to boycott classes and will again be addressed by the VC today



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Papua Nueva Guinea: University Senate rejects students’ protest request

Papua Nueva Guinea: University Senate rejects students’ protest request

Papua Nueva Guines/ Mayo de 2016/ Papua Nueva Guinea Education News

Resumen: El Senado Académico de la Universidad de Papua Nueva Guinea ha rechazado la solicitud de los estudiantes a boicotear las clases. Rector Prof. Albert Mellam dijo en una conferencia de prensa que la decisión del Senado fue en relación a dos cuestiones – el libre flujo de las actividades académicas y los derechos de cada estudiante a que asista a clases con poca perturbación o intimidación. el senado académico es la autoridad suprema que preside los asuntos académicos de la universidad.

THE University of Papua New Guinea academic senate has rejected the students’ request to boycott classes.
Vice-chancellor Prof Albert Mellam told a press conference yesterday afternoon that the senate’s decision was in relation to two issues – free flow of academic activities and the rights of every student to attend classes with little disruption or intimidation.
The academic senate is the supreme authority that presides over the academic affairs of the university.
“After lengthy discussions and careful considerations of those two issues, the senate resolved to reject the petition by the students to cancel classes yesterday and to suspend academic activities of this university for an indefinite period,” Mellam said.
Executive dean of the School of Law Prof Mange Matui said the senate was also concerned it was three weeks away from first semester exams and it wanted to see the academic programmes delivered as scheduled.
“The university administration through the SRC has communicated that we are on the 11th week.
“We only have about three to four weeks before the semester ends and we cannot disrupt the academic activities of the university,” Matui said.
Mellam and Matui urged students to return to classes.
“There are academic consequences. Senate will obviously meet, we are monitoring the situation on a daily basis, and there are disruptions to the academic activities.
“When senate meets, it will take its decision on the next course of action based on the faculty boards that make up the different faculties,” Mellam said.
It is understood he gave approval for a forum last Wednesday for students to discuss and debate issues of interest to the student population.
However, the students sought endorsement to have a forum on matters that were outside of the university and on Monday demanded that classes be suspended indefinitely. Students were understood to have waited at the forum square yesterday morning for an address by the vice-chancellor.
By 4pm, they deserted the forum square as Mellam tried to address them following the senate’s decision.
Mellam said the senate would assess the situation over the next few days and possibly meet on Friday for further deliberation.
Meanwhile, SRC president Kenneth Rapa told the media that he had conveyed the senate’s decision, but it was the students’ decision to continue the boycott.


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Papua Nueva Guinea: Students to experience Indonesian culture

Papua Nueva Guinea: Students to experience Indonesian culture

Papua Nueva Guinea/Abril de 2016/The Nacional

Resumen: dos estudiantes guineanos van a vivir con una familia de Indonesia durante dos semanas para experimentar su cultura.
TWO Papua New Guinean students will live with an Indonesian family for two weeks to experience their culture.
A total of 10 students from St Joseph International College and the Institute of Christian Academy sat for a Bahasha test at the Indonesian Embassy to qualify for the event.
“The event is to promote Indonesian culture for children in secondary schools in different countries,” Indonesia Embassy official Dr Sedercor Melatunan said.
“One girl and one boy will be selected to be in Indonesia for about seven days.
“They will be living with an Indonesian family, who were already selected in terms of their Bahasha, living standard and understanding of Indonesian culture.”
The two Papua New Guinean students will join others from Australia, Brunei, Darussalam, Laos, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Fiji, India, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam.
Institute of Christian Academy principal Richard Lan said Bahasha was an elective to their normal courses and was introduced this year.
“We have now slotted Bahasha which is taught for 40 minutes on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays,” he said. “Now we are offering it as an elective for Grades 8 to 12.
“We want our students to be exposed to different cultures so they easily fit into (them).”
International Christian Academy school captain Cassandra Cullen said Bahasha was easy to learn and students were excited to learn it as it was new to them.

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Papua Nueva Guinea: Education Sector facing challenges, Kondra says

Papua Nueva Guinea: Education Sector facing challenges, Kondra says

Papua Nueva Guinea/Abril de 2016/Papua Nueva Guinea Education News

Resumen: El Secretario de Educación Dr. Uke Kombra dice que hay muchas demandas y desafíos que enfrenta el sistema de educación, pero su éxito depende de un buen liderazgo.
ACTING Education secretary Dr Uke Kombra says there are many demands and challenges facing the education system but its success depends on good leadership.
He was addressing provincial education advisers and standard officers in Port Moresby during the joint national rating of teachers.
“We are at the cross road. We are now faced with demands that we have never experienced before from the public, from leaders, from parents and from students,” Kombra said.
He said the demand for education for every child and quality education and training for all were challenges faced.
He said therefore, the education system had been reformed and policies changed to survive in the globalised era.
“As we face this globalised world – a world that we have to compete with not only in Papua New Guinea but in every other country – we relook at our policies, practices so that we are empowered with what’s happening in PNG and in rest of the world.
“Therefore, we are continuously looking at ways of how we can reform and change our education system so that we can survive. Some of the reforms we are undertaking are small but there are also major reforms so that we can compete and survive in the globalised world.”
He said teachers were not there only to teach but also to be leaders.


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Papua Nueva Guinea: Collaborative support to build new Western Pacific university

Papua Nueva Guinea: Collaborative support to build new Western Pacific university

Papua Nueva Guinea/Abril de 2016/Papua Nueva Guinea Education News

Resumen: La creación de la Universidad del Pacífico Occidental en Ialibu en la Sierra Sur es un importante desarrollo que está comenzando una nueva era y el pueblo y el Gobierno provincial tomará posesión y apoyarlo
THE establishment of the Western Pacific University at Ialibu in the Southern Highlands is an important development that is beginning of a new era and the people and the provincial Government will take ownership and support it.

Speaking during the launching of the construction of the University by the Minister for Higher Education Science and technology Malakai Tabar on Tuesday Southern Highlands Governor William Powi and the Ialibu town Lord Mayor Jacob Iki said that the Government and the people are behind the establishment of the university.

Governor Powi said the university is a big thing for the province, the country and in the region where the Government will put up several major infrastructures.

He said the Provincial Government, the district development authority, the landowners and the National Government have all agreed and the university will kick off.

“On behalf of the people and the Southern Highlands provincial Government and for as long as I’m Governor, whatever partnership we go into with the Western Pacific University Board of Governance and Provincial Government to support university will honour and I assure the Minister,” he said.

He said the Southern Highlands provincial government has already made several decisions as preparatory work like the upgrading of the Paunda hydro plant from 3 kilowatts to 12 kilowatts and the recruitment of police manpower to address law and order and making the community a conducive environment for foreigners to come and live, work and study.

He said although it is a National Government project, the provincial government is committed and will support with resources to make the university as reality as he see the project as an important development that will bring more benefits to the people, the province and the country.

“Whatever we can do we will do it as long as it is within our capabilities,” he said. Ialibu Town Lord Mayor Jacob Iki said there is a lot of benefit that will come in the future will the establishment of the university.

“I want to assure the Government that the landowners and the people will not disrupt the project. We want the university to kick off. I also want to assure you all that we the people of Ialibu Pangia will work together for the university to become a reality,” he said.

Ialibu Pangia District Development Authority CEO Ron Yamuna said as a principal landowner he supports the project and therefore want to be the first person to sign the deed of release for the construction to start.

Source: Post Courier

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