Papua Nueva Guinea: Students to experience Indonesian culture

Papua Nueva Guinea: Students to experience Indonesian culture

Papua Nueva Guinea/Abril de 2016/The Nacional

Resumen: dos estudiantes guineanos van a vivir con una familia de Indonesia durante dos semanas para experimentar su cultura.
TWO Papua New Guinean students will live with an Indonesian family for two weeks to experience their culture.
A total of 10 students from St Joseph International College and the Institute of Christian Academy sat for a Bahasha test at the Indonesian Embassy to qualify for the event.
“The event is to promote Indonesian culture for children in secondary schools in different countries,” Indonesia Embassy official Dr Sedercor Melatunan said.
“One girl and one boy will be selected to be in Indonesia for about seven days.
“They will be living with an Indonesian family, who were already selected in terms of their Bahasha, living standard and understanding of Indonesian culture.”
The two Papua New Guinean students will join others from Australia, Brunei, Darussalam, Laos, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Fiji, India, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam.
Institute of Christian Academy principal Richard Lan said Bahasha was an elective to their normal courses and was introduced this year.
“We have now slotted Bahasha which is taught for 40 minutes on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays,” he said. “Now we are offering it as an elective for Grades 8 to 12.
“We want our students to be exposed to different cultures so they easily fit into (them).”
International Christian Academy school captain Cassandra Cullen said Bahasha was easy to learn and students were excited to learn it as it was new to them.

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