South Sudan’s main public university lecturers halt strike

Africa/Sudan del Sur/03 de Julio de 2016/Fuente: Sudan Tribune

RESUMEN: Los profesores de las cinco universidades públicas de Sudán del Sur han anunciado detener una huelga tras recibir garantías por parte del gobierno a sus demandas ya que serían satisfechas a su debido tiempo. Phili Apolo, Presidente del Profesorado de la Universidad de Juba, y el portavoz de la coalición de profesores de las cinco universidades públicas dijo a la prensa el sábado que la decisión fue tomada en la reunión de la asamblea general celebrada el jueves para examinar los progresos realizados en las demandas. Apolo acusó recibo de los salarios durante dos meses y se comprometió a pagar los derechos de emisión restantes en cuotas. Sin embargo, él dijo que se debe reanudar al incumplir  el gobierno. Apolo pidió a todos los estudiantes de las cinco universidades públicas para asistir a conferencias y pidió a la administración de las instituciones de educación superior afectadas en el país para ajustar sus calendarios y horarios para cubrir el tiempo perdido debido a la huelga.

July 2, 2016 (JUBA) – Lecturers of the five public universities in South Sudan have announced halting a strike after receiving assurances from the government their demands would be met in due course.

Philip Finish Apollo, Chairperson of the Teaching Staff at the University of Juba and the spokesperson of the coalition of lecturers from the five public universities told reporters on Saturday that the decision was made at the general assembly meeting held on Thursday to review progress made on demands.

Apollo acknowledged the receipt of the salaries for two months and promised to pay the remaining allowances in instalments. He however said they would resume should the government renege.

“It was decided in the general assembly meeting held on Thursday to halt the strike temporary», said Apollo.

«They (officials from ministries of finance and higher education) promised that they will pay us in instalments. So the general assembly agreed to lift the strike from today up to the end of September,” he further said.

Apollo called on all students of the five public universities to attend lectures and asked the administration of the affected higher learning institutions in the country to adjust their calendars and timetables to cover the time lost due to strike.

The decision to call off the strike followed a call by the heads of schools from the University of Juba, the lead university in the country, on lecturers to end the strike, saying it was no longer justifiable after salaries for the months of March, April and May were paid.



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