Algeria: Algerian Graduation Projects Get 3D Printed in GE Garages

Africa/Argeria/Julio de 2016/All Africa

Resumen: En la industria manufacturera, que es esencial para crear prototipos de nuevos productos, dispositivos o piezas de equipo antes de producir en una escala más grande o para su aplicación definitiva. Así los estudiantes argelinos en Argel estuvieron emocionados por la posibilidad de imprimir en 3D sus proyectos de graduación en un taller de GE Garajes en Argelia.

In manufacturing, it’s essential to prototype new products, devices or pieces of equipment before producing it on a larger scale or for final implementation. So Algerian students in Algiers were excited by the opportunity to 3D print their graduation projects at a GE Garages workshop in Algiers.
Located at the Sylabs co-working space , the GE Garages features 3D printers and laser cutters, technologies at the heart of faster, leaner, more “democratic” production that reduces the cost and time involved in prototyping. This not only improves the entire creative process of production but also enables micro-factories and artisanal, small-scale manufacturers.
Jointly launched by GE and Sylabs, the program for the university students is called “Prototype It.” Eight student projects have been selected for printing at the GE Garages. They include a project that took 30 hours to print: a robotic operating system for a drone.
An open house for also was part of the Prototype It program. More than 50 people participated, gaining hands-on experience with Advanced Manufacturing technologies such as 3D printing and laser cutting.

This program supports the broader objective of the GE Garages at Sylabs to support Algeria’s start-ups and entrepreneurs, foster innovation and build the “maker” community in the country. This helps drive growth in the small and medium enterprise sector and nurtures the local supply chain. Alongside GE Garages, a key element of GE’s activities in this sphere includes the I.D.E.A. (Industry and Entrepreneurship Development in Algeria) initiative that GE runs in partnership with Sonelgaz, Algeria’s National Electricity and Gas Company.
Two other student graduation projects also have been printed. They include a robotic arm with a six-degrees-of-freedom servo motor controlled via a telephone Arduino tablet and Bluetooth module, and a small-scale model of the Whisper 100 wind turbine, a full-sized version of which is operating on the campus.
Sylabs nurtures Algerian start-ups, not only with workspace and rapid-prototyping opportunities, but also by hosting workshops and conferences to stimulate creativity and promote skills development, as well as simply offering a place where entrepreneurs can meet, collaborate and connect.
GE has been a partner to the Algerian economy and its national development for more than five decades in electricity and water, oil and gas, healthcare, aviation and transportation.
This article first appeared on GE Hewar Blog


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