Zimbabwe: ‘We Want Jobs Mugabe’ – Student Arrested During Graduation Protest

Zimbabwe/07 de Noviembre de 2016/Allafrica

Resumen: Otro estudiante ha sido arrestado en una ceremonia de graduación en Zimbabwe por decirle al presidente Robert Mugabe «Queremos empleos», ha anunciado el sindicato de estudiantes principales.

Another student has been arrested at a graduation ceremony in Zimbabwe for telling President Robert Mugabe «We want jobs», the main students’ union has announced.

The Zimbabwe National Students’ Union said in a tweet that the man was arrested on Friday at the National University of Science and Technology in Bulawayo for «raising a placard as students fight for their future ,with bleak employment opportunities.»

The student has been named as Advance Musoke.

There are separate claims he shouted at Mugabe, 92, who was at the ceremony to cap graduands.

 Discontent is rising in Zimbabwe amid cash shortages, massive unemployment and the Mugabe government’s resolute refusal to back down on bond notes, a surrogate currency that many fear will bring back the hyperinflation and shortages last seen in the pre-2008 crisis. Street protests – a regular occurrence in August and early September – have largely petered out.

In September, student Tonderai Dombo was arrested at a graduation ceremony at the main University of Zimbabwe in Harare for holding up a placard demanding jobs. He was later released – but then summoned to a disciplinary hearing by the university.

«I foresee graduation ceremonies being banned,» tweeted one Zimbabwean.

Fuente:  http://allafrica.com/stories/201611050002.html

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